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Why Congressional investigations fail
I had an epiphany years ago about the real reasons why partisan (or even bipartisan) Congressional investigations are such epic failures. Today right-wing heads are exploding over the House GOP report affirming the official story of Benghazi. Today we hear media commentators say that the Clinton scandals of the 1990s were a "big nothing" because Kenneth Starr could only find a stain on a blue dress. That crazy woman screaming at Rick Santorum about Obama trying to nuke Charleston is typical of many grass-roots Republicans who are furious that the Washington GOP can't "stop" Obama.

It really used to puzzle me why the so-called "opposition party" couldn't find any real wrongdoing. Certainly the Clintons are documented liars, along with the Bushes, Obama, Reagan, etc. Yet the only investigations worth anything have been John Kerry's committee on Contra drug trafficking, and the Church/Pike Committees. Even they didn't go as far as they could have.

Are investigators really just so dumb that they can't find a pubic hair in a brothel? "Why would the GOP cover-up for the Clintons?" is what you hear on every partisan liberal blog. There must be nothing there after all!

But once you know about deep politics, and realize how much the partisan battles are just a puppet show, it becomes clearer. I can definitely remember the Mena airport story being on the verge of becoming a scandal in the early 1990s, but then it disappeared. Why? Because certain Republicans soon realized it led back to Iran-Contra, Ollie North, Reagan and Bush, gun-running, drug trafficking, money-laundering - back to the October Surprise, Watergate, CIA, JFK assassination-related subjects. Don't want to go there! All of the "Whitewater/Rose Law Firm/Vince Foster" related scandals probably tracked back to those same networks. So after millions of dollars and many years of investigation, all we got was a blue dress.

The true story of Benghazi almost certainly has to do with CIA gun-running and false flag operations. Don't want to go there! If we can't blame Hillary and Obama, we don't want to know what really happened! The bipartisan investigations into Iran-Contra, Watergate, the HSCA were limited in the same way. Don't dig too far, it leads to too many things! Other crimes (USS Liberty, Oklahoma City, 9/11) are either not investigated by Congress, or just barely examined. They reveal just how frightened and weak members of Congress truly are.

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Why Congressional investigations fail - by Tracy Riddle - 19-03-2015, 02:57 PM

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