24-04-2015, 04:13 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Parker now claims he thinks Oswald visited the car dealership and test drove the car.
He doesn't follow-through and ask why would Oswald set himself up by telling Bogard he expected to come across a large amount of money? He doesn't apply rational detective cross analysis to other incidences where so-called Oswald's acted aggressively in order to draw attention to themselves - including the Ralph Yates incident. This is clearly set-up behavior designed to create the image of a maniac in the public's mind. Almost like Greg's aggressiveness. He doesn't ask, if it was Oswald, what exactly made him expect to receive a large amount of money? He doesn't apply any rational consideration that the big event would make it unlikely Oswald would be settling-in for domestic suburban life nor does he process the fact that Oswald would not have any explanation for going from poverty to paying cash for brand new cars, something drastically out of line with his previous profile. It's almost idiotic to suggest that Oswald would think he needed a new car for a driver's license test when he could probably borrow Ruth's station wagon. Or that he would say he was coming back to buy it even though there wasn't enough time to do so before the test. Or that the non-driving Oswald would show car handling skill at high speed (Greg's pseudo-analysis Asperger's again I guess). Sorry, I must have missed Greg's apology for bullying people and being insulting and then admitting his Louis Oswalt stuff was complete bullshit he aggressively beat people over the head with and then abandoned as being ridiculous. Greg is a typical schoolyard bully. You can tell a lot about a person by how low they will go when losing an argument.
Quote:Mr. BOGARD. Ninth day of November, I think it was, to be exact.
Mr. BALL. 1963?
Mr. BOGARD. 1963.
Mr. BALL. What day of the week was that?
Mr. BOGARD. That was on a Saturday.
Mr. BALL. When was it? In the morning, or afternoon?
Mr. BOGARD. Afternoon.
Mr. BALL. About what time?
Mr. BOGARD. I think it was around 1:30 or 2 o'clock, as I was leaving town shortly after I gave the demonstration in the automobile and I was in a hurry.
The 9th of November. Bogard said he was leaving town shortly after the test drive. He would be very unlikely to mistake the day he had a trip out of town. He remembers it because he had to hurry the test drive because of that trip.
On the 9th of November Oswald was in Irving at the Paines. So it is NOT possible that the person playing Oswald at the shooting range was the same man who went to the car dealership?
http://www.ctka.net/2015/chapter6_3c.pdf covers what the FBI and CIA where saying about their investigations into where Oswald was between Sept 24 and Oct 4 but looking at the documents and events chronologically...
and here are the rest of th elinks and articles looking into the Mexico City Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 I focus on the travel issues, not what happened during that time at the embassies - Bill Simpich and others do a much better job on those theories.. I show how the entire trip, as recorded in the documented history, is a fraud... and why. The documents are embedded in the work as well...
Mrs. PAINE - Yes, on November 9, which was Election Day,Saturday, in Texas.
Mr. JENNER - This was the weekend he was home?
Mrs. PAINE - This was the weekend that he was home, whichwas the last weekend he was home, don't call it home though.
Mr. JENNER - I am sorry. It was the last weekend that he wasat your home?
Mrs. PAINE - That is correct.
Mr. JENNER - And he arrived the previous day, evening orlate afternoon?
Mrs. PAINE - That is correct.
Mr. JENNER - Now starting with that Friday afternoon, pleaserelate the course of events?
Mrs. PAINE - Well, I will say that we went Saturday morningto a station in Dallas where you can take the written test and eye test thatpermits you to get a learner's permit, but when we got there that is all of us,children, Lee, Marina and myself, driving in my car to Oak Cliff--when we gotthere it was closed, being election day. I hadn't thought, realized that thiswould mean it would be closed. So we returned.
Michael gives Oswald a driving lesson on Saturday the 9thwhile sightings of another Oswald are reported at the Sports Drome. WCD 7(link above) contains interviews of Slack, Price and Davis who corroborate seeing someonethey identified as Oswald at the range on November 9th, 10th and 17th.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter