10-06-2014, 02:42 PM
Drew Phipps Wrote:The government rules by the consent of the people. Whether you like it or not, the overwhelming majority of us consent to be ruled by our elected officials, and that consent binds everyone, even dissidents, who choose to remain here. We further chose to change our government periodically by elections (as warped as that process is). The alternative is gunplay in the streets.
Let's do something more constructive than deny that the government has the right to accuse, prosecute, and jail people who break the rules. Let's change the rules we don't like, refuse to vote for the crooks, and speak our minds when we catch them being crooked.
Drew, I wonder how much you understand the concept of deep politics, and just how little any of that stuff you wrote about actually exists (or matters) in the real world.
"We" voters don't choose much of anything. Voters are like those people you see standing at crosswalks pushing the button trying to make the lights change. In most places today, those buttons aren't hooked up to anything. The streetlights are changed by a computer system based on traffic patterns. Our "democracy" or "republic" is the same way. Elections give people the illusion that they have some power, but no matter who wins, it's business-as-usual.