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The Zapatistas’ First School Opens for Session
New publication: Rebeldía Zapatista: The Voice of the EZLN

March 1, 2014

Editorial by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés for the first edition Rebeldía Zapatista (Zapatista Rebellion), the Word of the EZLN

We rebellious Zapatistas, along with our mother earth, are threatened with destruction in our Mexican homeland. Both above and below the earth's surface, the bad governments and bad rich people, all neoliberal capitalists, want to commodify everything they see.

They want to own everything.

They are destructive, they are murderers, criminals, rapists. They are cruel and inhuman, they torture and disappear people, and they are corrupt. They are every bad thing you can imagine, they do not care about humanity. They are, in fact, inhuman.

They are few, but they decide everything about how they will dominate countries that let themselves be dominated. They have made underdeveloped countries into their plantations, and made the underdeveloped capitalist so-called governments of those countries into their overseers.

This is what has happened in Mexico. The neoliberal transnational corporations are the bosses, their plantation is called Mexico, the current overseer is named Enrique Peña Nieto, the administrators are 
Manuel Velasco in Chiapas and the other so-called state governors, and the badly named municipal "presidents" are the foremen.

This is why we rose up against this system at dawn on January 1, 1994.

For 30 years we have been constructing what we think is a better way to live, and what we have built is available for the people of Mexico and of the world to see. It is humble but healthily determined by tens of thousands of men and women who decide together how we want to autonomously govern ourselves.

Nothing hides what we do, what we want, what we seek; it is all visible.

The bad government on the other hand, that is, the three bad powers-that-be and the capitalist system, does everything behind the people's back.

We are sharing our humble idea of the new world that we imagine and desire with compañeros and compañeras from Mexico and all over the world.

That is why we decided to have the Zapatista Little School.

The Little School is about freedom and the construction of a new world different from that of the neoliberal capitalists.

In addition, it is the people themselves, that is, the bases of support, who are sharing these ideas, not just their representatives. These people, not their representatives, are the ones who will say if they are doing well or if the way that they are organized is working well. That way others can see if things are really like the people's representatives say they are.

This great "sharing" between all of us, compañeros from the city and the countryside, is necessary because we are the ones who must think about how the world we want should be. It can't just be our representatives or leaders who think about and decide how that world should be, and they certainly can't be the ones who say how we are doing as an organization. It is the people, the base, who must speak to this.

You can tell us if this has helped those who attended.

As you will read in the writings in this edition of our magazine REBELDÍA ZAPATISTA, this process has helped the compañeros and compañeras who are bases of support to meet good people from other parts of Mexico and all over the world. This is important because in Mexico there is no government that recognizes the indigenous people in this country. The government only remembers them come election time, as if they were electoral paraphernalia.

It is only through organization and struggle that the bases of support have defended themselves for 30 years now.

The bases of support have done everything possible, and everything that seemed impossible, over these 30 years and this is what they are sharing.

We worked to create the Little School so that the words of the compañeras and compañeros who are Zapatista bases of support could reach much further. With the Little School, their voices carry thousands and thousands of kilometers, not like our bullets on January 1, 1994, that only went 50 meters, or 100 meters, and maybe some 300 or 400 meters.

The teachings of the Little School cross oceans, borders, and skies to reach you, compañeras, compañeros.

We rebellious indigenous know that there are other indigenous rebellions that also know what neoliberal capitalism is about.

There are also rebellious brothers and sisters who are not indigenous but who write to share in this edition what they think and how they view this system that is destroying planet earth. That is why we include the words of our anarchist compañeras and compañeros in this edition of the magazine.

Well, compañeros of the Sixth, it is good that those who came saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears what is happening here, and they left ready and willing to communicate this to those who couldn't come.

In this first edition of the magazine we will begin to share some of the words and ideas of our compañeras and compañeros who are Zapatista bases of support, families, guardians and guardianas, and teachers, about how they viewed the students at the Little School. Throughout the first editions of our publication we will share the evaluations made by the Little School teachers, votanes, families, and coordinators from the zones of the five caracoles.

Just as you have talked about or published what you lived, heard, and saw in our Zapatista territory, here you can read how we saw and heard those who came and raised the flag of ZAPATISTA REBELLION.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Mexico, January 2014, 20 years since the beginning of the war against oblivion.

Editorial 2: Rebeldia Zapatista: The Word of the EZLN

Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth and the Zapatista Little School:
Here we continue to recount the words of the compañeras and compañeros, families, guardians, and teachers about how they saw and evaluate their students in the Little School.

As we say here in these rebellious lands, there is no rest, one must continue to work hard.
We mention this because there is another round of work coming up, with the compañeras and compañeros of the National Indigenous Congress. So you see, it's true, there is no rest.

Even when there is a break from these tasks, it is used to work to sustain one's family, but also to think, study, and make plans for the struggle.

This is important because of the simple fact that the neoliberal capitalists do not take a break from thinking about how to extend their domination into infinity.

As the compañeras and compañeros say in one of the "sharings" that we have had here: in just 19 years we have thrown off the bad system of 520 years of domination, and we now hold our own freedom and democracy in our hands. And we are just a few thousand women and men who govern our own communities; imagine if we organized with the other millions of people in the countryside and the city.

As the same compañeras and compañeros say, this is thanks to the fact that we have organized ourselves and understood what dignity and resistance really mean. We no longer resign ourselves to the leftovers, handouts, or crumbs thrown to us amid deception after deception by the bad government.

As the Zapatista peoplesay, our great great grandparents, our great grandparents, and our grandparents were never given anything to eat. On the contrary, what they produced was taken away from them and they were given a few crumbs to eat that day so that they could return to work for the boss the next day. That's how they went through life: exploited by the boss and the bad government. Why would we think that the bad government is different now, that it is good, when it is made up of the grandchildren and great grandchildren of those same exploiters, and who are the worst sell-outs of our time?

That is why the new bosses are foreigners, that is, if we let them beif we the poor men and women of the countryside and the city resign ourselves to this.

It is time for the poor of the countryside and the city to organize ourselvestime for the peoples of the countryside and the city to take their destiny into their own hands. That is, it is time for the people to govern themselves instead of being governed by a few individuals up there who are just trying to get rich. It is easy to see and easy to confirm in practice that this is the only reason they are there.

That is why the compañeras and compañeros of the Zapatista bases of support organized themselves and dreamed and worked together to determine their own destinies, and this destiny is now visible. Their manner of governing themselves as peoples and communities is totally different; they rule as a people and their representatives obey, that is, their government obeys. This is true change, not just a change of colors or logos.

Who says this can't be done, compañeras and compañeros of the Little School? It can be done, because it is the people themselves deciding, in organized fashion, what they want in all aspects of their lives.

Why are we afraid to let the people themselves decide how they want a new life to be? How can we not fear the great atrocity committed by the three levels of bad government in deciding our future against the good of our peoples? This is where the compañeras and compañeros of the EZLN say that the people must have the power of decision over their own lives, because they make decisions for the good of the people and not to benefit their own vices. And if they make a mistake, well then they correct it. But the three levels of bad government have no ears to hear or eyes to see, they refuse to acknowledge any error within their world of domination and deceit. Let's leave that world, leave them alone to see if they can survive, stop allowing ourselves to be exploited, and a whole string of etcetera's.

The compañeras and compañeros of the Zapatista communities have provided an example.
That is why we are continuing to share here the words of the compañeras and compañeros bases of support of the EZLN.

And this will continue and keep going.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Mexico, April 2014. Twentieth year of the war against oblivion.



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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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The Zapatistas’ First School Opens for Session - by Keith Millea - 06-05-2014, 09:59 PM

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