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How The Anthrax Attacks Give Away Who Was Behind 911!

Good video!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Nobody mentions the anthrax anymore.

It sure wasn't Bin Laden.


This was my presentation to the University of California Institute on Global Conflicts and Cooperation seminar on the anthrax letters, Nov. 29, 2010 in Washington, D.C.

DVDs with the full video recording of the anthrax seminar can be purchased at cost ($12) from



I was acquainted with Bruce Ivins from 1991 until his death. Yes, he had significant emotional problems and was socially awkward. However, his scientific work was of high quality and was relied on by those studying anthrax vaccines here and abroad.

Bruce sought neither money nor fame. He could have used his expertise to consult at a much higher salary, especially after the anthrax letters were sent, but chose not to. At work, he was invariably generous and helpful to others, myself included.

There was absolutely no risk of Bruce losing access to anthrax vaccine and thereby becoming unable to do his research, as FBI claims in its attempt to create a credible motive for the crime. USAMRIID, the Army research center where Bruce worked, holds dozens of unlicensed vaccine candidates, including those for anthrax, which researchers routinely use to vaccinate themselves. Researchers at USAMRIID always have vaccines available for their own use, licensed or not.

The FBI wrongly claimed that the work of myself and others -- "a chorus of critics" -- questioning the safety and efficacy of anthrax vaccine and its role in Gulf War Syndrome threatened Bruce, contributing to his disturbed state of mind at the time the letters were sent.

In fact, Bruce also questioned the quality of the licensed anthrax vaccine, and gave me a number of articles and abstracts over 10 years that raised questions about both the vaccine's safety and efficacy.

In fact, the anthrax vaccine manufacturer had been shut down by FDA for two years when the letters were sent, due to repeated failures to meet good manufacturing practices. Had Bioport (now Emergent Biosolutions) remained shut down, Bruce's vaccines might have been the next generation used to inoculate troops. The anthrax letters breathed new life into the Bioport vaccine, not into Bruce's vaccines.

In fact, studies Bruce performed in 1991, in which vaccinated monkeys were later exposed to inhaled anthrax, resulted in the vaccinated monkeys coming down with anthrax despite their vaccinations, though the majority eventually recovered. (See page 41 of FBI's 2/19/2010 report.) No one understood the serious inadequacies of the currently licensed vaccine better than Bruce.

Recall that FBI tried to close this case on August 1, 2008, 3 days after Bruce's death. The FBI orchestrated a crescendo of leaks about Bruce over several days, full of lurid details that aimed to create a picture of a "lone nut" for the American public. Much of this material was inaccurate or exaggerated, and FBI officially apologized for the leaks later.

Apologies aside, this was a tawdry attempt to bury one of the most important cases the FBI has ever investigated, both because of its national policy implications and the huge effort, time and money consumed by the investigation. Remember that the anthrax letters helped pave the way for passage of the USA Patriot Act, for going to war with Iraq (although Iraq was not a credible suspect in the 9/11 attacks, everyone knew it had stockpiled anthrax) and for expansion of the federal biodefense budget to 50 billion dollars and counting.

Were aspects of Bruce's death orchestrated as well? Although the anthrax letters case was one of the FBI's biggest ever, Bruce's death somehow didn't warrant an autopsy or an inquest.

Bruce purchased two bottles of Tylenol PM, during 2 separate trips to the same store, on July 24, 2008. Tylenol PM is an over the counter sleep aid, consisting of Tylenol and Benadryl.

At 1 am on July 27 Bruce was reported to be in a coma due to liver failure. He was brought to the hospital by ambulance, and on July 29 he died.

It takes from 2 to several days for liver failure to occur after ingesting a large dose of Tylenol. A very effective antidote exists, which provides substrate so the body can detoxify the lethal substance formed as Tylenol is metabolized. This antidote, either N-acetyl cysteine or alternatively glutathione, will save the patient's life if given within about 24 hours of an otherwise lethal Tylenol ingestion.

3d slide Tylenol poisoning, Merck Manual

As you can see from the Merck Manual, mortality from a Tylenol overdose is extremely rare when this safe, easily available treatment is given in a timely manner.

Bruce was under intensive, 24/7 surveillance by the FBI near the end of his life. The FBI almost certainly knew Bruce purchased a large amount of Tylenol on July 24, and probably also knew when he ingested it, and when he developed symptoms and eventually coma.

I have seen no report or evidence that the FBI informed anyone, especially Bruce's medical providers, of his Tylenol ingestion. Doing so in a timely manner would have almost certainly saved Bruce's life and allowed the FBI to bring its case against him to its legal conclusion. Nor did FBI intervene to hasten Bruce receiving medical attention after his ingestion.

Was the FBI's case against Bruce too weak to withstand a trial?

Was Bruce's death a precondition for closing the case?


Moving on, I'd like to mention some examples of how the 2/19/2010 FBI report misleads and overreaches. How can the FBI explain the following missteps?

1. FBI sent a letter to Bruce in April 2007, stating that he was not a target of the investigation.
2. Why was no DNA obtained from Bruce until the week before his death?
3. Why did Bruce retain his security clearance until 19 days before his death?
4. FBI has failed to find evidence placing Bruce in New Jersey where the letters were mailed.
5. FBI has failed to show how Bruce could have been at the mailbox during the window of time in which the letters were sent.
6. FBI failed to find any anthrax contamination in Bruce's car, home or possessions, although the simple act of placing a letter in the mailbox would have led to massive spore contamination of everything in the area, including the mailer. (See paper by FBI's Doug Beecher)
7. FBI's February 2010 report tries to have it both ways. It claims that flask RMR1029 was under Bruce's exclusive control between its 1997 creation and the anthrax letter attacks. The report claims that "only a very limited number of individuals had access" to the flask. Later it admits that approximately 400 people at USAMRIID and a Midwest contractor laboratory had access to the spores.
8. FBI claims Bruce had the know-how to produce the weaponized spores found in the Leahy-Daschle letters. But FBI itself has failed to reverse engineer the spore production method, does not know what that method entails, and therefore cannot possibly know if Bruce had either the knowledge or access to all the equipment needed to produce such spores.
9. FBI has failed to find any trace of the strain of Bacillus subtilis that contaminated the anthrax spores in the first set of letters, at USAMRIID or anywhere else. Had the contaminated batch of anthrax been made at USAMRIID, the Bacillus subtilis strain would have contaminated the work space and been identified.
10. FBI claims it ruled out 400 people who had access to the spores, but fails to explain anything about the processes used to rule these people out.
11. Bruce passed two FBI polygraph tests, but later FBI claimed he used "classic" countermeasures to thwart the polygraphs. Experts dispute this FBI claim.
12. FBI's report claims Bruce had access to a photocopier, but fails to note it was not the copier used to produce the anthrax letters.
13. FBI initially reported that the water the spores were grown in came from the Frederick, Maryland area. FBI later backed off this claim.
14. FBI initially said that minor deviations in the pre-franked envelopes used for the anthrax letters showed they were purchased from the Frederick, Maryland post office. Later FBI acknowledged they were sold widely in Maryland and Virginia.
15. Nowhere in the February 2010 FBI report is there any acknowledgment that the crime could have involved more than one person. Yet in my opinion, the logistics are such that it is almost a certainty more than one person was involved.
16. The FBI obtained nearly all its 1,000 anthrax samples voluntarily from labs in the US and abroad. This assumed that the anthrax mailer fully complied with the FBI request, even though it might incriminate him. I'd call this a risky assumption, which undermines the foundation of the FBI's entire case.
17. FBI's report postulates that two one-week windows of opportunity existed in which each batch of anthrax letter spores could have been grown, processed and mailed. The time period for the first set of letters was September 11 through 18, 2001. The period for the second set was October 1 through 8, 2001 (see page 6 of the FBI report). FBI therefore reported focusing its investigation on individuals who had access to flask RMR 1029 and an anthrax "hot room" (a.k.a. BL 3 or 4 high containment laboratory) during these periods, in its attempt to identify and investigate all potential perpetrators.

However, there are several problems with this assumption. First, the US government did not know how many high containment labs existed in the US and abroad in 2001, as they did not have to be registered or inspected. Some may have belonged to private companies or individuals.

Second, although the anthrax letters were mailed during short windows of time, and the text included with the letters was probably written shortly before mailing, there is no reason to think that the spores had to be grown and processed during these periods.

Since the FBI was unable to duplicate the process used to produce the spores, it is uncertain whether production in a particular lab could be completed during a one-week period.

Spore production and processing could have taken place considerably earlier, and/or the spores might have been supplied to the mailer by another person.

Dealing with such considerations would have increased the complexity of the FBI's case, and dramatically increased the universe of potential suspects. FBI decided not to investigate these likely scenarios.

Please remember that the FBI "owns" the narrative of this case. It has released piecemeal findings, contradictory facts, and withheld a large amount of information from the public record. Much of the material provided to the media has been given without attribution, so there is no one at FBI to query about the information.

Most important, the facts of this case (as opposed to what the FBI has released in a controlled fashion) have never been contested and established in a court of law.


The FBI worked hard to develop a theory of this case that provides the needed justifications for Bruce to have committed this crime.

The FBI discussion of means, motive and opportunity sounds plausible at first look, but fails on more pointed inquiry. I have discussed much of this already, but would like to make clear that FBI has yet to demonstrate that Bruce Ivins had any of the elements required to commit this crime.

Did he have the means? He lacked the Bacillus subtilis contaminant found in the first letters. Since the spore preparation method remains unknown to the FBI, it is impossible to know if Bruce had access to the materials, equipment and knowledge to produce these spores.

Did he have a motive? None of the FBI's purported motives is in conformance with the known facts of Bruce Ivins' career.

Did he have the opportunity? The scenario initially floated by the FBI to claim that Bruce could have driven to New Jersey and back to mail the letters was shot down, and no new information has been provided by the FBI in support of Bruce's ability to do so.

MICROBIAL FORENSICS and the National Academy of Science panel

The FBI reported working with over 60 scientists at 29 laboratories to develop new techniques that allowed it to identify the source from which the anthrax letter spores were grown. This shiny new science is what the FBI hopes to hang its case on.

FBI has further sought the imprimatur ("seal of approval") of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for its new scientific techniques.

The scientific minutiae of this body of work are so complex that FBI expects the public to get lost in the details, and fail to see the woods for the trees.

For scientific work to be accepted by the scientific community, it has to meet a number of criteria. The research much be:

a) conceptually valid
b) accurate in its execution
c) fully reproducible
d) published and accepted by other scientists in the field

The microbial forensics work commissioned by the FBI for this case has yet to demonstrate that it meets any of these criteria. We know very little about this research.

Despite the FBI's Dr. Majidi saying in August 2008 that independent scientists would now publish their work on the case, a Pub Med (National Library of Medicine) search using the search terms anthrax' and letters' revealed not a single published paper describing the FBI studies since then.

The National Academy of Science panel will issue its report on the FBI's microbial forensics soon. But given the lack of information available for evaluation in the open literature, the NAS panel is handicapped by its overwhelming reliance on briefings by the FBI and its contracted scientists. Until the standard procedures of peer review described above are completed, it will be very difficult to determine the validity and usefulness of the FBI's research.

But in any event, the microbial forensics can play only a limited role in solving this crime. Even if the FBI's scientific work is found to be entirely reliable, it can only identify the source spores from which the anthrax letter spores were grown. The studies are unable to implicate any one individual as the perpetrator.

In order to identify the person or persons involved, old-fashioned investigative techniques are needed, and hard evidence. But such techniques failed to find any direct evidence linking Bruce to the crime. Instead, we have been entertained with a colorful and varied pastiche of circumstantial evidence proving that Bruce had unusual habits, psychological problems, and was increasingly disturbed in the period leading to his death.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
2001 Battelle, connected with The Battelle Memorial Institute, provides services as "a military contractor in Ohio," and "has experience making powdered germs. . . . Battelle participated in a secret CIA program, code-named Clear Vision that began in 1997, that used allegedly benign substances similar to anthrax. Battelle, as a CIA contractor, partnered with Bioport for America's sole anthrax vaccine production. Bioport-largely owned by Britain's top secret biowarfare consortium PortonDown, bin Laden family associate Faud El Hibri, Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others. that managed bin Laden family millions prior to 9-11, directed by past CIA director Frank Carlucci, James Baker III (->), and Past President George H.W. Bush); "Project Jefferson" was ongoing around the same time American anthrax ace William C. Patrick III (See Usamriid), was contracted by Battelle Memorial Institute to develop a report on the ramifications of mailing powdered anthrax, much the same as what occurred in the wake of the October anthrax mailings. ...William C. Patrick III and Russian defector Kanatjan Alibekov (alias, "Ken Alibek" ->)-the world's two leading anthrax experts-were very "close friends!" Both men held classified consulting contracts with the CIA and Battelle, Alibekov was on the CIA's payroll at that time, according to Preston, and he was fully employed by the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI). ...Thus, the government "contractor" for whom anthrax expert William C. Patrick III wrote his mailed anthrax aerosol dispersal assessment could have only been Battelle for whom "Ken Alibek" worked; Robert Myers, Bioport's Chief Operating Officer affiliated; and Hauer,Jerome in New York's emergency management helped facilitate tests In addition to Batelle's voluminous research, development, and testing activities, this private institute co-manages America's most secret enterprises including the DoE's Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge Laboratory, and fully manages several others including the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory . that the source of the anthrax weapon used in the mailings was the Ames, Iowa strain of silica-impregnated and electro-statically charged anthrax produced by the Battelle Memorial Institute under their classified Defense Department "Project Jefferson" and/or CIA project "Clear Vision." This hyper-weaponized germ was likely produced with the help (or under the direction) of Dr. Alibekov and/or Dr. Patrick. The fact that these Battelle agents and CIA-affiliated agencies gained notoriety, if not financially, as a result of the anthrax mailings and fright fits the parameters of organized conspiracy to commit military-industrial sabotage and serial homicide approaching economic genocide. October 2001 The Anthrax attacks begin. Key news people and Democrats are sent Anthrax in the mail, which we now know was Fort Detrick/Battelle Anthrax. EG&G, a Carlyle Group Subsidiary, has access to Battelle and Fort Detrick Anthrax by way of its service contract with Battelle, but to date there's been no investigation of EG&G by Robert Mueller and the FBI. October 2001 Under cover of the Anthrax attacks, EG&G receives a billion dollar hazmat disposal contract from the White House. Meanwhile, EG&G employees at Area 51 are on strike, where EG&G has a security contract, among other contracts. EG&G has enjoyed this contract since Area 51 was opened. The guards are on strike because they hadn't received a raise since the 1970s. 2001 overseas work lengthy negotiations by Livermore scientists culminated in a formal agreement between a Russian weapons assembly facility and a medical equipment manufacturer to establish a commercial manufacturing facility at Sarov. July 21, 2002 The Carlyle Group sells EG&G, where it has had union problems in 2001, for a tidy profit 2001-2003 The 8,000-employee, nonprofit research center in Columbus won't discuss its anthrax work, other than to acknowledge its development of a vaccine for the Department of Defense. At Battelle's sprawling 20-building campus across from Ohio State University, the anthrax project is easily overshadowed. 2002 The general public who have missed these signals, however, are another matter entirely. The first nuclear initiative request was slashed twice in 2002 as it passed through both the House of Representatives and Senate. Now it stands at only 107 million dollars, a pitiful amount for a completely new program, and far short of what would be necessary to meet NASA's heightened goals. 2003 The Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (CBIAC) is a Department of Defense (DoD)-sponsored Information Analysis Center (IAC) operated by Battelle Memorial Institute and administered by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) under the DoD IAC Program Office (Contract No. SPO700-00-D-3180).
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
[quote=John Mooney]Nobody mentions the anthrax anymore.[QUOTE]

As far as I know, there's never been anything on broadcast media about apartheid South Africas profligate use of anthrax.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Well, that's what we all thought, but now we know...


HEAD of the FBI's Anthrax Investigation Says the Whole Thing Was a SHAM

Posted on April 17, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog

Agent In Charge of Amerithrax Investigation Blows the Whistle

The FBI head agent in charge of the anthrax investigation Richard Lambert has just filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit calling the entire FBI investigation bullsh!t:
In the fall of 2001, following the 9/11 attacks, a series of anthrax mailings occurred which killed five Americans and sickened 17 others. Four anthrax-laden envelopes were recovered which were addressed to two news media outlets in New York City (the New York Post and Tom Brokaw at NBC) and two senators in Washington D.C. (Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle). The anthrax letters addressed to New York were mailed on September 18, 2001, just seven days after the 9/11 attacks. The letters addressed to the senators were mailed 21 days later on October 9, 2001. A fifth mailing of anthrax is believed to have been directed to American Media, Inc. (AMI) in Boca Raton, Florida based upon the death of one AMI employee from anthrax poisoning and heavy spore contamination in the building.
Executive management at FBI Headquarters assigned responsibility for the anthrax investigation (code named "AMERITHRAX") to the Washington Field Office (WFO), dubbing it the single most important case in the FBI at that time. In October 2002, in the wake of surging media criticism, White House impatience with a seeming lack of investigative progress by WFO, and a concerned Congress that was considering revoking the FBI's charter to investigate terrorism cases, Defendant FBI Director Mueller reassigned Plaintiff from the FBI's San Diego Field Office to the Inspection Division at FBI Headquarters and placed Plaintiff in charge of the AMERITHRAX case as an "Inspector."While leading the investigation for the next four years, Plaintiff's efforts to advance the case met with intransigence from WFO's executive management, apathy and error from the FBI Laboratory, politically motivated communication embargos from FBI Headquarters, and yet another preceding and equally erroneous legal opinion from Defendant Kelley all of which greatly obstructed and impeded the investigation.
On July 6, 2006, Plaintiff provided a whistleblower report of mismanagement to the FBI's Deputy Director pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 2303. Reports of mismanagement conveyed in writing and orally included: (a) WFO's persistent understaffing of the AMERITHRAX investigation; (b) the threat of WFO's Agent in charge to retaliate if Plaintiff disclosed the understaffing to FBI Headquarters; © WFO'sinsistence on staffing the AMERITHRAX investigation principally with new Agents recently graduated from the FBI Academy resulting in an average investigative tenure of 18 months with 12 of 20 Agents assigned to the case having no prior investigative experience at all; (d) WFO's eviction of the AMERITHRAX Task Force from the WFO building in downtown Washington and its relegation to Tysons Corner, Virginia to free up space for Attorney General Ashcroft's new pornography squads; (e) FBI Director's Mueller's mandate to Plaintiff to "compartmentalize" the AMERITHRAX investigation by stove piping the flow of case information and walling off task force members from those aspects of the case not specifically assigned to them a move intended to stem the tide of anonymous media leaks by government officials regarding details of the investigation. [Lambert complained about compartmentalizing and stovepiping of the investigation in a 2006 declaration. See this, this and this]
This sequestration edict decimated morale and proved unnecessary in light of subsequent civil litigation which established that the media leaks were attributable to the United States Attorney for the District of the District of Columbia and to a Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI's National Press Office, not to investigators on the AMERITHRAX Task Force; (f) WFO's diversion and transfer of two Ph.D. Microbiologist Special Agents from their key roles in the investigation to fill billets for an 18 month Arabic language training program in Israel; (g) the FBI Laboratory's deliberate concealment from the Task Force of its discovery of human DNA on the anthrax-laden envelope addressed to Senator Leahy and the Lab's initial refusal to perform comparison testing; (h) the FBI Laboratory's refusal to provide timely and adequate scientific analyses and forensic examinations in support of the investigation; (i) Defendant Kelley's erroneous and subsequently quashed legal opinion that regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) precluded the Task Force's collection of evidence in overseas venues; (j) the FBI's fingering of Bruce Ivins as the anthrax mailer; and, (k) the FBI's subsequent efforts to railroad the prosecution of Ivins in the face of daunting exculpatory evidence.
Following the announcement of its circumstantial case against Ivins, Defendants DOJ and FBI crafted an elaborate perception management campaign to bolster their assertion of Ivins' guilt. These efforts included press conferences and highly selective evidentiary presentations which were replete with material omissions. Plaintiff further objected to the FBI's ordering of Plaintiff not to speak with the staff of the CBS television news magazine 60 Minutes or investigative journalist David Willman, after both requested authorization to interview Plaintiff.
In April 2008, some of Plaintiff's foregoing whistleblower reports were profiled on the CBS television show 60 Minutes. This 60 Minutes segment was critical of FBI executive management's handling of the AMERITHRAX investigation, resulting in the agency's embarrassment and the introduction of legislative bills calling for the establishment of congressional inquiries and special commissions to examine these issues a level of scrutiny the FBI's Ivins attribution could not withstand.
After leaving the AMERITHRAX investigation in 2006, Plaintiff continued to publicly opine that the quantum of circumstantial evidence against Bruce Ivins was not adequate to satisfy the proof-beyond-a-reasonable doubt threshold required to secure a criminal conviction in federal court. Plaintiff continued to advocate that while Bruce Ivins may have been the anthrax mailer, there is a wealth of exculpatory evidence to the contrary which the FBI continues to conceal from Congress and the American people.

Exonerating Evidence for Ivins

Agent Lambert won't publicly disclose the exculpatory evidence against Ivins. As the New York Timesreports:
[Lambert] declined to be specific, saying that most of the information was protected by the Privacy Act and was unlikely to become public unless Congress carried out its own inquiry.
But there is already plenty of exculpatory evidence in the public record.
For example:
  • Handwriting analysis failed to link the anthrax letters to known writing samples from Ivins
  • No textile fibers were found in Ivins' office, residence or vehicles matching fibers found on the scotch tape used to seal the envelopes
  • No pens were found matching the ink used to address the envelopes
  • Samples of his hair failed to match hair follicles found inside the Princeton, N.J., mailbox used to mail the letters
  • No souvenirs of the crime, such as newspaper clippings, were found in his possession as commonly seen in serial murder cases
  • The FBI could not place Ivins at the crime scene with evidence, such as gas station or other receipts, at the time the letters were mailed in September and October 2001
  • Lab records show the number of late nights Ivins put in at the lab first spiked in August 2001, weeks before the 9/11 attacks
As noted above, the FBI didn't want to test the DNA sample found on the anthrax letter to Senator Leahy. In addition, McClatchy points out:
After locking in on Ivins in 2007, the bureau stopped searching for a match to a unique genetic bacterial strain scientists had found in the anthrax that was mailed to the Post and to NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, although a senior bureau official had characterized it as the hottest clue to date.
Anthrax vaccine expert Meryl Nass. M.D., notes:
The FBI's alleged motive is bogus. In 2001, Bioport's anthrax vaccine could not be (legally) relicensed due to potency failures, and its impending demise provided room for Ivins' newer anthrax vaccines to fill the gap. Ivins had nothing to do with developing Bioport's vaccine, although in addition to his duties working on newer vaccines, he was charged with assisting Bioport to get through licensure.
The FBI report claims the anthrax letters envelopes were sold in Frederick, Md. Later it admits that millions of indistinguishable envelopes were made, with sales in Maryland and Virginia.
FBI emphasizes Ivins' access to a photocopy machine, but fails to mention it was not the machine from which the notes that accompanied the spores were printed.

FBI Fudged the Science

16 government labs had access to the same strain of anthrax as used in the anthrax letters.
The FBI admitted that up to 400 people had access to flask of anthrax in Dr. Ivins' lab. In other words, even if the killer anthrax came from there, 399 other people might have done it.
Moreover, even the FBI's claim that the killer anthrax came from Ivins' flask has completely fallen apart. Specifically, both the National Academy of Science and the Government Accountability Office both extremely prestigious, nonpartisan agencies found that FBI's methodology and procedures for purportedly linking the anthrax flask maintained by Dr. Ivins with the anthrax letters was sloppy, inconclusive and full of holes. They found that the alleged link wasn't very strong … and that there wasno firm link. Indeed, the National Academy of Sciences found that the anthrax mailed to Congressmen and the media could have come from a different source altogether than the flask maintained by Ivins.
Additionally, the Ft. Detrick facility where Ivins worked only handled liquid anthrax. But the killer anthrax was a hard-to-make dry powder form of anthrax. Ft. Detrick doesn't produce dry anthrax; but other government labs for example Dugway (in Utah) and Batelle (in Ohio) do.
The anthrax in the letters was also incredibly finely ground; and the FBI's explanation for how the anthrax became so finely ground doesn't even pass the smell test.
Further, the killer anthrax in the letters had a very high-tech anti-static coating so that the anthrax sample "floated off the glass slide and was lost" when scientists tried to examine it. Specifically, the killer anthrax was coated with polyglass and each anthrax spore given an electrostatic charge, so that it would repel other spores and "float". This was very advanced bio-weapons technology to which even Ivins' bosses said he didn't have access.
Top anthrax experts like Richard Spertzel say that Ivins didn't do it. Spertzel also says that only 4 or 5 people in the entire country knew how to make anthrax of the "quality" used in the letters, that Spertzel was one of them, and it would have taken him a year with a full lab and a staff of helpers to do it. As such, the FBI's claim that Ivins did it alone working a few nights is ludicrous.
Moreover, the killer anthrax contained silicon … but the anthrax in Ivins' flask did not. The FBI claimed the silicon present in the anthrax letters was absorbed from its surroundings … but Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories completely debunked that theory. In other words, silicon was intentionally added to the killer anthrax to make it more potent. Ivins and Ft. Detrick didn't have that capability … but other government labs did.
Similarly, Sandia National Lab found the presence of iron and tin in the killer anthrax … but NOT in Ivins' flask of anthrax.
Sandia also found that there was a strain of bacteria in one of the anthrax letters not present in Ivins' flask. (The bacteria, iron, tin and silicon were all additives which made the anthrax in the letters more deadly.)

The Anthrax Frame Up

Ivins wasn't the first person framed for the anthrax attacks …
Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials (remember what the anthrax letters looked like). Government officials also confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country. And see this.
People don't remember now, but the "war on terror" and Iraq war were largely based on the claim that Saddam and Muslim extremists were behind the anthrax attacks (and see this and this)
And the anthrax letters pushed a terrified Congress into approving the Patriot Act without even reading it. Coincidentally, the only Congressmen who received anthrax letters were the ones who were likely to oppose the Patriot Act.
And between the bogus Al Qaeda/Iraq claims and the FBI's fingering of Ivins as the killer the FBI was convinced that another U.S. government scientist, Steven Hatfill, did it. The government had to pay Hatfill $4.6 million to settle his lawsuit for being falsely accused.

Ivins' Convenient Death

It is convenient for the FBI that Ivins died.
The Wall Street Journal points out:
No autopsy was performed [on Ivins], and there was no suicide note.
Dr. Nass points out:
FBI fails to provide any discussion of why no autopsy was performed, nor why, with Ivins under 24/7 surveillance from the house next door, with even his garbage being combed through, the FBI failed to notice that he overdosed and went into a coma. Nor is there any discussion of why the FBI didn't immediately identify tylenol as the overdose substance, and notify the hospital, so that a well-known antidote for tylenol toxicity could be given (N-acetyl cysteine, or alternatively glutathione). These omissions support the suggestion that Ivins' suicide was a convenience for the FBI. It enabled them to conclude the anthrax case, in the absence of evidence that would satisfy the courts.

Indeed, one of Ivins' colleagues at Ft. Deitrich thinks he was murdered.
Whether murder or suicide, Ivins' death was very convenient for the FBI, as dead men can't easily defend themselves.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Well this is very interesting. Not often they come forward.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Well this is very interesting. Not often they come forward.

For sure and how many will see this story? It was so obvious when all this first happened that it was bullshit.::dictator::
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Well this is very interesting. Not often they come forward.

For sure and how many will see this story? It was so obvious when all this first happened that it was bullshit.::dictator::

The Anthrax attacks did not fit the official 911 conspiracy theory. Once it was realised the potential Pandora's Box that it might lead to it dies a quiet death. That and that fact that the media were, 'coincidentally, also targets of the attacks. So warned off. I expect there will be the same lack of investigation into the lack of investigation of the fake investigation of the crime of (secret) state aspects of the Anthrax attacks of 911. Because if that is really investigated it will all fall apart. And they can't have that. Show must go on. Puppets must entertain and dance. No one must go to jail or be held accountable.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Well this is very interesting. Not often they come forward.

For sure and how many will see this story? It was so obvious when all this first happened that it was bullshit.::dictator::

The Anthrax attacks did not fit the official 911 conspiracy theory. Once it was realised the potential Pandora's Box that it might lead to it dies a quiet death. That and that fact that the media were, 'coincidentally, also targets of the attacks. So warned off. I expect there will be the same lack of investigation into the lack of investigation of the fake investigation of the crime of (secret) state aspects of the Anthrax attacks of 911. Because if that is really investigated it will all fall apart. And they can't have that. Show must go on. Puppets must entertain and dance. No one must go to jail or be held accountable.

Yep, got to keep those eyes closed and those brains focused on something else --- crap TV shows, burgers, beer, sport etc...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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