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Where To Assign Blame In The Bergdahl Matter?~!
I disagree that FDR was the culprit in regard to Pearl Harbor, IMO more likely the pro-fascist military, but that's just my opinion.Lindberg, the Chicago Tribune, & Wall Street, played a bigger role than the President. FDR fought Wall Street as they attempted to overthrown him many times. Mr. Suttons' "Wall Street & FDR" is a mess and when read closely makes no sense. Wall Street wanted FDR to be "their puppet", which he refused to be, but he did have to make concessions. In 1940 when FDR appointed Stimson as Secretary of Wall & Landon;s running mate as Secretary of the Navy the GOP has held high Defense Department ever since, even under Democratic Presidents. FDR didn't appoint these GOP'ers to these get get Mid-West GOP support, but to appease the ruling elite on Wall Street. Sutton is right that Wall Street & The City of London wanted a puppet, but FDR wasn't it. Kennedy wasn't either. Nixon didn't play ball so he was "Watergated". Clinton, Obama, Ford, and the Bushes are totally Wall Stret stooges. Btw Henry Stimson was Skull & Bones, odd isn't it that Bones members love death so much. Thank you for the posting the entire article, but I felt that I that an FDR dissent was needed. American treachery knows no bounds with a 100% mainstream price always on a bended knee. The liberal Chris Matthews has always followed "The Chicago Tribune" view of history when it comes to FDR and foreihn policy. Back in the 1950's when I attended Catholic school the nuns though that FDR was "a little pink", as was Adlai Stevenson, according to The Sisters of Notre Dame. They all, at least the ones that I had as teachers, thouth that Stevenson was "almost an atheist", I later discovered that because the former Illinois Governor was a member of the Unitarian Chuch that made him a non-believer, even though Mr. Stevenson declared himself a Christian after his 1956 defeat and responding to Norman Vincent Peale's attack on the Democratic ticket and how America was saved from going to H+++ if the Democrats won. My 7th grade nun was at her wits end the day after the 1960 election, from the way she was acting that day, with the election still in doubt, but with all points pointing to a JFK win, you would think that "Soviet America" was about to dawn. A few years later I discovered that FDR's domestic policy was, in large part, taken from Catholic social doctrine. BTW the Nuns also felt that Harry Hopkins was a Soviet Agent and the "evil genuis" behind Rosevelt. I guess that ex Worker editor Louis Budenz, who returned to the Church, and became frequent witness before HUAC, then an "expert on communism" at Notre Dame, Seton Hall, and other Catholic universities and then a columnist for "OurSunday Visitor", a weekly Catholic newspaper. Btw every nun, that taught me, believed J.Edgar Hoover was the greatest living American, that Walt Disney was the greatest producer of American entertainment, and that Bob Hope was the most patriotic American entertainer. No rightwing, near fascist, bias was shown by the nuns. That is one reason that so many Catholics, but nowhere near the percentage, hold idiotic views that work against their (mainly) middle class interests. Not that Obama and the Wall Street Democrats deserve support either.

I one thing that I can't understand is why the Clintons are held in such high esteem by rank & file Democrats. Hilllary is pro-Wall Street, a neo-con war monger in her foreign policy, as is Obama, who is a complete Wall-Street, military-industial complex tool. But to moron such as Christoper Matthews both Hillary & Obama are "center;left Deocrats. As author Thomas Frank, "Whats the Matter with Kansas, recently said "You cant have a center without having a left." I believe that Mr. Franks said this on the Chis Hays Show about a week ago.

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Where To Assign Blame In The Bergdahl Matter?~! - by Kenneth Kapel - 05-06-2014, 03:46 PM

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