01-02-2015, 06:31 PM
David Guyatt Wrote:Yep, we should've known. It explains why many of my search terms when researching provide what I call 'false returns' by, in effect, overloading the results with extraneous data.
I think that the original data mining initiative has now moved into a data management and shaping phase with Google.
Exactly. What Google will offer at the top is a load of useless garbage. Idiotic pages or pages that are just cut and pastes of original material on some kind of moronic site with a weird format in order to bury the germane information in a thick morass of bogus links.
I've also noticed fishing links that have the bait of an interesting subject related to what you are looking for induce you to enter it. When you get inside there's nothing. Just some weird site selling some kind of crazy diet or such. These links have random letters and numbers as their url which makes me think they are intel fishing links trying to record who is interested in the subject.
Google also allows dodgy sales websites to be at the top under the category you are looking for. If you're not careful you'll mistake them for the real website. This is similar to intel contempt and raising money for their dirty work by partnering with scammers for revenue.