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Haven't a clue what they're doing but they must do it anyway.
Indeed Peter, how did it get there? The same way their cocaine got into South America I suppose. I imagine there are quite a few farmers in the US who wouldn't mind growing a bit of opium or hemp to see them through the coming rough times.

Now there's a thought! Solve the blow out in the military budget by bringing the troops home since they are no longer needs to guard and transport the opium. By bringing the troops home the US reduces rationale for terrorists to attack the US soldiers and other targets and the world becomes safer also leading to less need for a bloated military and its attendant costs. Growing hemp and opium gives a much needed boost to the US farming industry creating greater prosperity at home especially for farmers. This totally reinvigorates the US textile industry and the paper industry can become green and renewable with out all those nasty chemicals and forest clearing as is used now which can only be good for the planet and good for the people living near and working in paper mills. Other industries are spawned from innovative uses of hemp which is good for the economy. Building materials, medicinesl just for starters. Pesticide use goes down. Butterflies and bees get to live and pollinate more flowers and make more honey. Propagation of opium and its distribution in a medical setting for drug users will result in a pure drug able to be delivered in known quantities resulting in no accidental overdoses. There will be no physical damage to drug users from the toxic additives used to turn one gram into 10 grams of heroin. Drug users will be able to hold down a job and lead a normal life as they will not be spending every waking moment working out how to get the money together to make their next score. Families stay together. Houses do not get broken into so much and people do not get mugged so often and crime in general goes down as people no longer need to commit crimes to get the money. People pay less insurance. People feel safer. There is less crime. More trust more community. We need less police so the community has more money to spend on health and education and infrastructure. Three quarters of the jails become empty as they are no longer needed due to the reduction in criminals. They are turned into community centres, arts centres, youth centres, old age centres, open space and parks, ice skating rinks, sports grounds and museums. Former prison guards, police and military personel get jobs in the new industries. Life is a lot more laid back for everyone.

So far I can't see a down side. Except for the Duponts, Monsantos, Wakenhuts and Halliburtons of the world. But they are only .000001% of the population and I can see that the other 99.999999% of the people will be much better off and we live in a democracy where the majority rules and our government always has our best interests at heart, yes?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Messages In This Thread
Haven't a clue what they're doing but they must do it anyway. - by Magda Hassan - 24-02-2009, 06:13 AM

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