24-05-2015, 01:59 AM
BTW, getting back to the Reitzes/Blatburst Roy association, can you believe what that idiot Reitzes said to Pitelli?
After they had been routed by him, Retizes says that hey, I never said it wasn't a conspiracy, but I never saw any evidence about what Garrison was outlining.
Why is that ridiculous? Because Reitzes was an LBJ did it advocate in is early days!
In other words, we are supposed dot believe that that was a credible theory, but Garrison's CIA did it was not??
In other words, 544 Camp Street and Guy Banister, and all the people who saw Oswald there, and Banister exploding when he learns that Oswald put his address on the Corliss Lamont flyer, all the witnesses who saw Shaw and Ferrie with Oswald in Clinton/Jackson, all the witnesses who said that Shaw was Bertrand (about 14 of them, including Andrews to Weisberg), Ferrie searching for both his library card and the CAP photo in the wake of the assassination, Banister telling Delphine Roberts that there will be no real inquiry in New Orleans about the assassination, Oswald calling the FBI when he is arrested, Walter seeing his informant file there, Shaw calling Andrews to defend Oswald, etc etc etc. That is not evidence right?
Can the man be serious? These are the kind of people Roy/Blatburst finds comfort with.
After they had been routed by him, Retizes says that hey, I never said it wasn't a conspiracy, but I never saw any evidence about what Garrison was outlining.
Why is that ridiculous? Because Reitzes was an LBJ did it advocate in is early days!
In other words, we are supposed dot believe that that was a credible theory, but Garrison's CIA did it was not??
In other words, 544 Camp Street and Guy Banister, and all the people who saw Oswald there, and Banister exploding when he learns that Oswald put his address on the Corliss Lamont flyer, all the witnesses who saw Shaw and Ferrie with Oswald in Clinton/Jackson, all the witnesses who said that Shaw was Bertrand (about 14 of them, including Andrews to Weisberg), Ferrie searching for both his library card and the CAP photo in the wake of the assassination, Banister telling Delphine Roberts that there will be no real inquiry in New Orleans about the assassination, Oswald calling the FBI when he is arrested, Walter seeing his informant file there, Shaw calling Andrews to defend Oswald, etc etc etc. That is not evidence right?
Can the man be serious? These are the kind of people Roy/Blatburst finds comfort with.