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Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets
Hello Ed,
Thank you for your very thoughtful response. I would like to make the following comments:
Regarding Allen Dulles: I have no illusions about this man; nor the circle he moved in,(i.e., Morgan, Rockefeller, McCloy, These men were probably involved in the JFK assassination/cover-up. There was no love loss between the Anglo Eastern Establishment and the Jews or Zionism. For example, Rockefeller was a Nazi sympathizer and helped to finance I.G. Farben. Also, through his Brown-Harriman bank continued to launder money to the Nazis throughout the war. J.P. Morgan was formally a member of the Episcopal Church, he was essentially an agnostic; THERE WAS NOT A DROP OF JEWISH BLOOD IN HIS VEINS; he was, in fact, a well-known anti-Semite. Nonetheless, anti-Semites view Morgan as an agent of the "House of Rothschild" which was seeking to use the financial crisis of 1896 to gain control of the United States, etc....

Regarding the New Left: their change in attitude toward the Jews began to take place after 1967. Werner Cohn writes in the Journal of Communist Studies:

"After the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, a change took place in ... [the Left's] position concerning Jews. The earlier position saw Jews as one of the oppressed peoples of the world. While the movement has always opposed Zionism, earlier pronouncements routinely coupled this opposition with denunciations of what were seen as anti-Semitic aspects of the Arab nationalist movement."

Cohn continues:

"After 1967, most sections of the ... [align=left] began to characterize the Jews of Israel as an 'oppressor nation' and called for the destruction of Israel."

The term OPPRESSOR NATION was a term given by the Left to those powerful Western nations that were IRREVOCABLY tied to capitalism, chief among which was the United States. To the Left, Israel's ties to the United States made it an OPPRESSOR NATION; moreover, all Jews who supported Zionism were considered OPPRESSORS - wherever they might live, in Europe, in North America, in South America, in Africa - wherever! Hence, Zionism became equated to the effort of the United States to extend its EXPLOITATIVE and RUINOUS form of capitalism to the peoples and nations of the Middle East and Central Asia.

Cohn explains:

"Today the enemy is 'American imperialism' of which Zionism is taken to be an appendage."

Plainly, the anti-Zionism of the Left has gradually morphed into anti-Semitism, and so much so that it is difficult any longer to distinguish between the two insofar as the discourse of the Left is concerned. TODAY - WHEN EVERYTHING IS SAID AND DONE - THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO; ANTI-ZIONISM AND ANTI-SEMITISM HAVE COME TO MEAN PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING - and this is so much the truth that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. could say -
"... You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: WHEN PEOPLE CRITICIZE ZIONISM, THEY MEAN JEWS - this is God's own truth."

NOTE: Interestingly, the anti-Zionism intrinsic to today's Left is THE EXACT SAME anti-Zionism intrinsic to the Right; both the Left and the Right seek to portray the Jews as instruments of a universalist cabal which, as far as left-wingers are concerned, seeks to take over the world in the interests of capitalism; and, as far as right-wingers are concerned, seeks to take over the world in the interests of communism. Sadly, IT SEEMS THAT JEWS GET IT FROM BOTH DIRECTIONS. Right-wing anti-Zionist propaganda often portrays left-wingers who are part of a "Zionist" plot to take over the world in the interests of international communism. Consider the following amusing example: Saul Alinsky, who was Jewish, is portrayed as a member of this plot; but he was an anti-Zionist; the same thing is true of George Soros. What an unbelievable mish-mash; the thinking here is past figuring out.

As if this isn't cazy enough, consider the Christian Defense League (CDL). The CDL is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic group that is now based out of Louisiana and is associated with DAVID DUKE.
Duke is a virulent anti-Semite with a long history of "Jew-Hating." Duke recently addressed the "Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision" conference hosted by Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran. At the Tehran conference, Duke's institutional affiliation was given as MAUP, a private Ukrainian university with close links to the Iranian regime and the main publisher of anti-Semitic material in Ukraine. In his remarks, listed on the event program as "A Holocaust Enquiry," Duke reiterated his view that Jews control and manipulate governments, politics and media in the Western world. He stated, "I know that Jewish extremists lead my country to catastrophe in the Mideast and elsewhere around the world. I know that the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people, even the American people have been sacrificed on the altar of the Holocaust." As proof that the US State Department is "under thorough control of International Jewry" Duke cited the agency's statement that the Tehran conference was a "disgrace." He also maintained that repeated media references to the event as a "Holocaust denial conference" further demonstrates "Jewish control" of the media. In the course of his comments, Duke covered a wide range of topics, most connected with politics and few having to do with the Holocaust. Topics discussed included the war in Iraq "being fought on behalf of Israel" and the imprisonment in Europe of Holocaust deniers, referred to by Duke as "scholars and researchers."

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ARE "BUYING INTO". This is the putrid swamp and fetid slough out from which today's most popular form of anti-Semitism has emerged.

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Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets - by Wayne Andrews - 08-08-2011, 06:32 PM

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