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Ian Fleming: Subtexts and Subterfuge
Quote:Mike Sparks: The evil villain in Thunderball, Emilio Largo's ship is called the Disco Volante. It means "Flying Saucer." Fleming is constantly dropping clues in his books of the Nazi Germans' escape and survival as industrial corporation-covered secret societies hiding in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs).
Daily Bell: What would that warning be, specifically?
Mike Sparks: Fleming forewarns us of false flag attacks like we suffered on September 11, 2001 as pretexts for larger wars; read Moonraker which describes Nazis using a ballistic missile on London to make a "killing" on the stock market, carefully contrasting it to the actual short-selling that took place before 9/11 centered around the Deutsche bank and the CIA. Or the thermite used to burn buildings down in The Spy Who Loved Me. It's almost as if the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks had first read Fleming's books.
Daily Bell: Was he murdered? Why?
Mike Sparks: It seems clear that Fleming, as a friend of President JFK, was revealing far too many secrets that insiders knew right away and the mass global popularity of the James Bond films threatened to blow open their evil deeds if someone decoded them for the general public. Thus, legendary researcher Jim Marrs came to the conclusion that Fleming's "heart attack" just prior to the release of the Warren Commission whitewash on the Kennedy assassination was probably no accident.
If Fleming read the Warren Commission report and told the world it was all lies, the world would have listened and done something in 1964. So he had to be silenced… However, Fleming gets the last word here because his warnings are already embedded in all his James Bond 007 stories if we are keen enough to decode them. I think there are plenty of James Bonds out there up to the job.
Daily Bell: He was actually an MI6 operative under journalistic cover?
Mike Sparks: Reuters is owned by MI6, British Military Intelligence. After the war, Fleming worked directly for IRD of MI6. This information comes from Nigel West aka Rupert Allason who had access as a MP to many secret files. He is not alone. The notorious double-agent and traitor, Kim Philby, bolted from Lebanon while working for MI6 as a you guessed it "journalist." It's funny how everyone else is well-known to be "working for MI6″ as a journalist except Fleming! We can't have that! He is the famous James Bond, 007 author! Remember the saying about the goose and the gander?


Hugo Drax in Moonraker is clearly a combination of SS commando leader Otto Skorzeney and von Braun a warning that all these Operation PAPERCLIP scientists supposedly "working for us against the Communist Soviets" might not be.
Daily Bell: Can you elaborate?
Mike Sparks: "007″ as Phil Gardiner proves it is really a secret, occult number for the force holding the universe together. How did the Illuminati learn of this number? John Dee, the science advisor for Queen Elizabeth, signed his name as "007″ in correspondence to her. She signed her letters to him as "M." Fleming is not using these terms by accident.
"007″ was also the number painted on the side of German Tiger heavy tank ace Michael Wittman who was gunning down Allied tanks and stopping our advance after the Normandy landing. Wittman's murderous rampage was finally stopped by Fleming setting up an ambush against him using American M4 Sherman medium tanks up-gunned by the British with their 17-pounder anti-tank guns.
You have to hand it to British intel doing a far better job with less than our American CIA has done. Fleming helped write the organizational plan for our own first intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). If he was just an "office bureaucrat" why was he asked to do this? Maybe it had something to do with the fact of his recent operations evacuating VIPs from France?


Mike Sparks: Originally, Casino Royale was a publicity/propaganda book by the Information Research Division (IRD) that Fleming was secretly working for to boost the sagging image of British intelligence in light of the embarrassing defections of British spies who were moles working for the Soviets in the early 1950s. I don't think Casino Royalewas Fleming just reacting to becoming a married man with a playboy fantasy; read the damn book, people! It's about good versus evil and whether they each need each other or not.
Since most of you will not read the book, I'll tell you. It's Fleming working out in his mind's eye the sometime dastardly things he had to do in WW2. His extremely important conclusion comes when Mathis tells him: "When you get back to London, you will find there are other Le Chiffres [bad guys] seeking to destroy you and your friends and your country…. And now that you have seen a really evil man, you will know how evil they can be and you will go after them to destroy them in order to protect yourself and the people you love…. Surround yourself with human beings, my dear James. They are easier to fight for than principles." Fleming is telling us how to establish and keep a moral compass in an increasingly dangerous and camouflaged world.
As Fleming began to reveal unauthorized secrets like the existence of the Australian secret service, for example, and became globally popular, he became a threat and had to be silenced.


Daily Bell: What about Stanley Kubrick?
Mike Sparks: The Rothschild Illuminati murdered Kubrick for what he revealed in "Eyes Wide Shut" (EWS). What we see in that movie is not even a fraction of what he meant to show. Speculation is that scenes of disgusting child pedophilia were cut out. Kubrick appears to have had a blanket deal to get any movie he wanted made in payment for faking the Apollo moon landings for the Rockefeller Illuminati. He began to drop hints that the action-reaction rocket American space program was a fraud in films like "The Shining" but went too far in EWS since there's no subtlety when watching rich, high society people in masks have a ritualistic orgy in a British mansion. The question is how much would his wife be willing to reveal if asked the right questions instead of the softball stuff thrown her way in the DVD's special features?
Daily Bell: What is ultimately the conclusion from all this? Is Ian Fleming a cautionary tale?
Mike Sparks: Ian Fleming was a great human being and a hero for mankind. The main Ian Fleming caution is to not adopt a lifestyle of excessive drinking/smoking such that if the elites want to kill you they can more easily pin it on a "heart attack." Perhaps health nuts like Jim Fixx, the famous running author, were taken out to expand the public's expectation that "anyone can have a heart attack" even if they are "health nuts" so the Illuminati can bump off anyone they dislike? I wouldn't put it past them. The Illuminati are very conscious of popular moods, trends and famous people. Look at Britney Spears' mind control meltdown during a TV interview.
James Bond has become a threat to their rule so they have tried to tame him by attacking Fleming's character and even block movie production. Follow the money trail. The real point is that anyone who dies who has taken a courageous stand against evil should be seen first as a possible victim of foul play unless other real evidence is found. Everyone should be their own James Bond Citizen, their own intelligence officer, and take all precautions possible to protect themselves as they take offensive actions against the Illuminati. Don't have Illuminati symbology in your home would be a good start… take a look at Michael Tsarion's presentations on brands and labels with occult symbology on them. Rip them off!
Daily Bell: Any other books or writings you want to refer to?
Mike Sparks: Everyone should read Brown's Bodyguard of Lies from cover-to-cover to understand how the deception game is really played. You can even read it online for free (hard on your eyes, but doable). Next, Nazi Hydra in America, Conant's The Irregulars, Cook's Hunt for Zero Point and Joseph Farrell's Reich of the Black Sun. Then read Fleming's Moonraker. It will open your eyes.

Lots of provocative material there, discussed in numerous threads at DPF, rather fucked here by Mke Sparks' use of the stupid phrase "Rothschild Illuminati"....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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Ian Fleming: Subtexts and Subterfuge - by Jan Klimkowski - 22-12-2012, 03:45 PM

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