02-06-2015, 03:28 AM
[FONT=&] Trine Day recently released an intriguing book by John Potash, author of an earlier work on the FBI and Tupac Shakur. The full title of the new volume is DRUGS AS WEAPONS AGAINST US: THE CIA'S MURDEROUS TARGETING OF SDS, PANTHERS, HENDRIX, LENNON, COBAIN, TUPAC, AND OTHER LEFTISTS. The book's contents page is instructive. The narrative includes MK-Ultra, CIA drug experimentation and much more, and I think will make good reading alongside the 200+ page document posted by David Guyatt a few months back that looked at the history of the US covert drug trade. I haven't checked whether the discussion of Hendrix's death in this book corresponds with the Hendrix murder thesis elsewhere on this site. Here is the Amazon link -
[FONT=&]Trine Day's homepage shows a number of new and forthcoming books of interest, including an updated reprint of Henrik Kruger's THE GREAT HEROIN COUP, and another volume by Alex Constantine[/FONT].
[FONT=&]Trine Day's homepage shows a number of new and forthcoming books of interest, including an updated reprint of Henrik Kruger's THE GREAT HEROIN COUP, and another volume by Alex Constantine[/FONT].