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Video and Websites on 9/11
Video of 2011 interview of Neils Harrit, Professor Emeritus of Nano-Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Harrit and others found thermite in dust collected from streets around the Trade Center Towers I and II and Building 7. Face to Face Program interviewer is Jack Etkins, Canadian Television.
Video is 56:51 minutes long

Recommended 9/11 websites for more information: (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 (Scholars for truth and justice on 9/

Concluding controlled demolition in the collapse of Building 7

Discovery of nanothermite a material restricted to military use

Reference to four papers of Kevin Ryan re access to the towers

Companies involved in renovating fireproofing, elevators, also cleaning and security

Demolition Access to the WTC Towers
by Kevin Ryan
A four-part series first published 2009-2010
Thank you, Phil, for that excellent summary of Harrit's interview. What really hit me was Harrit's statement that nano-thermite could only be obtained from military sources.
And thank you also for providing the Kevin Ryan references, which I was going to try to find today.
It's getting more difficult to believe the "official" story, isn't it? In fact, it's impossible to believe the "official" story...

Step One: John O'Neill warns of such an attack and is relieved of his post at the head of the FBI counterterrorism operation;

Step Two: The Towers are prepared by black op crews using military-grade incendiary-explosive nanothermite triggered by wireless initiators controlled from an emerald city Oz lab such as a loitering E-4B

Ryan's pdf answers the questions I had at the time of discussions on the Orling threads

Namely, let us develop the methodologies used to activate the overarching casus belli we stipulate on fact and belief

Observation indicates three buildings collapsed despite the purported melting structural steel theory is deemed impossible with the known temperatures

Add the subterranean fires which endured long after the initiating event

An apt study on the 50th anniversary of another of the Castle's Kabukis

Gates to Leahy: "Governments lie to each other, Senator; it's how business gets done."

And, I would add, they lie to their citizens treating them as subjects
President Obama asserts that America's questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.

The questions of 9/11 have only continued to pile up higher since that fateful day, and despite official platitudes we are no closer to having those questions answered today then we were when they first arose. In fact, for some of the most important 9/11 questions, the government's own documents and records that could conceivably answered them have been destroyed, meaning we may never have answers.

The unanswered questions of 9/11 are too numerous to enumerate, but they include:

-Why has NIST classified the data that they used to make their computer animation of the WTC7 collapse? Would knowledge of how NIST believes the building collapsed really "jeopardize public safety"?

-Why did the DIA destroy more than 2.5 terabytes of data on their Able Danger investigation that reportedly identified four of the alleged hijackers years in advance of the attack? Why did the Pentagon buy up and burn the entire first print run of Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer's book on the program?

-Why did the SEC destroy their records on the 9/11 insider trading question, presumably the most important investigation in the agency's history?

-Why did the alleged "mastermind" of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, confess not only to plotting 9/11 "from A to Z" but also confess to masterminding numerous crimes that he could not have committed?

-Why did Osama bin Laden repeatedly deny any involvement in the attacks until a series of mistranslated and otherwise manipulated videos came along appearing to portray him as taking credit for those attacks?

-Why was the report of US State Department official Frank Taylor supposedly proving the case for Al Qaeda's role in 9/11, which NATO used to justify its invasion of Afghanistan, presented in a classified briefing? Why is that report still classified to this day?

-Why did the 9/11 commission rely so heavily on the confessions extracted through torture which even the Senate's Armed Services committee points out is specifically used to extract false confessions?

-Why did the CIA destroy 92 videotapes of their illegal torture sessions after being specifically ordered by a court not to do so? Why did the courts eventually absolve the CIA of any culpability for this crime?

-Why did Donald Rumsfeld announce a new "war" on September 10, 2001? What was the reason for the 2.3 trillion missing dollars which the Pentagon had lost up until that point, what did Rumsfeld's "war on bureaucracy" hope to achieve, how was that "war" hindered when the budget analyst office in the Pentagon was destroyed the following morning, and where are the public records into this accounting scandal?

-Why did Rumsfeld go into a regularly scheduled meeting with a CIA officer in his office on the morning of 9/11, after both of the Twin Towers had been struck by airplanes and it had been determined that "America was under attack." Why did the highest ranking official in the US military remain in that meeting and unavailable for contact even by his highest staff members as the worst attack on US soil in history continued to unfold? Why did he suddenly come out for a photo op on the Pentalawn after the explosion instead of helping to coordinate the defense of the nation?

-Why is there such a massive discrepancy between the 9/11 commission's official finding of the time of entry of Dick Cheney into the Presidential Emergency Operation Center on the morning of 9/11 and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta's testimony of the timing of that arrival?

-Why did the US government contract with Ptech, an enterprise architecture software firm, to install its backdoor access software on some of the most sensitive databases in the US government? Why did they continue to use Ptech even after it was discovered that its sweetheart investor was a specially designated global terrorist on the Treasury's own terror list? Why did they declare that there was nothing untoward in the software mere hours after raiding Ptech's offices in 2002? And what was Ptech doing in the basement of the Pentagon on 9/11? What interoperability tests was it running on the link between FAA and NORAD systems on 9/11, and how did that interfere with the FAA and NORAD's response?

-And, perhaps most tellingly of all, how did four highjacked aircraft fly so wildly off course for such lengthy periods of time without being confronted by a single fighter interceptor, and why did the Pentagon admittedly and on the record lie to the American public about the timing of its response that day?

These and many, many questions like them have been asked by the victims' family members, the first responders, members of the US military, American congressmen and women, intelligence agents, foreign dignitaries and heads of state, and concerned members of the public across America and around the globe. And still, 11 years after the events themselves, the American president has the gall to suggest that all questions have been answered and it is time for Americans to move on.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Full Documentary: 2 hours and 19 minutes long

Thu, January 17, 2013 7:56:13 PM[AE911Truth] Police Chiefs Across US Alerted About 9/11 WTC Demolition Evidence
From: AE911Truth Action Alerts <>
To: Adele Edisen

364242678.txt (1KB)

Hot News/Information/Events January 17, 2013
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Police Chiefs Across the US Alerted About 9/11 WTC Demolition Evidence

Motivate Your Local Police Department Today to Take Action!

Our Action of the Month for January invites you to visit your local police chief and sheriff to follow-up on a letter that we have just faxed to them.

The criminal attacks of 9/11 may not be an isolated event. Because 9/11 was the pretext for the Patriot Act, the indefinite detention provisions of the 2012 NDAA and other policy changes that have affected domestic policing across the country, and because law enforcement officers take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, we are asking our nation's police officers to take a closer look at what really happened on 9/11.

On January 16 we sent a personalized fax to every police chief and sheriff in the United States, outlining some of the key WTC controlled demolition evidence and directing them to, a focused portion of our website that includes additional, more detailed evidence for law enforcement professionals. Our fax requests that its recipients forward the information through their proper channels and also contact our organization to offer their professional advice on how we might pursue this criminal matter.

Listen to retired CHP officer John Meaders' plea to fellow officers and police chiefs to examine the facts of 9/11

We need your help for the follow-up!

We are asking each of you to visit your local police chief and sheriff to ensure that they take appropriate action given the magnitude of these crimes.

Some recipients of the faxed letter may assume that they have no jurisdiction over the crimes of 9/11. We offer points to counter this assumption that you can read here.

You can reach out to your local police chief and sheriff by calling them on the phone and by downloading, customizing, and printing your own copy of the letter we sent, signing your own name at the bottom, and personally delivering it to law enforcement officials in your area.

The customizable letter is available HERE.

Your police chief and sheriff should have already received a copy of the letter and should be aware of the issue when you meet them.

When you visit your local police station or sheriff's office, you can hand them our brochure, or just the printed letter, and say something like:

"I am a volunteer with the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I came in because I care about our country and I'm very concerned about the true nature of the crime that occurred on 9/11 at the World Trade Center. Did you receive the faxed letter from AE911Truth on January 16th? [Oh no! Well here is a copy!] Please forward this important letter to the Chief directly, because it summarizes the peer-reviewed scientific evidence that calls into question the official account of 9/11.

You can continue by citing evidence described in the letter and explaining how it applies to the jurisdiction covered by your local police department.

If you prefer to call your local police station, you can say something very similar:

"I am a volunteer with the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I'm calling because I care about our country and I'm very concerned about the true nature of the crime that occurred on 9/11 at the World Trade Center. Did you receive the faxed letter about this subject from AE911Truth on January 16th? [Oh no? Well what is your fax number? I will fax it to you right away (or just bring it in.)] Please forward this important letter to the Chief directly because it summarizes the peer-reviewed scientific evidence that calls into question the official account of 9/11.

In the decade following the 9/11 attacks, members of America's political establishment have chosen to look the other way from the obvious evidence that the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. The time has come to go to the enforcers of American justice and call upon the police to face this evidence. Your help is needed now more than ever. By visiting your local police chief and sheriff, you will not only be assisting us in the vital follow-up action, but you will be educating law enforcement professionals in your community, enlightening them as to the true nature of the WTC catastrophe on 9/11 ,and prompting them to more critically analyze any future attacks.

We would also appreciate any feedback from your police outreach efforts. Feel free to use the "Contact Us" form on our website, and make sure to select "Report a Local Action" in the Subject Area field. Your outreach experience could be an inspiration to others and make an impact for years to come!

Thank you!

Richard Gage, AIA

and the volunteers at
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

We are a nonpartisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.

Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath.

Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.

Learn more about us. Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!

For past Action Alert and Bulletin notices, please visit our archive

Copyright © 2013 AE911Truth All rights reserved.

2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704

Not displaying properly? View Action Alert online

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Adele Edisen Wrote:


Thanks for that Adele. Great move on the part of AD911Truth and a good letter. I hope they send to more than Police - most of the first responders, such as medics and fire-fighters etc. heard, saw and witnessed many interesting things. Ditto those who helped with the 'clean-up'. Also, survivors who worked in or near the towers or had been in or near the towers in the weeks prior may have information....some they may be afraid to pass along....some with information they don't realize can be of help.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Tue, January 29, 2013 7:34:55 PM
[AE911Truth] Now on iTunes, Hulu, Flixter & Rotten Tomatoes: 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
From: AE911Truth Action Alerts <>

573671325.txt (1KB)

Hot News/Information/Events January 29, 2013

Now on iTunes, Hulu, Flixter and Rotten Tomatoes: 9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out

Go To:

VIDEO: 58:37 minutes long - (Program that will be seen by millions, if not evdentually billions, of people! - AE)

Let Millions of People Know
Just a Few Clicks!
Our powerful documentary, 9/11 Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out, is poised to take the Internet by storm! It's now available for sale and streaming on iTunes, Hulu, and

And now we're asking you to help by reviewing this myth-shattering film on these popular sites, as well as Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster, exposing it to web users around the world!

Here are your quick and easy outreach steps:

Post a five-star review of "Experts Speak Out" on these websites and then click on the buttons you see on the sites to let users of Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media platforms know about your review and reach millions! Just click the links in this article to go directly to the Experts Speak Out "review" page on each site.

Simply write your review and copy and paste it to the following platforms:

iTunes offers thousands of "movies on demand", in addition to millions of songs. If you don't already have the iTunes program installed on your computer, download it for free, search "Experts Speak Out" in the "Store" section, and post your 5-star review. You can also watch Experts Speak Out on iTunes right now at $3.99 for an online rental or $9.99 for a permanent download. (Note: there is NO hyperlink for items in the iTunes store).

Potential Impact: iTunes has 222,280 followers on Twitter, 24.7 million "likes" on Facebook (US alone). The iTunes store gets 24 million unique visitors per month.

Hulu is one of the most popular sites for watching TV shows and movies online. Just create a quick free account (or login through Facebook) and post a review below the film.

Potential Impact: Hulu has 76,878 followers on Twitter, 1,700,000 monthly App users, 843,477 likes" on Facebook. gets 31 million unique visitors per month.

As described in our October Action Alert, Experts Speak Out is also available on, where it has received an impressive overall 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can watch our groundbreaking documentary on right now at $2.99 for a seven-day online rental or $9.99 for a permanent download. The hard copy cased DVD can also be ordered.

Potential impact: Amazon has 4.1 million monthly App users, 420,108 followers on Twitter, 15.8 million "likes" on Facebook. Their website got 104 million unique visitors during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Rotten Tomatoes is one of the top movie review sites on the Internet. To rate our film or post a review, create a free account (or log in through Facebook).

Potential Impact: Rotten Tomatoes has 6 million monthly App users, 870,359 followers on Twitter, 175,156 "likes" on Facebook. Their website gets 12 million unique visitors per month.

Flixter is another major movie review site that draws millions of visitors every month. To post a review of Experts Speak Out, just complete the site's quick sign-up process.

Click the "F" symbol to the right of your review and it will automatically post it on your Facebook page!

Potential Impact: Flixster has 2.8 million monthly App users 9807 followers on Twitter, 39,549 "likes" on Facebook. Their website gets 12 million unique visitors per month.

If you don't see social media buttons on the site you are visiting, simply go to and, search for Rotten Tomatoes, Hulu, Amazon, and Flixster, and paste your review right onto their pages!

This method of outreach may be a bit out of your comfort zone, but we cannot over emphasize its importance. The time you spend on this, and encouraging your friends to do the same, is most likely more valuable than any other volunteer activity you could perform for us especially right now, at this early stage, when our opponents will try to post negative reviews on these sites and harm our overall review status irreparably.

Email AE911Truth volunteer Laura Katleman if you need help:

Look for 9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out on Netflix very soon!

Thank you!!

Laura Katleman and
the grateful staff at AE911Truth


We are a nonpartisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.

Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath.

Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.

Learn more about us. Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!

For past Action Alert and Bulletin notices, please visit our archive

Copyright © 2013 AE911Truth All rights reserved.

2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704

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