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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
The Dead Paedophiles Society:

A major film that features prominent members of the establishment who can't recite poetry - but do know how to undo belt buckles, commit rape, torture and murder without the slightest concern for the long arm of the law ---- because that long arm was also touching little boy's willies.


Speaking of Willie's. It's interesting to see that the Willie Whitelaw case is being partially discussed again (see below). He must be dead. Oh dear he is. He died in 1999. So, that's okay then.

From The Needle:


Breakdown Of IPCC Investigations

We'll update this.
We're assuming all are Met related and that the IPCC complaints do not relate to ongoing police investigations.
Caveat: These are our best guesses.
1) Lambeth and Cyril Smith HERE Allegation of a potential cover up around failures to properly investigate child sex abuse offences in South London and further information about criminal allegations against a politician being dropped.
2) Complaint made by John Mann MP HERE - Allegation that aninvestigation involving a proactive operation targeting young men in Dolphin Square, was stopped because officers were too near prominent people.
3) Peter Righton HERE - Allegation that a document was found at an address of a paedophile that originated from the Houses of Parliament listing a number of highly prominent individuals (MPs and senior police officers) as being involved in a paedophile ring and no further action was taken.
4) Allegation that an account provided by an abuse victim had been altered to omit the name of a senior politician.
5) Hayman and PIE covictions HERE Allegation that an investigationinto a paedophile ring, in which a number of people were convicted, did not take action in relation to other more prominent individuals
6) Willie Whitelaw HERE Allegations that a politician had spoken with a senior MPS officer and demanded no action was taken regarding a paedophile ring and boys being procured and supplied to prominent persons in Westminster in the 1970s.
7) Cyril Smith HERE Allegation that in the late 1970s a surveillance operation that gathered intelligence on a politician being involved in paedophile activities was closed down by a senior MPS officer.
8) Don Hale Allegation Re: Barbara Castle file HERE Allegation that a dossier of allegations against senior figures and politicians involved in child abuse were taken by Special Branch officers.
9) Op Hedgerow HERE - Allegations that a surveillance operation of a child abuse ring was subsequently shut down due to high profile people being involved.
10) Leon Brittan HERE Allegations of child sex abuse against a senior politician and a subsequent cover-up of his crimes.
11) Allegations that during a sexual abuse investigation a senior officer instructed the investigation be halted and that that order had come from up high' in the MPS.
12) Cyril Smith HERE Allegation of a conspiracy within the MPS to prevent the prosecution of a politician suspected of offences.
13) Allegations against a former senior MPS officer regarding child sex abuse and that further members of the establishment including judges were involved. It is claimed that no further action was taken.
14) EGH/ Lee Towsey allegations HERE Allegation that police officers sexually abused a boy and carried out surveillance on him. Further allegations of financial corruption in a London borough police force.

"Senior police officers", eh. Plus very, very, very senior military officers, plus top government ministers = instant cover-up.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall? - by David Guyatt - 17-03-2015, 11:40 AM

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