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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Bart Kamp Wrote:You post evidence like Hargrove does? My only problem is that some of the claims Armstrong makes are not supported by evidence. I already pointed this out to Hargrove, who has been suspiciously absent ever since and if he has been around he sure as hell avoided all of it. But it brought you, like a lemming, out of the woodwork didn't it? And did you address any of it? Nope.

Sheesh! A day or two ago Kamp makes a post on EF taking ten or so single, out-of-context sentences from a J.A. article on the FBI and, for each, demands I prove it to him. "Show me the evidence" or some crap like that) he demands! I ignore him, and then I spend the day out of town with my family, and suddenly I'm "suspiciously absent ever since." What a steaming pile of crap! And Kamp starts stalking me here and elsewhere.

Just for grins, though, let's take a look at the first two of Kamp's demands, and see what has got his panties in such a twist. First is John A's statement that there is good reason to believe that Hoover knew about the CIA's "Oswald Project."

Going back all the way to 1960, Hoover himself sent a memo to the Office of Security at the State Department stating, "there is a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald's birth certificate."

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6993&stc=1]

Hoover should have known a good deal about "Oswald" since Russian-speaking Oswald was paid by his FBI! Even Gerald Ford talked about this in his book!

Less than a month before the assassination, FBI SA Milton Kaack was researching Oswald's birth records in New Orleans.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6994&stc=1]

Isn't it amazing that, despite all the information about it, no copy of Lee Harvey Oswald's birth certificate has ever been located, only a receipt from the recorder's office that is sometimes mistaken for a birth certificate.

Since we know from the ARRB testimony of Robert Tanenbaum that Earl Warren was told by numerous high-ranking officials that "unimpeachable sources" that "Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI." And you expect us to believe that Hoover didn't know this?

Second of Kamp's outrages was John's statement that "LEE Oswald would not have approached Robert McKeown, a former gun-runner and close friend of Fidel Castro, and attempted to purchase rifles from him without orders (probably from the CIA's David Phillips).

I think Kamp should do some of his own research here, but I'll help him get started. Just follow this link:

This will show a newspaper article with a picture of McKeown and Castro and more importantly, McKeown's once secret full HSCA testimony. McKeown was a reluctant witness. Already jailed for supplying weapons to Cuba, he refused to testify until he was given full immunity. Now, Kamp, think about David Phillips. Can YOU think of a reason to suspect him of giving the orders for "Oswald" to visit McKeown? (Hint: think Southland Center)

So, I see Kamp now makes the following statement:
Hargrove, I will get back to you about this, but one thing needs to be said, your excuse of being away doesn't wash at all, as a matter of fact it is an outright lie since you made three (!) posts inside the very same thread after I asked you to show me!

He obviously has a reading comprehension problem, since I clearly stated that I was ignoring his demands that I prove this and prove that to him. Here's what I said last night:
I ignore him, and then I spend the day out of town with my family, and suddenly I'm "suspiciously absent ever since." What a steaming pile of crap! And Kamp starts stalking me here and elsewhere.
I am talking about over at EF, you seem to mix things up badly, go get some some sleep Hargrove, tomorrow is another day.

The more people attack the work of John A, the more it is clear to me that John is on to something important.


Of course you can't answer the simple question I asked primarily with regards your Post 501 of you at the EF
My post stated:

None of this, and also Armstrong's article points to actual fabrication/falsification of LHO signature. I really find all this stuff rather manipulative in making people believe something happened when there is zero evidence in place that [B]directly supports what you state..

[/B]then since you pointed to the page at your website, I asked:

there is good reason to believe that FBI Director Hoover learned about the CIA's "Oswald project" show me
For example, LEE Oswald would not have approached Robert McKeown, a former gun-runner and close friend of Fidel Castro, and attempted to purchase rifles from him without orders (probably from the CIA's David Phillips). show me
The orders probably originated with his CIA handlers (David Phillips, Mexico City), and were given to someone with close connections to the FBI, perhaps Guy Bannister in New Orleans show me
HARVEY may have been told that he could help the FBI by starting a local FPCC chapter and recruiting new members, while working for the Bureau as an undercover confidential informant. show me
If Oswald was working undercover for the FBI this could explain why, after arrested in New Orleans, he spoke with FBI agent John Lester Quigley for an hour and a half. show me that BIG IF
Oswald may have thought his assignment as an undercover confidential informant was to identify and report Castro sympathizers to the FBI show me
But the real reason for the CIA to initiate (HARVEY) Oswald's undercover assignment was to have him working for the FBI on November 22, 1963. show me
Hoover knew that HARVEY Oswald was working for the CIA when he "defected" to the Soviet Union. show me
And now, on the day President Kennedy was assassinated, HARVEY Oswald was not only a CIA asset but was also probably working undercover for the FBI. Probably? Show me!

That is the essence, everything else pure smoke and mirrors by you and DJ, basically wasting everyone's time.

But you know what, I can talk 'till the cows come home, there's no point in debating you as well you seem to have similar egos!

Stuck in your own ways and this and the Frankenstein Oswald thread clearly prove my point. Too big to even admit you are wrong even in the slightest, BAH!

The term Zombie CTer comes to mind, I am done with you as well, there is only this much time I waste on this imaginary BS.

Dream on!

Mods, I won't get into this any further rest assured!


Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Bart Kamp - 14-06-2015, 01:06 PM

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