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Call me Delores, says MI5 whistleblower David Shayler
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Shayler's wig also makes the photos look strange. And if those are really his legs, Davey's lost a shed load of wieght.

Annie Machon's comments are relevant, but it's entirely possible that the HateMail have used them out of context:

Quote:Last night his former partner and fellow spy Annie Machon spoke of her sadness at Mr Shayler's plight as she maintained he had suffered a breakdown.
Miss Machon, 40, who now lives in Dusseldorf, Germany, with her new partner blamed the Government and the intelligence services for causing Mr Shayler's current condition.
'I believe David is a good and honourable man but he has had a some sort of severe breakdown. He was a great public speaker and now he is like this.
'I do blame the Government and the intelligence agencies for what he has become and they have ruined his life.'
If the comments are used in context, then - given Shayler also seems to view himself as a Messiah in the Icke-ian sense- I would suspect Davey's brain chemistry has been completely messed up.

By fair or foul means.
Assuming her words have not been taken out of context what she has to say is very interesting. She blames the imprisonment and implies that they may have done something to him whilst imprisoned.

As for the wig it is indeed tragic as transvestism so often is. Which is the point I am sure. Now, witting or unwitting? Willing or unwilling? Most useful to their cause in any case.
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Call me Delores, says MI5 whistleblower David Shayler - by Magda Hassan - 20-07-2009, 03:27 AM

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