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UCLA’s Dr. W. Ross Adey & Remote Brain Telemetry
How to distinguish a mind microwave attack from a psychotic episode; I can only offer this - knowledge of self & the incongruity of the 'feed'. Psychological mic 'attack' capability is a read & feed/feed & read system. The 'read' function is absolutely transparent, unnoticeable - I think, prior 'warning' may make a difference, but it's very subtle; I always have a shrill whine in my head/ear, right-hand side, loud or soft, often used as harrassment & comes-on as I wake; I don't know if the volume equates to the number of influence technicians 'logged-on' or is separately controllable. Jutting forward the jaw, as per the Habsburg jaw increases the volume greatly, a similar sound when the flat of a finger is pressed against the area adjacent to the top of the ear.
Whether this is affecting some implant or nanotech I know not, but when I discovered it there was soon an article on tv about soft/flexible data tags & fatigue in plastics which was quite a coincidence. Many 'messages' come as articles on tv news features, which I presume is an excitation potential of 'relevance' or a weak 'fight or flight' 'heads-up' effect; this happens often. I think this is an important method of causing a 'victim' to display psychotic/schizophrenic behaviour - "the tv is talking to me, Doctor", dosn't sound great, & is convincingly seamles; tv is of course zeros & ones, so it's no great shakes, I'm sure. My tv really has been suggesting I 'off' myself for some time, etc. After a while, this effect becomes a 'conditioning', you're 'trained' to hear & seek these msg's, because they're often there. It can work where the tv broadcast is 'normal', where the subject or report is conveniently messageful; this is part of the 'trip and shove' of a persons sensibility. I get this very often, tho' I've learned to register it, and dismiss it as the b/s it is, so that after 3yrs of it, I kinda show a symptom of schizophrenia or similar, but I know it's shite.
The attack is lupine - wolfpack; show weakness/vulnerability & it intensifies. It helps that I'm a slow learner & have never had any truck with gods or wizards - or jedis; if it's not got a scientific logic, it's not there, & if it does, it's not 'mystic'.
The 'feed' of this system is where the 'knowledge of self' comes in, that's to say, the incongruity or awkward imposition of the 'paste' into your mind. In my experience, the purpose of this is to do harm, to unsettle & destabalise, but alot of it is really quite risible, which is enormously counter-productive to the brainwashing process - convincing me of malevolent gods was never going to be easy even without the reactance to the 'program' 'en masse'. A few examples: I hum & hah over the choice of a cigarette or a boiled sweet, I choose the latter & get a sarcastic "hardcore", which made me laugh then & now. Laughing steels the will, which probably accounts for that being one of the last (what I assume to be-) audiograms, that I got (the xcitation potentials actually are what they represent; there's no defence against those except for self control, maintaining your anchor when your mind is in an artificially chaotic/'hysteric' state.
Another 'audiogram' I got was a British WW2 era aircraft, on tv, with a capital 'P' in a circle; a menacing "Power". The 'P' in a circle is prototype; what 'god' moots it as 'power'? Certainly a false god, a crappy influence technician, & a pratt to boot. Pathetic.
I used to get insinuations of misogyny which I ignored for a long time; one day i got annoyed & told 'the walls' "hang-on a mo' - I voted for Thatcher, so how can I be?" A few days later I got "do you know how much harm Thatcher did?" etc. etc. Well, what do you say - there's no pleasing some folk. I get 'Nazi' & 'racist' too, all cheap shots.
The masered(?) arm & the pain it causes is a different affair, as are the headaches, neuralgic pain pulses and the Trigeminal Neuralgia, ranging from torture-lite prodding to full-on agony in extremis (usually it was 'just' excruciatingly painful for 6-12hrs, feeling as tho' the side of my head was being slowly drilled away with a 4" wide drill bit).
There have been 2 phases to my experiences, the 2nd I'm in now, which has settled into a chronic harassment by and large. The first stage ended with my defences well down, and as I've told 2 psychiatric nurses (this was at my instigation to prove/demonstrate my lucidity), I attempted suicide very much against my own will; it's something I find difficult to fathom. I've since learned of the excitation potentials & I presume they played a large part: 6.66Hz is depression/suicide, so I read.
I have some reservations about writing about what I presume to be these excitation potentials as a) how would I know, & b) formidable indeed are they - if I'm right. The trigeminal neuralgia was sheer bloody torture, and excitation potentials are as bad, in their own way. I told Northumbria Constabulary about being subjected to artificial pain, as at no time did I consider the TN anything but artificial (the TN 'diagnosis' came later). A couple of weeks or so later, over my analogue radio came the message that 'it' was "red-lined". It dropped-off in occurance a couple of weeks later, tho' not in the level of pain, ending a few months later after another 4-5nights in a row of it, 6hrs each; the NHS site says "up to 2minutes".
It's a worry writing about it now, for obvious reasons, & not just that I've just had a 1second burst of it. I think I read somewhere, 360Hz, hurts - acting directly on nerves, which is a strange one as a description I gave 2 coppers was as tho' the nerves themselves were being twisted or very rapidly oscillated.
When my observations of the attacks against me were still at the empiracal observation stage, before I had the 'handle' on them of microwaves (tho' I did always think it was EM radiation), I was not infrequently going out of my mind with an emotionally agonising, frantic & chaotic state of mind, like a cognitive overload leading to dissolution. I wondered how it was possible for a stable sane mind to be linked with a chaotic insane one. I still think this is a practical proposition, but since learning of the excitation potentials, excessive calcium-ion efflux just 'sounds' right, somehow. I don't know how I retained my mental equilibrium thru' all this; it's 'their' term to call me 'resilient'. 'They' are privvy to the internal dialogue, 24/7/52/3, the clicks and whisltes of microwave auditory effect are always present; it's akin to what the layman might assume to be a 'neural net', or 'CCTV of the mind', it being not the eyes that see, or the ears that hear, but the brain, and 'the pains in the brain' from the early days of the TN; not sure why I was given that msg, it's not like I'm going to think "oh, that's OK then", with the side of my head being slowly removed. The article "Scientists decode brain waves to eavesdrop on what we hear" is interesting, & can safely be assumed to be a good few yrs after the fact. An image search for "portable microwave transmitters" is a bit of a worry too. 27yrs ago the Russkis were 'jamming'/radio-counter measureing the BBC by playing an overlaying dialogue into the inner ear of surrepticious Russian tuners-in, which accounts for the car horns that have gone-off in my ear as I'm settled down to sleep, 3 times; 'yes - I did jump out of my skin' - the first time. Ok, and a bit the 2nd. Good trick then, (probably) cheap now.
I've had so many cues/trigger words over the years, they practically constitute their own lexicon. Amongst which are 'god', 'fish' & 'keys', from which I've contrived 'cod' & 'pisskeys'. this makes the 'cods' very unhappy, which pleases me greatly. I've never seen weakness in compromise, tho' sadly there's a real value here in truculance, where to offer 2 fingers is preferable to the offer of 6' earth, or built-in wall-to-wall soft furnishings.
The dreams are interesting tho', dream choreography or 'CAD'; they come with a pleasant tingly feeling all over. That part of 'Inception' isn't inaccurate.
Reportedly, cats were used in the early days of mic. testing/R+D; I've seen the effects on my cats many times. I had 6, 2 have since died - 'they' take credit for one of them. I used to feed stray cats - mine are all ex-strays, so quite skittish; it took just a few minutes. I'd assumed mine would show clear signs of entry into my home, but then began noticing them zombied-out, eyes open, 2nd eyelids half closed, twitching, as per those fainting goats, when I came in form feeding the stray outside, and some coffee would be gone, or my doobie missing from the ashtray. Then my cats started being herded onto me when I was reclined, reading; I'd have 4 on me, and 2 tight-up against me, staring; my cats didn't ever do this ordinarily. They've been made to vomit on cue, many times; tv says 'doom' or suchlike, 'barf'. Then they started going to corners of the living room and scratching, as tho' about to 'go'. In terms of 'the program', this was just a pisstake. (Incidentally, there's a Youtube vid of a dreaming, running dog; I have a sneeky that this could be a tech demo).
For a couple of months, each morning there was vomit all over my settee, carpet, rug - all new. I eventually got so cross it was silly, really made a pratt of myself - anyone would've been exasperated, but I really shamed myself. Now I suspect it was all a stitch-up to discredit me/myself; now, I suspect the cats were only obeying their tiny minds & microwaves, & that I was getting 11.3Hz, variously (different sources) anger/rage/manic & riotous behaviour. No proof of course, & I'm not about to say "I'm sure-", but it was all so odd, so intense, so weird.
So much more to say....

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UCLA’s Dr. W. Ross Adey & Remote Brain Telemetry - by Michael Barwell - 19-05-2014, 11:55 AM

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