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A few belated "Thank You"s
Mr. Charles Drago's nomination of Jim Garrison for the Profiles in Courage award motivated me thinking about others deserving of a thanks for their own efforts.

Opinions are quite subjective and many of us took different paths through the maze of information and disinformation, therefore individuals would hold different opinions. I.E. I once admired Mr. Gary Mack when he was closely associated with Mr. Jack White but I no longer do. Call it the stench of the sell-out I can't stand.

I never met Mr. Jack White in person, but was always treated kindly when I asked something of his knowledge. This is the mark of the man he is or was if you demand that view. No matter that he has passed, Jack will always be whom he is and his work will stand long after the HSCA attempts to ridicule and embarrass him die.

The first time I ever heard of Mr. White was in about '75 or 6. "The Faces of Lee Oswald" was a poster I bought that Jack did. At that point I knew that the WC was just junk, but I was then stuck in the "rogue elements of our USGoverment" killed JFK rut of limitation. I thought the conspirators were maybe 25 people, not the Division 5 FBI and CIA and others.

Jack White's poster opened my head to a wider view. It kind of started as a "how many persons can I identify in that poster as different people?" After the first few my concept of the few rogues had to be junked and I had to go back to blank paper.

The reach of that poster was large in my thinking.

Context the readers will remember is the build up to the HSCA. I was naive, I thought the HSCA was not going to lie to us. I really didn't think the HSCA would re-release a Warren Commission Report V. 2.0. Under estimating the enemy can be costly.

Never mind the disappointment of the '79 Blakey BS that ended my delusion about inside the beltway integrity, I should have known. The HSCA report flew in the face of reality just like the WCReport did. My interest flagged and I felt quite alone in my views of treason and cover up in the murder of Our President.

This self imposed perception of isolation of the independent political researchers was a goal of the HSCA PsyOp.

I had but Jack's poster and Mr. Carl Ogleby's Yankee and Cowboy War. I left it right there for a while.

This Thank You goes out to Jack White for opening my thinking. Thanks Again Jack.

In about 1997 or so I was at my Father's place and the "hitler Channel" (the history channel so named by my oldest niece) was playing a thing called TMWKK. Truth can just knock a hole in complacency. I didn't have a TV at that time. I ran off to the store to get some VCR tapes and record as much as I could of that show.

As non logical as this can be, sometimes when you see a witness speaking their own words you know they are speaking the TRUTH.

Two witnesses just opened a floodgate in my mind. First the wonderful "Lady In Red" Ms. Jean Hill. Second Officer Roy Vaughn. Both of these people inside the threshold of history I take as honest people telling truth as they knew it to be. Speaking truth at cost. Knowing the tendency to find valid the witnesses and evidence that complies with one's own view, I still heard the truth in both instances. Truth is not subjective, our perceptions may be but not truth.
I remember the visceral reaction I had then.

I send my own thanks to them both now. Thank You Ms. Jean Hill and Officer Roy Vaughn. As well as Nigel for doing that work.

Once again into the breach, I read Crossfire and High Treason 1. I remembered "The Secret Team" but knew it was not available.

Thanks go out to L. Fletcher Prouty, Vince Salandria, Ms. Dixie Dea for opening the TSBD concept far past my view then of just a place to set up a patsy. This could go on for quite a while.

My thanks maybe too late for this mortal coil, but nevertheless Thanks you all.

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