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Deep Politics Timeline
  • 4/1977 HSCA Director Tanenbaum resigned.
  • 4/1/1977 Oltmans told NBC-TV and the AP that George had told him he and Oswald were hired by anti-Castro Cubans and Dallas oilmen to kill JFK, and that the Cuban exiles had actually done the shooting, not Oswald (or that Oswald was one of 4 assassins). They aired footage from a filmed interview Oltmans had done with GdM in 1968, where George denied that Texas oilmen were involved in the assassination.
  • 4/1/1977 Jeanne de Mohrenschildt gave the House Select Committee on Assassinations a photograph taken of Lee Harvey Oswald, by his wife Marina, standing in his Dallas backyard holding two newspapers and a rifle, and with a pistol on his hip. The existence of this print, while similar to others which had been found among Oswald's effects on November 23, 1963, was previously unknown. On the back was written To my friend George from Lee Oswald, and the date "5/IV/63" [this is in non-USA convention with day in front and month in Roman numerals, and means 5 April 1963. It is worth noting that the US military uses the day/month/year format, though does not utilize Roman numerals.] along with the words "Copyright Geo de M"' and a Russian phrase translated as "'Hunter of fascists, ha-ha-ha!" Handwriting specialists later concluded that the words "To my friend George…" and Oswald's signature were written by Lee Harvey Oswald, but could not determine whether the rest was the writing of Lee Oswald, George de Mohrenschildt or Marina Oswald. Some historians have speculated the Russian line was written by Marina, in sarcasm. (George de Mohrenschildt in his memoir translated it as "This is the hunter of fascists, ha, ha, ha!" and also assumed that Marina had written it sarcastically). George de Mohrenschildt wrote in his manuscript (reference and pages cited above) that he had missed Oswald's photograph in packing for the move to Haiti in May, 1963, and this was why he hadn't mentioned it to the Warren Commission (though he had noted in his manuscript that Oswald had a rifle in April, 1963, and scoffed to Lee that he had missed General Walker, remembering that Lee had blanched at the joke). According to de Mohrenschildt, the photo was not found among his stored papers until his wife found it in 1967. When analyzed by the HSCA in 1977, this photo turned out to be a first generation print of the backyard photo already known to the Warren commission as CE-133A, and which had probably been taken on March 31, 1963.
  • 4/4/1977 "The Fort Worth Star-Telegram/AP: A Texas patrolman says he recalls seeing more than three bullet fragments taken from the wounds of former Texas Gov. John Connally the day President John Kennedy was assassinated, according to the Dallas Morning News. In a copyright story yesterday, the News said Patrolman Charles W. Harbison, who guarded Connally's room at Parkland Hospital, as saying he recalls turning over to an FBI agent more than three fragments. Connally was wounded in the same shooting spree that killed President Kennedy here Nov. 22, 1963. The Warren Commission identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin and asserted that he alone was responsible. The News said Harbison's story is doubly significant when coupled with the recollection of Miss Audrey Bell, operating supervisor at Parkland at the time of the assassination. Harbison was interviewed by the News Saturday. However, yesterday morning he said he ""can't testify to the number of fragments,"" and is not about to be ""pinned down"" as to the exact number. ""I was standing there in the hall and someone, I don't know who handed me the fragments,"" Harbison said yesterday. ""I glanced at them, then turned and gave them to another man. And a second man told me to go down the hall where they were taking the governor."" Harbison said he wasn't sure who he gave the fragments to, but surmised it was a federal agent SINCE THEY WERE THE ONLY PERSONS OTHER THAN AUTHORIZED MEDICAL STAFF PERMITTED IN THAT PARTICULAR PART OF THE HOSPITAL. Miss Bell last week said she recalls that she was given FOUR OR FIVE OTHER BULLET FRAGMENTS taken from Connally. The News said the two separate groups of fragments now MAKE A TOTAL OF AT LEAST EIGHT FRAGMENTS PURPORTEDLY FOUND IN CONNALLY FROM WHAT THE WARREN COMMISSION DESCRIBED AS A ""NEARLY WHOLE BULLET"" THAT ALLEGEDLY FELL ONTO CONNALLY'S STRETCHER WITH ONLY A FRACTION OF ITS WEIGHT MISSING. Investigators for the House Assassinations Committee say they believe the bullet, which supposedly struck Kennedy in the BACK and then passed through Connally's body, WOULD HAVE WEIGHED TOO MUCH IF MORE THAN THREE FRAGMENTS WERE REMOVED, the News said. The newspaper said investigators have already interviewed Miss Bell and concluded her testimony, if proven true, COULD DISCREDIT ""THE VERY CORNERSTONE OF THE ENTIRE WARREN COMMISSION REPORT."" Miss Bell, however, in a television interview, said she did not weigh the bullet fragments and had no way of proving other than her recollection that there were more than three fragments given her in the operating room. She said she later turned them over to two men she believed to be FBI or Secret Service agents. NEITHER MISS BELL NOR HARBISON WERE INTERVIEWED BY THE WARREN COMMISSION. "
  • 4/6/1977 Carlos Prío Socarras, the former president of Cuba prior to Batista, is found dead in front of his garage in Miami. He has been shot through the chest, twice, by a .45 caliber pistol. The authorities rule the case a suicide. He is on the list of persons to be questioned by the HSCA. Miami Beach Patrolman Ed Avila, himself a Cuban exile who recalls that as a boy in Cuba he lunched with his grandfather and Prío, finds Prío sitting in the chair, bleeding. Avla asks him three questions in Spanish: "I talked to him and he nodded yes and no. I asked him if he was hurting, if he was in pain, and he nodded no. I asked him if anybody shot him and he nodded no. I asked him if he shot himself and he nodded yes," Avila says.
  • 4/8/1977 Israel: Yitzhak Rabin withdrew as his party's candidate when it became known that he and his wife had retained bank accounts in the US, in violation of Israeli law.
  • 4/10/1977 Abdullah al-Henjiri, ex-prime minister of Yemen, his wife, and the Yemen embassy minister were fatally shot in London by Zohair Akache, a Palestinian terrorist.
  • 4/11/1977 at approximately 11:30 local reporter Bill O'Reilly came to the Dallas Field Office with a camera crew and asked to speak with J. Walton Moore. O'Reilly was not permitted to come into the office and J. Walton Moore spoke to him on the telephone in the outer foyer. O'Reilly said he was doing a story on his news program at 1800 hours on CIA involvement in the Kennedy Assassination. Specifically he was going to allege that Moore knew Lee Harvey Oswald and he wanted to give Moore an opportunity to tell his side of the story. Moore said he would not discuss the matter with O'Reilly and would answer questions only to the properly designated authorities. O'Reilly and his crew left after taking some pictures in the foyer.
Following is a transcript of O'Reilly's program which appeared on the program at 1800 and 2200 hours 11 April:
Iola Johnson Channel 8 News Reporter: ...the CIA and the FBI have been suppressing evidence vital to the Kennedy assassination investigation. Channel 8's Bill O'Reilly has been looking into the CIA's role in the investigation and has this report.
Bill O'Reilly Channel 8 News Reporter: Channel 8 News has learned that a recently declassified document now in the hands of a writer indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald was employed by the CIA possibly in 1962 and although it may be a coincidence, Oswald's 1962 income tax return is the only one which has not been made public. In a related matter Mrs. Jeanne de Mohrenschildt (sic Jean) wife of the late George de Mohrenschildt, told Channel 8 News that she and her husband were good friends with a Dallas CIA agent named J. Walton Moore and that Moore told George de Mohrenschildt Lee Harvey Oswald was OK to recommend for a job.
Mrs. George de Mohrenschildt: He checked with J. Walton Moore about Oswald. He checked with him [sic] is OK to recommend for a job. He said perfectly clear.
Bill O'Reilly: After the assassination you were still friends with J. Walton Moore and he still came over to dinner once in a while with his wife.
Mrs. de Mohrenschildt: We have not seen him because we had been gone almost a year in Haiti.
Bill O'Reilly: Yes, but when you came back to Dallas.
Mrs. de Mohrenschildt: When we came back J. Walton Moore wouldn't talk to us.
Bill O'Reilly: Why?
Mrs. De Mohrenschildt: How do I know?
Bill O'Reilly: He wouldn't talk to you.
Mrs. de Mohrenschildt: No, I called up and invited him for dinner, because we thought maybe he knows more than we do. He wouldn't come.
Bill O'Reilly: J. Walton Moore is still with the CIA, and we went to his office in the Federal Building to get his reaction to Mrs de Mohrenschildt's story.
Bill O'Reilly talking to J. Walton Moore from the outer office. Mr. Moore's voice cannot be heard.
Bill O'Reilly: We have somebody on camera who is going to say that you knew Lee Harvey Oswald. We would just like to get your comments on it. No comment at all. What would you recommend that I do then? To be fair to you, what would you recommend that I do. You'll just take your chances. O.K. Mr. Moore, thank you.
Bill O'Reilly: After speaking with Mr. Moore we spoke with CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. They told us they were astonished by Mrs. DeMohrenschildt's statements but would not comment on any matter pertaining to the assassination of President Kennedy. [End of Transcript of WFAA TV News Report]
  • 4/12/1977 Richard Sprague fires back at his critics in a New Orleans States-Item story today. Suggesting that Congress is not the place to conduct any kind of erious investigation, he states: "In a crime investigation you need somebody in command. It can't be politicians who are thinking of what headlines and votes they may garner. After Sprague leaves Washington, Joe Rauh tells Jerry Policoff, "You know, I never thought the Kennedy case was a conspiracy until now. But if they can do that to Dick Sprague it must have been."
  • 4/27/1977 During the HSCA, Walter Fauntroy, one of the members studying the King assassination, charged that reporters covering the HSCA were linked to the CIA and suggested the HSCA might investigate them. A few days later, for reasons about which we can readily speculate, Fauntroy backed down, saying the HSCA had "no plans now or in the future" to seek testimony of journalists regarding their possible ties to the intelligence community. ( Three Assassinations, Volume 2 (New York: Facts on File, 1978), p. 245. Fauntroy's original charge was made 4/27/77)
  • 5/4/1977 In a David Frost interview program, Nixon made his first public comments since resigning. He admitted failing to enforce the laws and letting the American people down, but denied that he had committed any crimes or impeachable acts. He admitted that he "screwed up" the Watergate affair but placed most of the blame on the press and his political opponents. Nixon felt that he had put himself in the role of a "defense attorney" in protecting Haldeman and Erlichman: "I will admit that during acting as lawyer for their defense, I was not prosecuting the case...I don't think of it as a coverup...there are some friends who say 'Just face them [his opponents] down. There is a conspiracy to get you.' There may have been. I don't know what the CIA had to do. Some of their shenanigans have yet to be told, according to a book I read recently...However, I don't go with the idea that there...that what brought me down was a coup..." He insisted his motives were purely political, not criminal. Nixon was paid $600,000 to appear on Frost's program.
  • 5/7/1977 The AP reported that "the CIA used as many as 16 agents a day to spy on...[Jack] Anderson and his staff in 1972 to determine the sources of his news stories, according to newly released files...The spying operation, approved in January 1972, continued until April 12, 1972..." Anderson got the documents through the FOIA as part of a suit against Nixon and other government officials for violating his constitutional rights.
  • 5/9/1977 Carter calls for a hike in Social Security taxes to restore the program's "fiscal integrity."
  • 5/13/1977 KRLD radio talk show host, Lou Staples is found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. The death is ruled a suicide. Staples conducted a historic interview concerning the JFK assassination with reporter Dan Rather. Staples made a public claim that he was going to break the assassination case. Staples had done a good many of his radio talk shows on the Kennedy assassination and the response to the programs was overwhelming. He dies near Yukon, Oklahoma. Though his death is ruled a suicide, the bullet that kills him enters behind his right temple. Lou Staples is left-handed.
  • 5/18/1977 In Review of the News, May 18, 1977, historian Arnold Toynbee describes the need for a "world police force", saying "local states ought to be deprived of their sovereignty and subordinated to the sovereignty of a global world government. The world state will need an armed police force to command force to impose peace."
  • 5/19/1977 "When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal." Richard Nixon, interviewed by the BBC's David Frost
  • 5/21/1977 Carter fired Maj. Gen. John Singlaub for publicly opposing Carter's plan to withdraw ground forces from South Korea.
  • 5/27/1977The President of CBS News, Richard Salant, confirms today that CBS had connections with the CIA that had been formed back in the mid-1950's. Salant further states that these ties had been forged by CBS Chairman William Paley and Sig Mickelson, Salant's predecessor. Salant also states that, as a matter of routine form, any CBS foreign correspondents returning to the United States after assignment were traditionally "debriefed" by (then) CIA Director Allen Dulles.
  • 6/1977 Up until now, most of the media coverage of illegal aliens has concentrated on draining welfare funds, creating unemployment, and not paying taxes into a system from which they benefit. To receive welfare, proof of citizenship is required, which the illegal alien does not have, and the illegal alien is not causing unemployment since the state has tried to get the urban poor to take the jobs in the fields, and failed. The urban poor could make more on welfare and unemployment than accepting these jobs. Also, not many people would accept below minimum wage, long hours, or nonappealing jobs. Most employers, therefore, benefit from illegal aliens in that they can demand more for less; they also use threats of calling the border patrol to keep workers under extreme working conditions. An example of this inhuman profiteering is Senator Barry Goldwater's brother, Robert, who has been hiring illegal aliens for more than a decade. After he paid over $100 to have them smuggled in, he then paid them as little as $5 for a dawn-to-dusk work day. Their living conditions were horrible, and they lived like rats in homes made of crates. Even though they were required to pay taxes, they were unable to collect benefits from welfare or unemployment. Ironically, millions of dollars are being spent to apprehend, detain, and repatriate illegal aliens, however, three times as many people continue to get through the security barriers than are returned or detained. The media tells only one side of the story of the illegal aliens and ignores the other side of this story; this is why this story has been nominated as one of the "ten best censored stories for 1977." SOURCES: New West, "California's Illegal Aliens, They Give More Than They Take," p. 26, also "How Illegal Aliens Pay as They Go," p. 34; by Jonathan Kirsch and Anthony Cook, May 23, 1977. In These Times, "Illegal Aliens the New Scapegoat," June 1-7, 1977,p.6.
  • 6/1/1977 James Gouchenaur today recalls a conversation with Secret Service agent Elmer Moore, who expressed remorse for badgering Dr. Malcolm Perry into changing his testimony about the entrance wound in JFK's throat. On the day of the assassination, Dr. Perry thrice described the throat wound as an entrance wound.
  • 6/3/1977 US and Cuba agree to exchange diplomatic missions in each others' countries.
  • 6/4/1977 While most of us think slavery is a thing of the past, the Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights (est. 1834) knows better. Each year they prepare a report documenting each case o£ slavery and present it to the U.N. The report goes to the new Working Group of Experts on Slavery under the United Nations Human Rights Sub-Commission. There the detailed and documented case studies are debated and passed on. Nothing else is done. When the U.N., in 1956, adopted the convention against the practice of slavery, it was estimated that 62 million people were classifiable as slaves. In 1975, the experts unanimously reported that the sum of slavery in the world had not diminished in the last decade. Of the 147 U.N. members, only 85 have ratified the anti-slavery convention. The last decade has seen an increasing sensitivity about slavery and most nations have "abolished" the practice. Still, it is a practice deeply embedded in many cultures. As late as 1967, the Defense Minister of the South Arabian Federation showed up in London with one of his slaves. Here is a brief survey of slavery in the modern world as the Anti-Slavery Society and the United Nations see it: Chattel slavery: Arabian Peninsula and the Sudan, Mindanao, Guinea, Paraguay, Algeria, Chad, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, and Pakistan. Debt bondage: India, Burma, Columbia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras. Serfdom: It is widespread in Latin America and still found in Afghanistan, Ecuador, Ethiopia and Peru. Sham adoption and exploitation of children: Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Latin America and West Africa. (The 10 year old bought in Sierra Leone and brought to the U.S. as a slave would fall in this category -- S.F. Chronicle, March 4, 1978.) Traffic in persons (white slavery): This still exists but mostly falls under the jurisdiction of INTERPOL. This is an important story because most people do not know slavery still exists, and most Americans do not know that the United States is one of the nations not ratifying the Anti-Slavery Convention. These reasons qualify this story for nomination as one of the "best censored" stories of 1977. SOURCE: Donald Katz, New Republic, June 4, 1977, p. 19-21.
  • 6/6/1977 The New York Times attacked the HSCA, saying that after 8 months of work nothing new had been discovered, and much of what the Committee did have was being spoon-fed to it by Mark Lane. The confidential source told the Times, "...much that witnesses tell us is in conflict with what they supposedly told people who have written books about the assassinations and who had provided the basic leads for the committee to pursue."
  • 6/10/1977 James Earl Ray and six others escaped from Brushy Mountain prison by going over the wall while guards are distracted.
  • 6/10/1977 HSCA member Sen. Robert Morgan stated on CBS-TV, "I believe that the circumstances in this case are so strong that they convince me beyond every reasonable doubt that the assassination of our President was an act of retaliation for what we had tried to do in eliminating Castro."
  • 6/12/1977 David Berkowitz gets 25 years to life for the Son of Sam murders in New York.
  • 6/13/1977 Ray is recaptured in the woods eight miles from the prison.
  • 6/20/1977 G. Robert Blakey is appointed chief counsel and staff director of HSCA. Carl Stokes announces that the House Assassinations Committee has found a replacement for Sprague: G. Robert Blakey, a law professor at Cornell University. Blakey is an organized crime specialist who has served in Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department from 1960-64. At the joint Stokes-Blakey press conference announcing his appointment, Blakey states that, "The purpose of this news conference is to announce there will not be any more news conferences."
  • 6/20/1977 Alternative 3' fake documentary aired in the UK. Jerome Clark notes that many UFO conspiracy theory tales "can be traced to a mock documentary, Alternative 3, broadcast on British television on June 20, 1977, and subsequently turned into a paperback book."
  • 6/24/1977 the New Times had a quote from De Mohrenschildt as saying that Oswald had remarked about JFK: "If he succeeds he will be the greatest President in the history of the country."
  • 6/24/1977 From Dick Russell's article published in New Times Magazine: Like Fitzgerald's Gatsby, Baron George Sergei de Mohrenschildt was borne back ceaselessly into the past. In June 1976, a sultry day in Dallas, he had stood gazing out the picture window of his second-story apartment, talking casually about a young man who used to curl up on the couch with the Baron's Great Danes. "No matter what they say, Lee Harvey Oswald was a delightful guy," de Mohrenschildt was saying. "They make a moron out of him, but he was smart as hell. Ahead of his time really, a kind of hippie of those days. In fact, he was the most honest man I knew. And I will tell you this - I am sure he did not shoot the president." Nine months later, on March 29, one hour after an investigator for the House Assassinations Committee left a calling-card with his daughter, the Baron apparently put a shotgun to his head in Palm Beach, Florida. In his absence came forward a Dutch journalist and longtime acquaintance, Willem Oltmans, with the sensational allegation that de Mohrenschildt had admitted serving as a middleman between Oswald and H. L. Hunt in an assassination plot involving other Texas oilmen, anti-Castro Cubans, and elements of the FBI and CIA. But how credible was de Mohrenschildt? As an old friend in Dallas' Russian community, George Bouhe, once put it: "He's better equipped than anybody to talk. But we have an old Russian proverb that will always apply to George de Mohrenschildt: "The soul of the other person is in the darkness."' Intrigue and oil were the two constants in the Baron's life. He was an emigrant son of the Czarist nobility who spoke five languages fluently and who, during the Second World War, was rumored to have spied for the French, Germans, Soviets and Latin Americans (the CIAs predecessor, the OSS, turned down his application). After the war, he went on to perform geological surveys for major U.S. oil companies all over South America, Europe and parts of Africa. He became acquainted with certain of Texas' more influential citizens - oilman John Mecom, construction magnates George and Herman Brown. In Mexico, he gained audience in 1960 with Soviet First Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan. In 1961 he was present in Guatemala City - by his account, on a "walking tour" - when the Bay of Pigs troops set out for Cuba. Finally, when Lee and Marina Oswald returned to Texas from the Soviet Union in June 1962, the Baron soon became their closest friend. Why? Why would a member of the exclusive Dallas Petroleum Club take under his wing a Trotsky-talking sheet-metal worker some 30 years his junior? The Warren Commission took 118 pages of his testimony to satisfy itself of de Mohrenschildt's benign intent, but among critics the question persisted: Was the Baron really "baby-sitting" Oswald for the CIA? While de Mohrenschildt told the commission he'd never served as any government's agent "in any respect whatsoever," a CIA file for the commission, declassified in 1976, admits having used him as a source. In the course of several meetings with a man from its Dallas office upon de Mohrenschildt's return from Yugoslavia late in 1957, "the CIA representative obtained foreign intelligence which was promptly disseminated to other federal agencies in ten separate reports."The Dallas official, according to the file, maintained "informal occasional contact" with the Baron until the fall of 1961. The Warren Commission volumes, however, contain only passing reference in de Mohrenschildt's testimony to a government man named "G. Walter Moore." His true name was J. Walton Moore, and he had served the CIA in Dallas since its inception in 1947. In two brief, cryptic interviews with me in the 18 months before his death, de Mohrenschildt claimed he would not have struck up his relationship with Oswald "if Jim Moore hadn't told me Oswald was safe." The Baron wouldn't elaborate on that statement, except to hint that it constituted some kind of clearance. J. Walton Moore is now a tall, white-haired man in his middle sixties, who continues to operate out of Dallas' small CIA office. Questioned at his home one summer evening in 1976 about de Mohrenschildt's remarks, he conceded knowing the Baron as a "pleasant sort of fellow" who provided "some decent information" after a trip to Yugoslavia. "To the best of my recollection, I hadn't seen de Mohrenschildt for a couple of years before the assassination," Moore added. "I don't know where George got the idea that I cleared Oswald for him. I never met Oswald. I never heard his name before the assassination." For sure, the CIA did maintain an interest in de Mohrenschildt at least through April 1963. That month, Oswald left Texas for New Orleans and de Mohrenschildt prepared to depart for a lucrative geological survey contract in Haiti. On April 29, according to a CIA Office of Security file, also declassified in 1976, "[Deleted] Case Officer had requested an expedite check of GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT for reasons unknown to Security." There is one alleged ex-CIA contract employee, now working for an oil company in Los Angeles, prepared to testify that de Mohrenschildt was the overseer of an aborted CIA plot to overthrow Haitian President Francois ("Papa Doc") Duvalier in June 1963. The existence of such a plot was examined, but apparently couldn't be substantiated, by the Church Committee. Herb Atkin is sure the plot did exist. "I knew de Mohrenschildt as Philip Harbin," Atkin said when contacted by telephone a few days after the Baron's suicide. "A lot of people in Washington have claimed that Harbin did not exist. But he's the one that ran me from the late fifties onward. I'm certain that de Mohrenschildt was my case officer's real name." If so, the Harbin alias may have a readily identifiable origin. De Mohrenschildt's fourth wife, Jeanna, was born in Harbin, China. One summer day in 1976, still in her bathrobe, she sat at a dining room table cluttered with plants and dishes and watched her husband begin to pace the floor. "Of course, the truth of the assassination has not come out," she said. "It will never come out. But we know it was a vast conspiracy." The Baron turned to face her. "Oswald," he said, "was a harmless lunatic." At our first interview, I had asked de Mohrenschildt what he knew about the recurring reports of Oswald in the presence of Cubans. He had nodded agreement. "Oswald probably did not know himself who they were," he replied. "I myself was in a little bit of danger from those Cubans, but I don't know who they are. Criminal lunatics."When I broached the subject now in the presence of his wife, de Mohrenschildt said something to her in Russian. She then answered for him: "That's a different story. But one must examine the anti-Castro motive of the time. After the Bay of Pigs." A few months later, de Mohrenschildt was committed by his wife to the psychiatric unit of Parkland Memorial Hospital. There were rumors of a book naming CIA names in connection with Oswald, squirreled away with his wife's attorney. According to journalist Oltmans, upon leaving the hospital de Mohrenschildt told him: "They're going to kill me or put me away forever. You've got to get me out of the country." In March, the Baron took a leave-of-absence from his French professorship at Dallas' virtually all-black Bishop College. He flew with Oltmans to Belgium, wandered away during lunch, and wound up in Florida at his daughter's home. There, a tape machine being used to transcribe a television program is said to have recorded his suicide.
  • 6/30/1977 production of B-1 Bomber stopped because it was not thought to be cost-effective.

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Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:17 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:20 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:24 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:28 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:32 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:37 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:55 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 01:57 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 02:00 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 02:03 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 02:13 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-03-2014, 03:04 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Marlene Zenker - 14-03-2014, 03:48 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Magda Hassan - 14-03-2014, 04:03 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by David Guyatt - 14-03-2014, 09:15 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by R.K. Locke - 14-03-2014, 08:39 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 15-03-2014, 12:46 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 15-03-2014, 09:51 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 15-03-2014, 11:44 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by David Guyatt - 16-03-2014, 09:45 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 16-03-2014, 02:54 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-03-2014, 01:18 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-03-2014, 02:48 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-04-2014, 02:24 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-04-2014, 02:54 AM
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Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 03-04-2014, 01:38 AM
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Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 03-04-2014, 07:39 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 03-04-2014, 02:21 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 03-04-2014, 02:42 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 04-04-2014, 01:50 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Magda Hassan - 04-04-2014, 09:47 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 10-04-2014, 01:21 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 12-04-2014, 03:05 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 12-04-2014, 03:25 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 12-04-2014, 03:51 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 12-04-2014, 04:17 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 03:16 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 03:40 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 03:56 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 04:10 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Dawn Meredith - 13-04-2014, 05:10 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 05:13 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 05:18 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 13-04-2014, 05:33 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 07:18 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 13-04-2014, 07:29 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 07:51 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 08:00 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 08:04 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-04-2014, 08:14 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 19-04-2014, 02:24 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 19-04-2014, 02:57 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Magda Hassan - 19-04-2014, 03:14 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 02:03 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 03:26 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 04:26 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 04:51 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 05:25 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 09:43 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 09:47 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 09:51 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 10:01 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-04-2014, 10:05 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 21-04-2014, 12:02 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 24-04-2014, 01:41 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 27-04-2014, 09:08 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 27-04-2014, 09:32 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 27-04-2014, 09:43 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 27-04-2014, 11:37 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 27-04-2014, 11:55 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-04-2014, 12:36 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 28-04-2014, 07:13 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 29-04-2014, 12:36 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-05-2014, 12:40 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-05-2014, 12:46 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 04-05-2014, 01:31 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 04-05-2014, 11:58 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 08-05-2014, 01:41 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-05-2014, 01:26 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-05-2014, 01:15 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-05-2014, 01:25 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 24-05-2014, 02:45 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 24-05-2014, 02:50 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 08:11 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 08:49 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 09:04 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 09:20 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 10:04 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-05-2014, 10:20 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 01:08 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 01:15 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 01:22 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 01:26 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 01:48 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 28-05-2014, 02:06 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 29-05-2014, 02:02 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-06-2014, 03:37 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-06-2014, 10:11 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-06-2014, 10:53 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-06-2014, 11:14 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-06-2014, 11:35 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-06-2014, 12:18 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-06-2014, 12:50 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-06-2014, 01:04 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-06-2014, 01:22 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 03-06-2014, 01:28 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 03-06-2014, 01:43 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 03-06-2014, 01:57 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 03-06-2014, 05:04 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Lauren Johnson - 03-06-2014, 05:15 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Magda Hassan - 03-06-2014, 05:33 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 04-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 07-06-2014, 02:26 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 07-06-2014, 02:44 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 07-06-2014, 02:58 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 08-06-2014, 09:21 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 08-06-2014, 10:13 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 08-06-2014, 10:42 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-06-2014, 11:12 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-06-2014, 02:37 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Peter Lemkin - 20-06-2014, 04:43 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-06-2014, 10:55 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 25-06-2014, 02:57 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 25-06-2014, 03:18 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 07-07-2014, 03:42 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 07-07-2014, 03:47 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 13-07-2014, 04:23 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 25-07-2014, 02:39 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-08-2014, 03:29 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-08-2014, 04:09 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 21-08-2014, 03:21 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-08-2014, 02:27 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-08-2014, 02:38 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 26-08-2014, 02:55 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-09-2014, 03:12 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 01-09-2014, 03:24 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Magda Hassan - 01-09-2014, 04:49 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 05-09-2014, 01:54 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 11-09-2014, 02:42 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-09-2014, 03:06 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 14-09-2014, 03:17 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-09-2014, 12:27 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 05-10-2014, 04:26 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 05-10-2014, 04:42 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-10-2014, 12:23 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-10-2014, 12:35 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-10-2014, 12:51 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 20-10-2014, 01:16 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 16-11-2014, 10:11 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 16-11-2014, 10:24 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 23-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 23-11-2014, 07:42 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-01-2015, 02:36 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 02-01-2015, 02:51 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 18-01-2015, 03:32 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 18-01-2015, 03:42 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 18-01-2015, 03:48 AM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 16-02-2015, 07:39 PM
Deep Politics Timeline - by Tracy Riddle - 22-04-2015, 01:47 AM

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