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Climate Change proponents emails and files hacked

Quote:Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Christopher Monckton went further than ever before in his vehement opposition to the elitists running the climate change scam, calling for the UN to be shut down and for fraudulent peddlers of global warming propaganda like Al Gore to be arrested and criminally prosecuted.

Monckton said that those who are threatening to shut down economies, bankrupt nations, and deepen the problems of the third world by implementing draconian policies in the name of global warming should be indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned “for a very long time”.

“The fraudsters and racketeers from Al Gore to the people at the University of East Anglia who have been making their fortune at the expense of taxpayers and the little guy,” should be criminally charged, said Monckton, in response to the climategate scandal.

“We the people have got to rise up worldwide, found a party in every country which stands for freedom and make sure we fight this bureaucratic communistic world government monster to a standstill – they shall not pass,” he added.

Monckton said that the United Nations should be “closed down,” adding that he talked to a senior UN ambassador in Canada who told him that he no longer saw any purpose in the UN and it exists “only to enrich itself at the expense of the nations it claims to serve, it’s time it was brought to an end.”

“We would all save billions if we shut down the UN and just about all of its hideous bureaucracy,” said Monckton.

Lord Monckton emphasized how the emails released as a result of climategate prove that global warming alarmism was still prevalent in public but behind closed doors, warmist scientist are admitting that the “deniers” as they label people like Monckton are correct.

“Publicly they’re saying the science is settled, we’re all doomed unless you close down the economies of the west, whereas privately they’re saying to each other ‘we’ve got it wrong, none of this adds up and it’s a travesty that we can’t explain it’.”

Monckton also slammed Obama’s science czar John P. Holdren, who in his 1977 book Ecoscience called for draconian population measures to be enforced by a “planetary regime” in the name of saving the earth, as an “openly admitted communist”.

Monckton pointed out how Holdren had been once of the most prominent alarmists in the 70’s warning about the onset of rapid “global cooling”.

“Now with seamless mendacity he says that what we’re now facing is global warming,” said Monckton.

“How can anyone like Holdren stand up with a straight face and expect anyone to believe it,” he added.

Monckton said that the agenda behind the global warming movement was to set up a communistic world government which will be run by people who “do not care how many people they kill with their policies” and that their goal is to “do away with democracy forever by stealth using the excuse to save the planet.”

Monckton said that the people running the scam had a “deliberate desire to control population by killing people in large numbers deliberately if necessary.”

The former advisor to Margaret Thatcher said that the warmists were sounding more and more desperate and knew that they had been rumbled as a result of climategate, which would only make it more urgent for them to try and force through a binding treaty in Copenhagen.

Monckton said that the answer to combating the move towards neo-feudalism and global government was to form a worldwide “freedom party” that would operate nationally in every country in order to defend freedom, democracy and prosperity while routing out every aspect of the communistic takeover.

“Every time these people try to take it away, we in the freedom party will stop them, and I think now is the time,” said Monckton.

Watch the interview in full below...

audio file:

More recent stuff on Climategate:
Quote:A True Inquiry Into Climate & Weather
Part 1: A Hot Potato
Featuring Robert Felix, Joe Daleo, & Dr. Tim Ball

Very few of us know any of the facts about climate or weather. Most of us have taken a blind faith approach to this very subject, but we cannot afford to embrace this with blind faith. Unfortunately, this will be to the great detriment of all of humanity. This is not a political subject or show.

This is a broadcast segment about the urgent need to know the truth about this subject with verifiable facts that have not been able to make their way in a cohesive, understandable way to the trusting, good-hearted, and concerned public. This subject has two segments; the first one is my dialogue with Robert Felix, author of Not By Fire, But By Ice and Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps.

Robert Felix has a way of introducing us to so much substantially monumental and verifiable facts, in context, with how a scientific case can be made for a very chilling reality, that a little Ice Age appears to be on the way.

I also invited meteorologist Joe Daleo of and climatologist, Dr. Tim Ball to provide a broad-based perspective as to what's missing regarding the climate change, global warming understanding and dialogue. What these men will illuminate will shake us to our very foundations.

Well-meaning politicians need to open their field of receptivity to improve their understanding of climate in a larger context - one that is devoid of political and economic survival, peer pressure, fear of marginalization, and fear of losing their positions. There's a gross body of mistruth and distortion about climate and the climate dangers we are truly facing.

As people of the world, a different framework is needed to quickly and properly understand weather and climate so that those of us who want to know what's going on may properly prepare for the imminent changes. Get ready to learn things you have never known before about weather, climate and the business of weather and climate. Thank you for listening and getting yourselves prepared.

audio file:

Part 2:
Quote:A True Inquiry Into Climate & Weather
Part 2: The Plot Thickens
Featuring Dr. Willie Soon & Dr. David Legates

The plot really does thicken in this interview with Dr. Willie Soon and Dr. David Legates. This is an incredibly complex up-and-coming piece of inquiry which, if addressed improperly and not by an open mind, could lead humanity into a shocking and chilling new discovery about climate that is unexpected - one that will overshadow global politics and outweigh any ideology.

The verifiable data offered in this interview is both fascinating and disturbing. An astrophysicist at the Harvard Center and a Climatologist from the University of Delaware come together to properly brief listeners on key elements of science that cannot be overlooked or dismissed. They separate out elements that leave the average activist and global warming advocate with a totally different understanding of what is really occurring. They speak with clarity, passion, and openness.

I learned so much here and deeply appreciate the gift of real knowledge that they have given us.

These two men display a rare courage in standing up for the integrity of verifiable science as they continue to speak truth to power against vicious attacks.

Have a listen. See what you come up with and ask the questions that need to be asked. Whether you agree or not, we appreciate you being here. Thank you for listening.

audio file:

Also, has dedicated a section to Climategate and links to some interesting blogs, including a volunteer public effort to make some sense of the FORTRAN files included in the disclosed collection of documents. It looks fairly bad for Hadley CRU even as people fingered in the email wage a mad war across wikipedia to contain the fallout, save their reputations, defend climate science etc. The FORTRAN code is very poorly written and the data bludgeoning is more than evident. They excised a warming period in 1940 along with the stuff in the Middle Ages, 1940 was apparently warmer than 1998.

In line with what Jan and David were talking about, Monckton used the Alex Jones show linked above to call for a global Freedom Party and defended Thatcher, characterizing fake climate science and the policies and politicians who underwrote it as Communists. Surprisingly he said Russia is more free than the UK today, and agreed with Alex Jones on a number of other points. Worth listening to.

Messages In This Thread
Climate Change proponents emails and files hacked - by Helen Reyes - 29-11-2009, 05:54 PM

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