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On Rostow and the WC
On the COPA thread I described the Warren Commission as the brainchild of Eugene Rostow. Was it Rostow, Katzenbach or someone else who first proposed the idea?

This thread from the EF deals with this issue, quoting from Don Gibson's "The Kennedy Assassination and Coverup"

Rostow rings LBJ aide Bill Moyers (and suggests a Presidential Commission of enquiry) sometime between Oswald's death at 2.17pm, and 4pm on November 24.

In the above thread, a quote from the records of The Washington Post places into the historical narrative the suggestion that Assisstant AG Nicholas Katzenbach was the idea's originator. The following day, WP's Joe Alsop rings LBJ and also urges the enquiry.

Seems to me the Post might have been trying to alter the historical record in order to divert attention away from those who really came up with the idea, for obvious reasons. Why do I adopt this view? Because I don't believe a word of what the WP has ever said about the JFK assassination. It was the alpha male of the US media wolfpack and the US media has done everything to discourage, disparage and otherwise prevent any honest investigation since day one.

Messages In This Thread
On Rostow and the WC - by Mark Stapleton - 06-08-2009, 04:41 AM

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