09-12-2014, 05:00 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:I will never believe DeMohrenschildt committed suicide. Several years ago I saw either a video or an article about a tape that was running to record a soap opera by a woman who worked there. On that tape there was also evidence of something nefarious. I am doing this from memory as I have to get to work, but will try to look it up later.
I believe you may be thinking about the security alarm going off in the house or it could have been something else at the time of his death which didn't make any sense, and you may be correct, his death could have very well been staged to look like an apparent suicide. The CIA needed to shut him up, and he wrote a letter to Bush asking for help who was DCI of the CIA.
de Mohrenschildt needed to be silenced. After all, George was not a WC supporter and believed that Oswald didn't commit the assassination, he referrers to that in an interview George did some time ago. I've seen it somewhere on youtube.