07-05-2014, 02:07 PM
Drew Phipps Wrote:Truly, to my mind, there are only three foreign powers which, as the way events went, could believably been involved in the JFK assassination. I exclude the USSR only because a) had they been involved, (or even had foreknowledge) the missiles would have been in the air before the echoes of the shots died away, and b) in JFK, they had a President they could "work with," or "blackmail," with his non-public concessions of US missiles in Turkey, and his non-public promise not to invade Cuba. Cuba obviously had a motive, in that the CIA had tried (and would try again) to assassinate Castro, and Castro was crazy enough to order it. Vietnam had a motive, and Madame Nhu had publicly committed herself to vengeance for the deaths of the Diem brothers, for which the US does bear a shameful part of the blame. The only other nation with a credible motive was Israel, and their drive to acquire nukes, and Kennedy's attempts to stop it. And that, frankly, is terrifying. Anyone have any good reading concerning Johnson's pre-assassination contacts with Israel?
Drew the idea that Russia or Cuba was involved has long been proven wrong. JFK was in peace talks with both leaders. Read JFK and the Unspeakable to learn about Russia. And a book from the 80's by British Author Anthony Summers details JFK and Castro's plans. (I am sure there are many others that detail all of this as well. But those are the first two that come to mind).
You can actually find this information on the net too.
I have not read Piper's book.