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The great jfk assassination scavanger hunt

Discovering and Recovering Missing JFK Assassination Records

The Great JFK Scavenger Hunt is On!


What gems of the missing and secret Family Jewels are still out there, in a basement file, in a box in a garage or attic or suitcase under a bed or in a closet? Maybe its owner has died and it has been passed on to unknowing relatives who don't even know its there? Not real gems, but historical documents, records and artifacts related to the assassination of President Kennedy.

[FONT=&amp]It is quite apparent that with the discovery of the previously unknown Clifton copy of the Air Force One transmission tapes and the acknowledgement by former Secret Service agent Gerald Blaine that he had copies of the Tampa advance reports that were said to have been destroyed, some historical records have escaped destruction and there are still significant government records related to the assassination of President Kennedy that are still "out there."


Top Ten Missing Items

1) The original, unedited reel to reel audio tape recording of Air Force One radio transmissions on November 22, 1963. An edited cassette version was released by the LBJ Library in the late 1970s and a longer, but still edited version was recently recovered from among the effects of US Gen. Clifton, the President's military aide.

2) Complete transcript of the unedited audio recordings of AF1 radio communications on November 22, 1963. This document was known to exist because a number of journalists, including T. White and William Manchester, were permitted to read it while visiting the LBJ White House and former JFK cabinet member Pierre Salinger was permitted a copy while writing his memoirs.

3) The ONI records related to the assassination of ONI Director Rufus Taylor, who is known to have exchanged extensive memos and letters regarding Lee Harvey Oswald, his navy career and activities in Texas and Louisiana previous to the assassination. Although samples of documents of Taylor's assassination files have been located and released from the files of other agencies, the Navy maintains that they could not locate any of Taylor's records related to the assassination. This might take a WikiLeaks type of insider cooperation or someone who maintained them or some of them privately, as the Clifton tapes were.

4) RFK's datebook diary for the year 1963 is missing from the records of RFK's secretary at the JFK Presidential Library. This had to take someone very connected to purloin and for good reason most likely to conceal RFK's meetings and phone conversations with anti-Castro Cubans in the months and days leading up to JFK's murder. The suspects are limited as to who took this and has it today, if it wasn't destroyed.

5) George DeMohrenschildt's film and report to the government of his 1961 walking tour of central America where he stumbled across the anti-Castro Cuban commando training camp of those destined for the Bay of Pigs. DeMohrenschildt says he filed a report to a US government agency about this trip, and even asked President Kennedy to write the forward to the book version of the report, but it is not among the government's assassination, and neither is the home movie type film of the trip.

6) The film clip of the anti-Castro Cuban commandos training at a Louisiana camp, which former House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) investigator Tannenbaum viewed after it was retrieved from the library at Georgetown University. Tannenbaum believes that Oswald and David A. Phillips can be seen in the film, which is not among the government's records today.

7) The "Wink" photo negative of LBJ aboard AF1 moments after his swearing in. While hard copies of this photo have survived, the negative is missing from the vaulted records at the LBJ Library.

8)JFK's missile. LBJ was not sworn in on a bible, but JFK's Catholic Missile book of prayers, after which the Judge handed to someone next to her, the last it has been seen. But it must have been taken by someone who was on the plane,probably one of those local Texans who got off the plane after the swearing in,a very short list of suspects.

9)Autopsy x-rays, photos and possible film of the autopsy. Those military technicians and official photographers who took the photos at the autopsy claim that the photos now in evidence at the JFK Collection at the National Archives (NARA) are not the ones they took. Where are the originals? And did a Bethesda film and video technician record the autopsy as it occurred?

10)JFK's brain. While most of those who saw the president's head say that half the brain was blown away, autopsy records show there were two, post autopsy brain exams,the brain wasn't buried with the body and at least one vile labeled JFK's brain was passed on through administrators and flushed through a food processor. Itis possible that portions of JFK's brain were placed in the casket by RFK during the secret 1968 exhumation, a military operation conducted at night.

11) Some LBJ telephone and oval office audio recordings of conversations were said to have been destroyed, and some are missing, and we know because the transcripts have survived but not the tapes, which someone in the LBJ administration may have privately saved, as one of his secretaries was known to have saved everything.

12) OTHER ITEMS to add to this list please notify me of the record or artifact and I will add it to the list

If you think that these items will never be found or don'texist anymore, then consider the following examples of items that were ordereddestroyed or were headed for destruction and were saved by good and honestpeople who recognized their historical significance.


1) New Orleans Grand Jury records and transcript oftestimony, which DA Harry Connick had ordered destroyed but were instead savedand passed on to the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) after thepassage of the JFK Act.

2) Andrews Air Force Base Log book for 11/22.63 and the dayRFK was shot. A special book keeping track of all related incoming and outgoingplane traffic was kept for both days, in the same book, which was saved frombeing disposed in a dumpster by a base civilian employee and turned over to theARRB for inclusion in the JFK Collection.

3) Clifton AirForce One Tapes. Despite the assertions of the LBJ Library and the White HouseCommunications Agency (WHCA) that no such tapes exist, two reels of the AF1radio communications of 11/22/63were discovered among the effects of the late Gen. Clifton, the President'smilitary aide. The discovery of these tapes give rise to hope that the originaltape still exists and will be found.

4) Secret Service advance reports for Tampaand Chicago, said to have beenintentionally destroyed by the Secret Service after the passage of the JFK Act,were found among the private papers of former SS agent Gerald Blaine, who wroteabout them in his book. These records were turned over to the NARAfor inclusion in the JFK Collection but are not yet available to the public.

5) When Richard Sprague was fired as the first chief counselto the HSCA, he took his office files with him and didn't turn them over to hisreplacement, G. Robert Blakey, and good he didn't because Blakey had all of theHSCA records locked away and they were sealed until the JFK Act was passed.Although the ARRB was notified of this, they never sought to reclaim Sprague'sHSCA records and he ostensibly still has them.

6) If you know of any historical records, document orartifact related to the JFK assassination that has been saved, I'd like to hearabout it

Interesting Bill, but I'd suggest you re-order them more in order of importance, and I find one of them [the missile #8] as of no import. I'd add the missing frames from the Z film - though the three-letter agency that has them won't give em up. Add also the various photos taken away by phony cops just after the hit in the Plaza - again they won't appear. However, it is possible there were other photos that locals have been too afraid to bring forward before. I'd bet the DPD and some of its living members still have interesting items and information. I'd LOVE to see #6!!! Hope you can get that in some form on a major website or publication. The brain is, IMHO, the most important. The original windshield from the car would be nice too - but surely destroyed. There seem to be many missing autopsy photos and x-rays. Exhume Connelly to get the bullet fragments from his body. I think I could go on for a long time with others. Mostly there are still witnesses who were either formally threatened or were aware of the danger of having seen/heard certain things that are still out there....or could say that they lied or were forced to lie in their testimony. The original stenographers notes of WC testimony would be interesting, as the printed version purposely misspelled many names and reversed or significantly changed many person's statements. As reluctant as she might be, Marina still knows a few things she's not spoken to or retracted misleading or false statements she made [often under great duress]. Your right Bill, there is a treasure trove...but while I'll bet some new stuff does come up; I'd bet more false and planted things will than real ones...but we can hope.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Interesting Bill, but I'd suggest you re-order them more in order of importance, and I find one of them [the missile #8] as of no import. I'd add the missing frames from the Z film - though the three-letter agency that has them won't give em up. Add also the various photos taken away by phony cops just after the hit in the Plaza - again they won't appear. However, it is possible there were other photos that locals have been too afraid to bring forward before. I'd bet the DPD and some of its living members still have interesting items and information. I'd LOVE to see #6!!! Hope you can get that in some form on a major website or publication. The brain is, IMHO, the most important. The original windshield from the car would be nice too - but surely destroyed. There seem to be many missing autopsy photos and x-rays. Exhume Connelly to get the bullet fragments from his body. I think I could go on for a long time with others. Mostly there are still witnesses who were either formally threatened or were aware of the danger of having seen/heard certain things that are still out there....or could say that they lied or were forced to lie in their testimony. The original stenographers notes of WC testimony would be interesting, as the printed version purposely misspelled many names and reversed or significantly changed many person's statements. As reluctant as she might be, Marina still knows a few things she's not spoken to or retracted misleading or false statements she made [often under great duress]. Your right Bill, there is a treasure trove...but while I'll bet some new stuff does come up; I'd bet more false and planted things will than real ones...but we can hope.

thnks peter - will work on it some more.

other missing items needed if people know of them -

some others:

The original Mauser found and seen by several [possible third weapon, as well sometimes mentioned]
Oswald's tax returns
Explanation of how 'Oswald' was at two places at the same time....many many many many many many times.
The second [of the two fake] gun bags
the missing bullets and bullet fragments from JFK's body in the pre-autopsy
the original autopsy report that was burned...maybe it wasn't!...and maybe there were some crib sheets on how to rewrite it.
More back yard photos and the original of it.
List of MI agents present in and around there were several, one known about [off duty he says].
Items that disappeared from the homes/scenes of those who suicided themselves.
The original Stemmens Freeway Sign [maybe with a bullethole in it]

As for things that we thought were gone that appeared there are many more of those that comes to mind is we long heard no notes were taken during interrogations of Oswald...then some surfaced.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Somewhere, in a dark, haunted place stinking of sulphur, is there a trophy room?

Hunters, after all, will be hunters.
Charles Drago Wrote:Somewhere, in a dark, haunted place stinking of sulphur, is there a trophy room?

Hunters, after all, will be hunters.

Ya thunk?! All in one rich [filthy rich, ultra-Reich man's trophy room.....]...hmmm....:noblesteed:

Oh, and add the BYP negatives [said to have been two], plus one print that did NOT contain an Oswald in it. And for topping, two witnesses told Marrrs that they handled and saw COLOR BYPs!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
JFKcountercoup: New River, NC USMC Air Facility
The Blind Men & the Elephant and Oliver Stone's Mercedes

[/url][url=]JFKcountercoup: ONI Records Revisited

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