11-03-2015, 04:48 PM
More information-dense, concise expository gold from DiEugenio.
This article should be on front pages and not buried in an obscure internet site no one reads along with its author.
Of course this eloquent, philosophical viewpoint is just the tip of an ugly iceberg that involves CIA terror and murder. It's what Bradlee's self-serving facade was designed to counter and cover-up. America is like a flimsy Hollywood set ready to blow over with the first winds of truth. When that facade collapses you'll see the tanks and storm troops it was concealing along with their ministers.
This article should be on front pages and not buried in an obscure internet site no one reads along with its author.
Of course this eloquent, philosophical viewpoint is just the tip of an ugly iceberg that involves CIA terror and murder. It's what Bradlee's self-serving facade was designed to counter and cover-up. America is like a flimsy Hollywood set ready to blow over with the first winds of truth. When that facade collapses you'll see the tanks and storm troops it was concealing along with their ministers.