15-11-2014, 10:05 AM
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Herbert Blenner Wrote:Bob Prudhomme Wrote:I just had a crazy, or maybe not so crazy thought. We have all been so brainwashed by the SBT that it has affected our ability to think outside of the box.
As JFK emerged from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, in the Zapruder film, he was clearly in distress and his hands are seem moving toward his throat. Then, at about z230, he clearly experiences something else. His arms go up, his head almost seems to whip slightly to the rear and his whole body appears to move forward.
With the first bullet disintegrated in the top of his right lung, what if the event at z230 is a bullet entering his skull just to the right of his external occipital protuberance ?
No exit wound, you say? Why does there have to be an exit wound?
In my next post I will lay out the evidence that led me to contemplate this possibility.
The mechanical reaction to a bullet entering the head is movement of the head alone as far as permitted by its attachment to the torso. The head shares its angular momenta with the torso upon reaching the limits of its independent rotations and yields imperceptible composition motions of the torso and the head.
Clearly the Zapruder film fails everywhere to show this physically necessary mechanical reaction to an off-centered head shot.
How many deer have you shot, Herb?
The eye can only perceive the physiological, not the meaningful mechanical, reaction to a head shot by a hand held gun. However, a motion picture film has a sufficiently high frame rate to enable still frames to provide meaningful information on the decisive mechanical reaction.
So how many analyzes of mechanical motions have you tested in the lab?