13-06-2015, 04:59 PM
Bart Kamp Wrote:Albert Doyle Wrote:Anyone with the analysis skills necessary to detect covert evidence would see right away that the Harvey & Lee theory has serious merit. Greg Parker is an obvious ass and naysayer who bases his pedantic gratuitous doubt on a build-up of disingenuously contrived arguments that deliberately omit critical facts and evidence peppered by an onslaught of distracting verbiage designed to mask the weakness of his arguments.
It's very clear from the evidence that government went to pains to cover-up an Oswald who was not just a double used for covert purposes but was instead part of a deep operation using two men who were deliberately designed to be the same person. Parker is a denial troll who uses the Von Pein-like tactic of demanding Harvey & Lee advocates bring him the perfect evidence. Meanwhile he blindly ignores serious evidence of this program. His is not an agenda of strengthening evidence but is one of destroying key esoteric evidence that clarifies the depth of the assassination conspiracy and its true Dragonian facilitators.
You can't teach someone what they don't want to know. A poll of these people is about as useful as an art judging contest for the blind. Keep in mind, these same demanders of rigor also attack Ralph Yates and Commander Pitzer.
Brian Doyle
For someone, who has admitted himself not to read specific books yet jumps in threads to offer his opinion (based on sod all since you haven't read the material in the first place).
That is quite a statement.
No other member here speculates as much as you do.
Show some evidence directly linked to all these claims, Hargrove wimped out at EF when I asked him several questions to show me the evidence to the extraordinary claims Armstrong makes. He had David Josephs instead answer totally ignoring the whole lot with a smoke and mirrors exercise which failed miserably as well.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that H&L is filled to the brim with conjecture and speculation (and yes I have that book hard cover and digital version).
Do you?
Who is "speaking" here Bart Kamp (interesting name)
or Brian Doyle? Or is Bart Kamp addressing ALBERT Doyle? (Posting on drugs or something???)