14-05-2009, 03:44 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:...
Now that is interesting, indeed. We have some of the leaders as suspects in the Assassination and they were helping MacAruthur and his man Lansdale, who are also suspects. Add to the mix the strange story of the self-proclaimed <mind-controlled> assassin in the Phillipines, after, and it is quite a mix....Ruby's mention is also interesting. ...
MacArthur confuses the hell outta me. On the one hand he was a thundering looney. Plenty of evidence there. Hell, Truman fired him because he was out of control. He attacked his own men, military men, aka the Bonus Army, on US soil in 1932. A mean thundering looney.
On the other hand he met with President Kennedy early on and reportedly counciled him. Told JFK that the chickens were coming home to roost and JFK was in the chicken house. That could be taken as a warning or a threat (and was chillingly similar to Malcolm X's notorious statement after the assassination). Whichever it was, JFK was supposedly impressed with MacArthur.
Dunno. Was MacArthur involved in the assassination? It's certainly not as crystal clear as Edwin Walker's role. And it confused me. I hope for clarification.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:...I believe on the EF there was some discussion of this by a former member...
Are you referring to Harry Dean? He's a member here. Perhaps he'll comment on the subject.