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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Further insights into the Barbara castle aspect of this story. Well worth listening to. Additionally, it proves beyond doubt that a cover up did take place and that the Wanless Report is worthless and was designed as a deflector shield.


Revelations About Child Abuse Dossier On LBC

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Tuesday 11th November 2014
Investigative reporter, Don Hale, who saw the dossier on child abuse amongst establishment members in the 1980's tells LBC about the explosive information it contained.

Don Hale was editor on a local paper in the 1980's when Barbara Castle, the local MP for Blackburn who he knew from his time working at the BBC, started to provide him with documents that pointed to a paedophile ring operating within Westminster.
"It was quite explosive really, in terms of what she was showing me; there was a paedophile ring operating within the powers of Westminster, and many of the members were actively supporting the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) network. I found it quite amazing, and she gradually came in with more and more paperwork."
Ms. Castle was apparently being passed this information by others working in Westminster, possibly as a response to moves by other members trying to get enough support to change the law and make it legal to have sex with children.
The documents contained, amongst other information, the names of MP's who were friendly to the PIE cause, and there was so much damning information, it would have needed a whole series of articles to disseminate it all.
However, in spite of these explosive claims about establishment figures, the national newspapers weren't interested in taking the story on.
"Barbara said to me she had been to national newspapers, but they weren't interested. They wouldn't touch it with a barge pole."
When Mr Hale started making inquiries in political circles, asking for comment and response, he received similar short shrift. Departments and establishment figures refused to comment, and the most common response he met with was questions about where he had got the information from.
Finally, someone agreed to speak with Mr Hale, but they were far from helpful.
"Eventually I was told by the Liberal organisation that somebody would basically put me right, they would come and talk to me about it. And Cyril Smith turned up the very next day."
James O'Brien: "So, Cyril Smith, MP for Rochdale at the time, turns up, personally, on your doorstep, as a direct result of questions you'd been asking about the contents of these dossiers?"
Don Hale: That's right. And he was very, very aggressive... He was really pointing fingers, banging on the desk and demanding I hand over all these papers to him. There was no way I was going to do that.
"The following day Special Branch arrived with a gang of policeman, and they again were demanding access to the files, they wanted to take everything away, they were making all sorts of threats.
"They got a search warrant anyway, their officers got all the files. I was asked, was this everything that's come forward?'And I had to say yes, and they took them all away and disappeared."
This all amounts to damning evidence, albeit some of it circumstantial, but a report released today, produced by the Chief Executive of the NSPCC, Peter Wanless, said that there was no evidence of records being deliberately being removed or destroyed relating to child abuse between 1979 and 1999.
This did not surprise Mr Hale, who saw Wanless as being set up to fail with the directive he was given by the Home Office for investigating the case, and that members of the establishment have contacted him in recent months suggesting where evidence could be found.
Mr Hale also believes that in spite of Theresa May's comments about plans to investigate allegations of child abuse, there was no real appetite to look deeply into the accusations, especially 6 months before a general election.
Later on James O'Brien's show, John O'Connor, former head of the flying squad, who Don Hales praised as being highly respected, agreed with Mr Hales' view that there would not be a real investigation of the depth and breadth needed to uncover whether there was wrong doing and to what levels it went.
"When you get enquiries like this, if it isn't focused and specific on certain incidents and it starts spreading everywhere, that tends to dilute the impact of it. And that seems to me to be tactic that's being used here.
"You spread it everywhere, and you make it so difficult to get something that you can actually lock on to, to obtain evidence, which may result in a prosecution.
"I personally don't think that there is a real interest at the top to get to the bottom of all of this."
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall? - by David Guyatt - 12-11-2014, 10:41 AM

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