10-02-2015, 06:59 AM
The 215.3ft would be the physical location on Elm St. to Z313, not from the base of the TSBD which forms the right triangle.
I wanted you to become familiar with the straight line street distance and vert/horiz ratio first.
The 52.78 inches "JFK head above ground" = 4.39ft.
Previously, I posted testimony from Robert Frasier I believe, who said they used an approx 2ft rise above the window sill as the rifle end height.
The equation is going to look something like this:
60.7ft sill + .5ft curb + 11.76ft ElmSt slope = 72.96ft
72.96ft - 4.39ft = 68.57ft
68.57ft + 2 ft = 70.57ft
The actual Z313 survey has this side at 70.25ft
A difference of 3.84 inches.
265.3ft hypotenuse, 70.57ft side and 255.74ft side = right triangle.
265.26ft """"""" 70.25ft """" and 255.8ft """ = Z313 survey = right triangle
The 215.3ft would be the physical location on Elm St. to Z313, not from the base of the TSBD which forms the right triangle.
I wanted you to become familiar with the straight line street distance and vert/horiz ratio first.
The 52.78 inches "JFK head above ground" = 4.39ft.
Previously, I posted testimony from Robert Frasier I believe, who said they used an approx 2ft rise above the window sill as the rifle end height.
The equation is going to look something like this:
60.7ft sill + .5ft curb + 11.76ft ElmSt slope = 72.96ft
72.96ft - 4.39ft = 68.57ft
68.57ft + 2 ft = 70.57ft
The actual Z313 survey has this side at 70.25ft
A difference of 3.84 inches.
265.3ft hypotenuse, 70.57ft side and 255.74ft side = right triangle.
265.26ft """"""" 70.25ft """" and 255.8ft """ = Z313 survey = right triangle