31-07-2009, 08:16 AM
An update.
The curfew remains in place from 6 pm till 6 am in most places except the border regions near Nicaragua where there has been a 24 hour curfew in the last week. This has greatly affected trade and commerce in those areas and caused millions of dollars damage. The curfew has been eased in these areas now.
President Zelaya is meeting with the US ambassador, the Cuban-American Hugo Llorens, and a delegation of US officials, to Honduras in Nicaragua. No details about the meeting as yet. The legitimate First Lady of Honduras, Xiomara Castro has realised that the military were going to expatriate her by taking her to the border and now she and her group have returned to the capital where she will make an announcement tonight. You can listen to it here at Radio Globo: http://www.radioglobohonduras.com/index.html
Coup supporters (los perfumados) arranged to import 2 bus loads of 'locals' from the capital city Tegucigalpa into Zelayas home town to make it look as if there was grass roots support for the coup there. The real locals got wind of it and set up a peaceful road block and the imported 'locals' never made it to Zelayas town.
Thursday was a deadly day in Honduras. There were protests all over the country and there was violent repression in many of those places. Roger Abraham Vallejo Cerrado, 38, secretary of the San Martín high school (below) was shot in the head and died. Twenty five other people were wounded and 88 people arrested at the same protest.
The presidential candidate, Carlos Reyes, was badly beaten by the military which resulted in a broken arm and a bloodied ear for him. Juan Barahona, the national union leader was arrested at the protest. He claimed to Presna Latina that “They treated us like animals,” whilst under arrest. TV crews from Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) were attacked by the police, so I guess the police are no longer on strike as they were a couple of days ago.
Roberto Micheletti, according to multiple press reports, ordered the police and military forces to “put a stop” to the peaceful blockades.
Now seen on much of the money in Honduras:
The military is far from united and more splits are becoming apparent daily. Below is one
The curfew remains in place from 6 pm till 6 am in most places except the border regions near Nicaragua where there has been a 24 hour curfew in the last week. This has greatly affected trade and commerce in those areas and caused millions of dollars damage. The curfew has been eased in these areas now.
President Zelaya is meeting with the US ambassador, the Cuban-American Hugo Llorens, and a delegation of US officials, to Honduras in Nicaragua. No details about the meeting as yet. The legitimate First Lady of Honduras, Xiomara Castro has realised that the military were going to expatriate her by taking her to the border and now she and her group have returned to the capital where she will make an announcement tonight. You can listen to it here at Radio Globo: http://www.radioglobohonduras.com/index.html
Coup supporters (los perfumados) arranged to import 2 bus loads of 'locals' from the capital city Tegucigalpa into Zelayas home town to make it look as if there was grass roots support for the coup there. The real locals got wind of it and set up a peaceful road block and the imported 'locals' never made it to Zelayas town.
Thursday was a deadly day in Honduras. There were protests all over the country and there was violent repression in many of those places. Roger Abraham Vallejo Cerrado, 38, secretary of the San Martín high school (below) was shot in the head and died. Twenty five other people were wounded and 88 people arrested at the same protest.
The presidential candidate, Carlos Reyes, was badly beaten by the military which resulted in a broken arm and a bloodied ear for him. Juan Barahona, the national union leader was arrested at the protest. He claimed to Presna Latina that “They treated us like animals,” whilst under arrest. TV crews from Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) were attacked by the police, so I guess the police are no longer on strike as they were a couple of days ago.
Roberto Micheletti, according to multiple press reports, ordered the police and military forces to “put a stop” to the peaceful blockades.
Now seen on much of the money in Honduras:
The military is far from united and more splits are becoming apparent daily. Below is one
Nosotros, un Grupo de Oficiales Superiores y Subalternos(no damos nombres por razones obvias y no por cobardía) ante la situación en que los políticos en contubernio con la junta de comandantes han involucrado a las Fuerzas Armadas y que han deteriorado la buena imagen que teníamos ante el pueblo hondureño nos pronunciamos y denunciamos lo siguiente:·
El Señor Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto Gral. Vásquez politizó la institución, contraviniendo el mandato constitucional de ser apolíticas.·
El Gral. Vásquez comprometió a las F.F.A.A. en un principio por apoyar al Sr. Mel Zelaya y después cambió de ámbito político en vez de retirar sus tropas a sus respectivos cuarteles y mantenerlos al margen de los políticos que sólo las están usando.·
Se menciona que un grupo de empresarios reunió 30 millones de Lempiras y los repartió a la junta de comandantes, algo que va en contra del decoro y principios del militar, así como también declaramos que las F.F.A.A. no son gendarmes de ningún grupo económico elite, sino que estamos con el pueblo porque la mayoría de sus miembros tanto oficiales como tropa venimos de las entrañas del pueblo, no somos un ejército de casta.·
El General Vásquez hace dos años debe estar de baja, pero el Señor Mel Zelaya lo dejó, infringiendo las leyes vigentes, en aquella ocasión dijo “entendido acepto Sr. Presidente” y ahora porque no le dijo también entendido, infringiendo la Ley como hace dos años, se vendió al mejor postor. Falta de principios como persona, hay algo de traición en su accionar, ha perjudicado a dos promociones en la sucesión de mando.·
Hace dos años cuando el Sr. Zelaya lo reeligió; removió unas semanas antes a varios comandantes que no estaban de acuerdo con el continuismo y cuando Don Mel reunió en Casa Presidencial a todos los Comandantes Militares, el General mandó a misión fuera de Tegucigalpa a unos oficiales que presentía le iban a cuestionar la decisión al Sr. Mel Zelaya.·
El Gral. Vásquez ha desnaturalizado el grado de General ascendiendo a ese grado a oficiales que han tenido una trayectoria negra en la vida militar pero han sido sus aduladores sin ninguna capacidad operativa. Ejemplo:·
Ascendió a un compañero, al Gral. Retirado Gerónimo Pérez, un oficial que en estado de ebriedad deshizo dos carros militares y no se le dedujeron responsabilidades, embarazó a una estudiante alférez de la Academia Militar y él influyó para que la graduaran así, ahora el Gral. Vásquez lo tiene trabajando por contrato en Colegio de Defensa ganando Lps. 30,000.00 mensuales.·
El Gral. Fuentes Gonzales, es un Oficial cleptómano que en una ocasión siendo Comandantes del Batallón los Militares Norteamericanos, haciendo una acción cívica en el occidente del país, dejaron en calidad de depósito una madera y materiales de construcción y cuando regresaron a traerla él ya la había vendido, los norteamericanos recomendaron baja deshonrosa y ahora es un flamante General.·
El General Cuéllar, excelente persona pero como oficial nunca conoció un batallón de frontera, no sabe lo que es patrullar una frontera, sólo ha sido oficinista cosa inaudita, pero es todo un general y no ha sudado fatiga.·
General Padget, un oficial problema desde que es subalterno, se graduó en México y allá dejó mal record, con su faltas al decoro(mejor indaguen ustedes).·
General Cervantes, Prince y contra-Almirante Rodríguez, sin comentarios negativos sobre su vida militar y particular, pero no han tenido carácter como militares para aclarar las cosas con el Sr. Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto.Sr. General Vásquez, cuando usted le dijo al Sr. Mel Zelaya que no le cumpliría la orden de la cuarta, allí le hubiera presentado su renuncia, no que cambió de bando político, como si las F.F.A.A. estuvieran para servir a grupos políticos.
Mejor renuncie, está a tiempo, recuerde que también en 1993 conoció las celdas de la P.C. MOSUSU
We, a group of senior and subaltern officers (we do not give names for obvious reasons, and not due to cowardice) in the face of the situation in which the politicians in collusion with the joint command involved the Armed Forces, and that has eroded the good image that we had before the Honduran people, state and denounce the following:
- The Head of the Joint Chiefs, General Vásquez, politicized the institution, contravening the constitutional mandate to be apolitical.
- General Vásquez committed the Armed Forces in the beginning to aid Sr. Mel Zelaya and afterward changed political scope, in place of retiring his troops to their respective barracks and maintaining them on the periphery of the politicians who are only using them.
- It is mentioned that a group of businessmen collected 30 million Lempiras and doled it out to the group of commanders, something that goes against the decorum and values of the military, and we declare that the Armed Forces are not gendarmes of any elite economic group, rather we are with the people because the majority of its members, both officers as well as troops come from the entrails of the people, we are not a thoroughbred army.
- General Vásquez should have stepped down two years ago, but Sr. Mel Zelaya left him, infringing the laws in force, on that occasion he said "understood I accept Sr. President"; and now because he did not say again "understood", infringing the Law as he did two years ago, he sold to the highest bidder. A lack of principles as a person, there is something of betrayal in his actions, he has prejudiced two promotions in the succession of of command.
- Two years ago when Sr. Zelaya re-elected him; some weeks before various commanders were removed who were not in agreement with the continuity and when Don Mel brought together all the Military Commanders in the Casa Presidencial, the General sent some officers that if present were going to question the decision with Sr. Mel Zelaya on a mission outside of Tegucigalpa.
- General Vásquez has denaturalized the rank of General, raising to this rank officers that have had a black path in military life, but have been his admirers, without any operational capacity.
Promoting a friend, Retired General Gerónimo Pérez, an officer who in a state of inebriation wrecked two military cars and did not have responsibilities removed, made pregnant a student ensign in the Military Academy and influenced it so that they graduated her, now General Vásquez has him working on contract in the Defense College earning 30,000 Lempiras monthly.Sr. General Vásquez, when you said to Sr. Mel Zelaya that you would not carry out the order of the "cuarta" [urna], you should have presented your resignation, not changed your political camp, as if the Armed Forces existed to serve political groups. Better to resign, it is time, remember that in 1993 you also knew the cells of the P. C.
General Fuentes Gonzales is a kleptomaniac officer that on one occasion, there being Commanders of the North American Military battalion, carrying out a civic action in the west of the country, left construction materials and some wood, and when they returned to get it he had already sold it, the North Americans recommended a dishonorable discharge and now he is a brand-new General.
General Cuéllar, an excellent person but as an officer never knew a frontier battalion, doesn't know what it is to patrol a frontier, has only been an invisible clerical worker, but is completely a general and hasn't sweated fatigued.
General Padget, a problem officer since he was a junior officer, graduated in Mexico and left a bad record there, with his failures of decorum (better you investigate).
General Cervantes, Prince, and counter-admiral Rodriguez, without negative commentaries about their private and military life, but they have not had the character as military to clarify things with the Head of the Joint Chiefs.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.