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FBI Evidence Proves Oswald's Ammunition was not Capable of Sufficient Accuracy to Kill JFK
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Marc Ellis Wrote:FWIW Robert, I mentioned your work and linked this thread at Jefferson Morley's The thread there is about important NEW evidence in the JFK assassination. Of course this isn't exactly 'new' evidence. But it seems your new work on this old evidence has the potential to be very important. It could possibly exclude the M/C as the murder weapon - using the FBI's own evidence and calculations.

Thank you Marc. I have tended to shy away from this site, as it allows the presence of John McAdams, and several other disinfo agents. Life is too short to be spent debating those who are well paid not to see your point of view. However, I am grateful to you for linking to this thread, as I believe the open minded will recognize the truth when they see it, and spreading the word is the only weapon we have.

It's hard to over-state the importance of - as Drew Phipps said - of ruling out the possibility that CE399 was fired from the MC. Few if any of us think CE399 struck JFK anyway. But to come at it from a different angle and to rule out the MC rifle as being able to fire that round with any accuracy - could be historic.

There is work to be done of course - someone - probably in the US - needs to get a hold of some of those rare rounds and test the effect on accuracy under controlled conditions. I don't know much about ballistics and I know nothing about rifling patterns. But even I can see the potential here.

Messages In This Thread
FBI Evidence Proves Oswald's Ammunition was not Capable of Sufficient Accuracy to Kill JFK - by Marc Ellis - 02-05-2014, 10:12 PM

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