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Guido Preparata's website
Apologies for the machine translation, but you'll get the pith without too much trouble:

The Anglo-American owners of money as the organisers of the Second World War

Valentin Katasonov - 04/05/2015

Quote:The initiative of the outbreak of World War II belonged not "Hitler possessed," which supposedly by chance found himself at the helm of power in Germany. The Second World War - is a project of the global financial oligarchy, the Anglo-American masters of money. It is they, relying on institutions such as the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, just after the First World War started the preparation for the next armed clashes on a world scale. And a new war plan spearheaded was directed against the USSR.

Important milestones of this training became Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, the creation of the Bank for International Settlements, the announcement of the termination of Germany to pay reparations for the Treaty of Paris and the tacit consent of Russia's former allies with this decision, the powerful infusion of foreign investments and credits to the economy of the Third Reich, the militarization of the German economy in violation of the Treaty of Paris.

The key figures in the backroom operations of Anglo-American masters of money is the family Rockefeller and Morgan, Montagu Norman (Director of the Bank of England), Hjalmar Schacht (director of the Reichsbank, Minister of Economy of the Third Reich). Strategic plan of the Rockefeller and Morgan was to economically subjugate Europe, and with the help of inflated foreign credits and investments in Germany to deliver a crushing blow to the Soviet Russia, returning it to the bosom of the world capitalist system as a colony.

Montagu Norman (1871-1950) played an important role of mediator between the US financial capital and the political and business circles of Germany. Hjalmar Schacht was put on the role of organizer of the war economy of Nazi Germany. Options cover the backstage operations performed owners money policies such as Franklin Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill. In Germany, along with J. Schacht top performer these plans became Hitler. It is noteworthy that some historians evaluate the role in the management of mine in Germany during World War II is higher than the role of Hitler. Just the first of them was a non-public figure.

Adopted in 1924 at the initiative of the Anglo-American bankers Dawes Plan provided for easing the burden of German reparations (which is extremely painful perceived France receives more than half of the reparations) and the provision of financial assistance to Germany from the United States and England in the form of loans ostensibly for economic recovery and subsequent recovery of payments reparations in full. In 1924-1929 gg. Germany was the Dawes Plan by 2.5 billion US. Dollars., Of England - 1.5 bln. USD. At the current exchange rate is equivalent to an astronomical sum of around $ 1 trillion. Hjalmar Schacht, one of the authors and performers of the Dawes Plan, summarizing 1929 results of the implementation of the plan, noted with satisfaction that "Germany for 5 years received the same amount of foreign loans, how many of them got America for 40 years prior to World War I." (1). As a result, prostrate in the war Germany had already in 1929 ranked second in the world in terms of industrial production, beating England.

In the 1930s, the process of pumping the German economy continued investments and loans. To this end, according to the Young Plan in 1930 it was created the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland (Basel). The official purpose of the BIS was to carry out reparations Germany in favor of the victorious countries. In fact, the movement of money through the BIS was going in the opposite direction - from the United States and Britain to Germany. Most of the strategically important German companies to the top of the 1930s. owned by American capital or partially controlled by them. Some of the capital owned by British investors. Thus, the German oil-refining industry and the production of synthetic gasoline from coal owned American corporation "Standard Oil" (Rockefeller). The core of the chemical industry in Germany was a company "IG Farben ", passed under the control of the banking house of Morgan. 40% of the telephone network in Germany and 30% stake in aircraft manufacturing company "Focke-Wulf" belonged to the American company ITT. The core of the German radio and electrical industry had concerns "AEG", "Siemens", "Osram"; They came under the control of the American company "General Electric". And ITT and "General Electric" were part of the Morgan financial empire. Finally, 100% of the shares of concern "Volkswagen" were under the control of the American automobile corporation "Ford".

By the time Hitler came to power under the full control of the US financial capital there were all strategically important sectors of German industry - oil refining and the production of synthetic fuels, chemicals, automotive, aerospace, electrical and radio instrument, much of the engineering (total 278 companies and corporations). In addition, under the control of US capital were the leading German banks - "Deutsche Bank", "Dresdner Bank" Donut Bank "and a number of other (2).


January 30, 1933, Hitler became Chancellor. Before that, his candidacy was carefully studied American bankers. Chairman J. Schacht of the Reichsbank in the autumn of 1930 he traveled across the ocean to their US counterparts to discuss details of the plan to bring Hitler to power. After Hitler's candidacy and his political promotion plan was finalized at a secret meeting of bankers in the United States, J. Schacht returned to Germany. Throughout 1932, he worked with the German bankers and industrialists, urging them to fully support Hitler. And this support has been received. In mid-November 1932 the 17 largest bankers and industrialists to President Hindenburg letter demanding to appoint Hitler Chancellor. The last workshop of German financiers before the election was held January 4, 1933 in a villa of the famous German banker Schroeder near Cologne.

After the arrival of the National Socialists to power, finance and credit, and trade and economic relations with Germany, the Anglo-Saxon world have reached a qualitatively new level. Hitler immediately makes a loud statement that he refuses to pay reparations. This, of course, put into question the ability of Britain and France to repay their debts to the United States for loans during the First World War, but the ocean Hitler issued a statement without any objections. In May 1933 Ya.Shaht makes another visit to the United States. There he meets with US President Franklin Roosevelt and the big bankers and signs agreement for US loans totaling $ 1 billion. USD. In June of that year, J. Schacht makes a trip to London to hold talks with M. Norman. Everything happens like in a fairy tale: the British agree to provide the Third Reich loan of $ 2 billion. USD., While not opposed to the suspension of payments on servicing and repayment of previously obtained loans Germany English. Some historians believe that the important reason for this compliancy American and British bankers was that the Soviet Union in 1932, completed the first five-year plan, which is unexpected for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic position of the Soviet state. It was built and put into operation several thousand enterprises, mainly in heavy industry. The dependence of the Soviet Union on imports of machinery and equipment over several years has fallen sharply. Prospects of economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have virtually disappeared. The stake was made on the war, began unrestrained militarization of Germany.

Ease of obtaining American loans explained by the fact that almost simultaneously with the coming to power of Hitler in Germany, the United States came to power, President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was supported by the American bankers, who in the autumn of 1931 was supported by Hitler. The newly president could not approve the generous gesture of credit in favor of the new regime in Berlin. By the way, many have noted many similarities between the "new economic course" Roosevelt in the United States and economic policies of the Third Reich in Germany. There is nothing surprising in this. As consultants and policymakers in both countries were the same people, mainly from the US financial circles.

However, the "new economic policy" Roosevelt pretty soon began to give failures. In 1937, America was again in the depths of the crisis, and in 1939, loading of production capacities in the US was 33% (in the midst of the crisis of 1929-1933. - 19%). Assessing the situation in the United States in 1939, one of the closest advisers of Roosevelt P. Taguell wrote: "In 1939, the government could not achieve any success. Ahead lay the open sea until the day when Hitler invaded Poland. Fog could only dispel the mighty wind of war. Any other measures that have been dominated by Roosevelt, would not bring any results "(3).

In these circumstances, the only salvation for US capitalism could become a world war. In 1939, the owners of money, using all the levers available to them, began to put pressure on Hitler, requiring him to immediately start a major war in the East.

An important tool for policy owners money during the Second World War was the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). It was established as an outpost of American capital in Europe and served as a link between the Anglo-Saxon and German capital, a kind of offshore company cosmopolitan capital, providing him protection from the various political winds of war, sanctions, etc. Although the BIS was founded as a public commercial bank, its immunity from government interference and even taxation both in peacetime and in wartime, it was guaranteed by an international treaty signed in 1930 in The Hague.

The main initiators of the BIS were the bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's inner circle Morgan , Director of the Bank of England's Montagu Norman , German financiers Hjalmar Schacht, Walter Funk (later succeeded by J. Schacht as president of the Reichsbank), Emil Puhl .

The founders of the BIS, the Bank signed the Charter became the central banks of Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, and a number of private banks. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who actively participated in the creation of the BIS, for political reasons, the founders did not enter. From the United States signed the Statute of the BIS private banks "First National Bank of New York", "D. JP Morgan & Company "and" First National Bank of Chicago "- they are all included in the Morgan empire. Japan was also represented at the BIS private banks. In 1931-1932 gg. the Bank for International Settlements joined 19 central banks of the countries of Europe. The first president of the BIS became the banker of the Rockefeller clan Gates McGarry . In 1933 he left the post. He was replaced by an American Leon Fraser, Morgan protégé. During the Second World War, the president of the bank was again an American , Thomas Harrington McKittrick.

About how the BIS worked in the interests of the Third Reich, written quite a lot (4). During the war the BIS calculations carried out in Germany on supplies of goods from different countries, including those for which Germany was a military adversary. After Pearl Harbor during the war years the BIS is still referred to in all official references as the correspondent bank of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. During the war the BIS was under the control of the Nazis, but the president of the bank was the American Thomas Harrington McKittrick. While at the front soldiers died in Basel, meetings were held with the participation of management BIS bankers of Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, England and the United States. Here in Switzerland, "offshore banking" reigned complete understanding, there was intense joint work of representatives of the warring countries in the war.

In an atmosphere of war, BIS has become the place where the loot Germany came together in different European countries gold. In March 1938, after the entry of the Nazis in Vienna, most of them kidnapped Austrian gold migrated to the BIS safes. The same fate befell the gold reserves of the Czech National Bank - 48 million. Dollars. This was before the Second World War. Once it is unleashed to the Bank for International Settlements flowed gold that is mined in the Third Reich concentration camps and as a result of various raids on the robbery of civilians in occupied countries (jewelery, gold crowns, cigarette cases, dishes, etc.). This is the so-called Nazi gold. It is usually processed from raw materials to standard ingots and was directed to the BIS and other Swiss banks or outside Europe. After Pearl Harbor, that is, after the United States entered the war, the Bank for International Settlements, according to American researcher Charles Higham , the Nazis received the deposit of gold in the amount of 378 million. dollars.

On the history of the Third Reich capture using BIS Czech gold is to say a few more. Details of this operation cleared after the declassification of part of the Bank of England its archives in 2012 (5). In March 1939, Hitler's troops occupied Prague. The Nazis, at gunpoint, demanded that the country's national treasure - gold reserves are estimated at 48 million. Dollars. Frightened members of the board of the bank said that gold has already been transferred to the Bank for International Settlements. As it turned out later, the gold from Basel and then migrated to the vault of the Bank of England. At the command of the Berlin gold was transferred to the Reichsbank in the BIS, and physically it was the Bank of England. Further, the Bank of England began to perform various operations with gold on the teams that came from Berlin (from the Reichsbank), the BIS, and then relayed to London. There was a conspiracy of three parties: the Reichsbank, Hitler's Germany, the Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of England. Incidentally, in England in 1939, he started a real scandal, as the Bank of England to make transactions with the Czech gold on the teams that came from Berlin and Basel, but not from the Czech government. In particular, in June 1939, three months before the declaration of war between Britain and Germany, the Bank of England helped the Germans to realize the gold in the 440 000 pounds and forward part of the German gold reserve in New York (the Germans were confident that in case of invasion Poland United States did not declare war). Illegal operations with the Czech gold, the Bank of England carried out with the tacit consent of the government of Great Britain, which was in the know. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain , Finance Minister John Simon , other senior officials were spinning like snakes in a pan, resorting to outright lies (supposedly gold returned to its rightful owner or never passed the Reichsbank). Only recently disclosed secret archives of the Bank of England confirmed that the first persons of the state lied, covering themselves, the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements. Coordinate joint criminal enterprise of the Bank of England and the BIS was convenient because the chairman of the latter throughout the war was Montagu Norman , director of the Bank of England, who did not hide his fascist sympathies.

In 1944, at an international conference at Bretton Woods (USA), where they discussed plans for the future of the global financial order, popped the question about the unseemly role of the BIS in World War II and his work at Nazi Germany. Omitting many details, I note that at the conference with great difficulty managed to adopt a resolution on the closing of the BIS (number of delegates and observers from the United States tried to prevent the adoption of such resolution). However, the decision of the international conference hosts ignored the money. And all the compromising information relating to the activities of the BIS during the war, was classified 6 . It also helps today to falsify the history of World War II.

Finally a few words about the bankers and financiers Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970). He was a key figure, to manage the economic machine of the Third Reich, extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Anglo-American capital in Germany. In 1945, Schacht was brought to justice by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, but the October 1, 1946 was acquitted. Schacht got away just like Hitler, who inexplicably did not have in 1945 in the list of war criminals. Moreover, Schacht as if nothing had happened back in the banking sector in Germany, founded and headed in Dusseldorf banking house Schacht GmbH . It would seem that no noteworthy detail, but this fact once again makes it clear that prepared the Second World War and partly summed up the results of its Anglo-American owners of money and their authorized representatives in Germany. The same owners of money today not only want to rewrite the history of World War II, but the results beat it.

(To be continued)


(1) "History of the Great Patriotic War" in 6 volumes, v. 1, p. 4.
(2) R. Epperson. Invisible Hand "(2nd ed.) - St. Petersburg, 1999, p. 294; "History of the Great Patriotic War" in 6 volumes, v. 1, p. 34-35, "The history of World War II" in 12 volumes, vol. 1, p. 112, 183, and vol. 2, p. 344.
(3) P. Tuguell, The Democratic Roosvelt, A Biography of Franklin D. Roosvelt, New York, 1957, p 477, "History of World War II" in 12 volumes, v. 2, p. 341.
(4). See, for example: Charles Higham Trading with the Enemy. - M .: Progress, 1985
(5) See .:
(6) See .: VY Katasonov. Bretton Woods: the key events in modern financial history. - M .: Oxygen 2014 // Chapter 5 "Bretton Woods: the sentence, which was not enforced" (s.111-121).

About the Author

Valentin Katasonov

He was born in 1950. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute in 1972, Professor, Department of Moscow State Institute of International Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Business. In 2001-2011. - Head of the Department of international monetary relations (University) of the MFA of Russia. In the years 1991-1993. - Consultant of the United Nations (Department of international economic and social issues). In 1993-1996. - Member of the Consultative Council under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In 1995-2000. - Deputy Director of the Russian National investment in environmental sanitation (World Bank project on environmental management).

A specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flow, project financing, investment management. Author of ten books, including "The Great Power or ecological power?" (1991), "Project financing as a new method of organizing an investment in the real economy" (1999), "Capital flight from Russia" (2002), "Capital flight from Russia: the macroeconomic, monetary and financial aspects "(2002) and others. List of scientific works: Project financing as a new method of organizing investments in the real sector of the economy. M .: Publishing House Ankil, 1999. Project financing: the organization, risk management and insurance. M .: Publishing House Ankil, 2000. Project financing: international experience and prospects for Russia. M .: Publishing House Ankil, 2001. Capital flight from Russia. M .: Publishing House Ankil, 2002. Capital flight from Russia: the macroeconomic, monetary and financial aspects. M .: Publishing House Ankil, 2002. Investments: in the fuel - energy complex of Russia: basic indicators, sources and methods of funding. M .: Publishing House of the MGIMO-University. The investment potential of economic activity, macroeconomic and financial - credit issues. M .: Publishing House of the MGIMO-University. Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use. M .: Publishing House Ankil.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 18-10-2015, 10:38 AM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 23-10-2015, 08:00 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 25-10-2015, 09:23 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 01-11-2015, 02:17 PM
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Guido Preparata's website - by David Guyatt - 08-01-2016, 08:56 AM
Guido Preparata's website - by R.K. Locke - 17-01-2016, 12:07 AM
Guido Preparata's website - by Magda Hassan - 17-01-2016, 05:56 AM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 05-02-2016, 09:14 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by R.K. Locke - 26-02-2016, 10:26 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Lauren Johnson - 27-02-2016, 04:37 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 14-05-2016, 07:15 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by R.K. Locke - 03-09-2016, 11:44 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 04-09-2016, 11:20 AM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 11-10-2016, 09:56 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 25-11-2016, 09:07 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 24-12-2016, 08:30 PM
Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 27-12-2016, 11:21 AM
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Guido Preparata's website - by Paul Rigby - 12-09-2017, 07:38 PM
RE: Guido Preparata's website - by David Butler - 26-02-2022, 06:56 PM
RE: Guido Preparata's website - by Lauren Johnson - 28-02-2022, 06:49 AM
RE: Guido Preparata's website - by David Butler - 01-03-2022, 07:49 PM
RE: Guido Preparata's website - by Lauren Johnson - 02-03-2022, 08:23 PM

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