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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
In the previous post I asked: "I wonder what happened to make Geoff Dickens change his mind and not name the 8 VIP's?"

2 + 2 = ?


MP burgled after handing paedophile dossier to Leon Brittan

Geoffrey Dickens, who handed the lost paedophile dossier to Leon Brittan in 1983, had two 'very professional' intrusions soon after, his son says

[Image: Sir-Leon-Brittan_2961184b.jpg]Sir Leon Brittan Photo: AP

7:22PM BST 02 Jul 2014

The home of an MP who compiled a dossier alleging paedophile activity within Westminster was burgled twice in suspicious circumstances around the time he took it to the authorities, his son has said.

Barry Dickens said nothing was taken in what appeared to be two ''very professional'' intrusions into his father Geoffrey's home in 1983, leading to suspicions they may have been related to his attempt to expose alleged abuse.

He told ITV News he found it ''confusing and slightly worrying'' that the case appeared not to have been fully investigated at the time and backed calls for a public inquiry to establish the truth of the claims gathered by the Conservative MP.

And he said he did no know what had happened to an apparent second copy of the dossier after the Home Office admitted one which it received for investigation at the time appeared to have been destroyed.

''My parents had two burglaries at the time close to it without anything being taken, which seemed a very professional job the way they were carried out, so again a bit of suspicion there but who knows,'' Mr Dickens whose father died in 1995 told the programme.

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''It seems strange to make that amount of effort and amount of concern to get in to a property and not take anything. Who knows ... another mystery''
He said the dossier contained concerns and worries expressed to the MP about the behaviour of ''those with a high profile, in an office or high status'' and questioned its subsequent disappearance.
Asked if he felt the then Home Secretary Leon Brittan had ''let down'' his father's work, he said: ''It's confusing in my eyes really why if you're standing up to do that job, and it's presented in black and white in front of you with facts and evidence, why you wouldn't go ahead with it or what you'd want to do with it.
''It's confusing and slightly worrying that the facts were there, it was all there, and nothing was done about it.''
The ex-cabinet minister, now Lord Brittan, has defended his handling of the issue, insisted that there was ''appropriate action and follow up'' including the dossier being passed to prosecutors to consider.
Mr Dickens said his father may have gone to his grave believing action was still being considered.
''I think he was led to believe it was ongoing and it would happen and it would happen and it would happen.
''Again I don't know how far down the line it was said it wouldn't. Maybe even to his death he thought it may happen afterwards.''
Asked about the possibility of a second copy existing, he said: ''I believe one has gone into the Home Secretary at the time where that one is who knows.
''And with my parents moving and then Dad being ill and dying, things were distributed around storage. I don't know to be honest ...''
He said his father had been motivated to take on the cause of vulnerable young people by his own difficult childhood in a succession of foster homes and that he would be pleased that the case had become public now.
''If you knew him and how hard he worked and if he got his teeth into a campaign he was like a dog with a bone. Not surprised it's come to this to be honest.''
Backing a public inquiry, added: ''A lot of people came forward with facts. I think it does need doing and finishing somehow. Definitely.''

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall? - by David Guyatt - 03-07-2014, 08:51 AM

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