25-04-2015, 05:59 AM
David Josephs Wrote:Don Jeffries Wrote:Greg Parker's tenacious efforts to prove there was only one Lee Harvey Oswald are reminiscent of what we see from lone nutters. Indeed, his magical re-growing tonsils are comparable to magic bullets and bunched-up coats.
Parker is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I don't really understand this crusade of his. Did he have a run-in with Armstrong at some point? This really seems personal.
Even without Armstrong's theory, the Oswald impersonations represent some of the clearest examples of conspiratorial behavior. There is no rational reason to launch this Warren Commission-style debunking effort.
Anyone that can show him for the shill he is will be attacked.
Anyone with actual evidence that shows him to be wrong - attacked
When/If he ever gets to Oswald in his books about Oswald - we'll have ourselves a field day...
Writing about Korea and warfare under the guise of an Oswald history is just his convuluted way.
I don't think it has to do with JA but that he thought all along that noone knew enough about H&L to argue with him...
I do. and I will continue to show Parker for the cretin he is... Thanks for having my back Don and the handful of others who easily see thru Parker's fog.
Greg Parker is showing you to be the cretin. If you can't see that for yourself then you should give this game up. He owns you. Everyone at the EF knows this except maybe your like minded buddies that have your back.