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It Has Happened Here - The Police State is Real
It Has Happened Here
The police state is real
By Paul Craig Roberts

Ironic, isn't it, that the president of the United States now murders his political
opponents just as Saddam Hussein murdered his. How long before critics move from
the no-fly list to the extermination list? []

It Has Happened Here
The Police State is Real

By Paul Craig Roberts

February 08, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The Bush regime's response to 9/11 and the Obama regime's validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States. So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no longer an operable document.

Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11 which rests on unproven government assertions or believes the documented evidence provided by a large number of scientists, first responders, and structural engineers and architects, the result is the same. 9/11 was used to create an open-ended "war on terror" and a police state. It is extraordinary that so many Americans believe that "it can't happen here" when it already has.

We have had a decade of highly visible evidence of the construction of a police state: the PATRIOT Act, illegal spying on Americans in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the initiation of wars of aggressionwar crimes under the Nuremberg Standardbased on intentional lies, the Justice Department's concocted legal memos justifying the executive branch's violation of domestic and international laws against torture, the indefinite detention of US citizens in violation of the constitutionally protected rights of habeas corpus and due process, the use of secret evidence and secret "expert witnesses" who cannot be cross-examined against defendants in trials, the creation of military tribunals in order to evade federal courts, secret legal memos giving the president authority to launch preemptive cyber attacks on any country without providing evidence that the country constitutes a threat, and the Obama regime's murder of US citizens without evidence or due process.

As if this were not enough, the Obama regime now creates new presidential powers by crafting secret laws, refusing to disclose the legal reasoning on which the asserted power rests. In other words, laws now originate in secret executive branch memos and not in acts of Congress. Congress? We don't need no stinking Congress.

Despite laws protecting whistleblowers and the media and the US Military Code which requires soldiers to report war crimes, whistleblowers such as CIA agent John Kiriakou, media such as Julian Assange, and soldiers such as Bradley Manning are persecuted and prosecuted for revealing US government crimes. The criminals go free, and those who report the crimes are punished.

The justification for the American police state is the "war on terror," a hoax kept alive by the FBI's "sting operations." Normally speaking, a sting operation is when a policewoman poses as a prostitute in order to ensnare a "John," or a police officer poses as a drug dealer or user in order to ensnare drug users or dealers. The FBI's "sting operation" goes beyond these victimless crimes that fill up US prisons.

The FBI's sting operations are different. They are just as victimless as no plot ever happens, but the FBI doesn't pose as bomb makers for terrorists who have a plot but lack the weapon. Instead, the FBI has the plot and looks for a hapless or demented person or group, or for a Muslim enraged over the latest Washington insult to him and/or his religion. When the FBI locates its victim, its agents approach the selected perpetrator pretending to be Al-Qaeda or some such and ply the selected perpetrator with money, the promise of fame, or threats until the victim signs on to the FBI's plot and is arrested.

Trevor Aaronson in his book, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's War on Terrorism, documents that the FBI has so far concocted 150 "terrorist plots" and that almost all of the other "terrorist cases" are cases unrelated to terrorism, such as immigration, with a terror charge tacked on.! The presstitute American media doesn't ask why, if there is so much real terrorism requiring an American war against it, the FBI has to invent and solicit terrorist plots.

Neither does the media inquire how the Taliban, which resists the US invasion and attempted occupation of Afghanistan, fighting the US superpower to a standstill after 11 years, came to be designated as terrorists. Nor does the US presstitute media want to know how tribesmen in remote regions of Pakistan came to be designated as "terrorists" deserving of US drone attacks on the citizens, schools and medical clinics of a country with which the US is not at war.

Instead the media protects and perpetrates the hoax that has given America the police state. The American media has become Leni Riefenstahl, as has Hollywood with the anti-Muslim propaganda film, Zero Dark Thirty. This propaganda film is a hate crime that spreads Islamophobia. Nevertheless, the film is likely to win awards and to sink Americans into both tyranny and a hundred-year war in the name of fighting the Muslim threat.

What I learned many years ago as a professor is that movies are important molders of Americans attitudes. Once, after giving a thorough explanation of the Russian Revolution that led to communist rule, a student raised his hand and said: "That's not the way it happened in the movie."

At first I thought he was making a witty joke, but then I realized that he thought that the truth resided in the movie, not in the professor who was well versed in the subject. Ever since I have been puzzled how the US has survived for so long, considering the ignorance of its population. Americans have lived in the power of the US economy. Now that this power is waning, sooner or later Americans will have to come to terms with reality.

It is a reality that will be unfamiliar to them.

Some Americans claim that we have had police states during other wartimes and that once the war on terror is won, the police state will be dismantled. Others claim that government will be judicious in its use of the power and that if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

These are reassurances from the deluded. The Bush/Obama police state is far more comprehensive than Lincoln's, Wilson's, or Roosevelt's, and the war on terror is open-ended and is already three times longer than World War II. The Police State is acquiring "squatter's rights."

Moreover, the government needs the police state in order to protect itself from accountability for its crimes, lies, and squandering of taxpayers money. New precedents for executive power have been created in conjunction with the Federalist Society which, independent of the war on terror, advocates the "unitary executive" theory, which claims the president has powers not subject to check by Congress and the Judiciary. In other words, the president is a dictator if he prefers to be.

The Obama regime is taking advantage of this Republican theory. The regime has used the Republican desire for a strong executive outside the traditional checks and balances together with the fear factor to complete the creation of the Bush/Cheney police state.

As Lawrence M. Stratton and I documented in our book, The Tyranny Of Good Intentions, prior to 9/11 law as a shield of the people was already losing ground to law as a weapon in the hands of the government. If the government wanted to get you, there were few if any barriers to a defendant being framed and convicted, least of all a brainwashed jury fearful of crime.

I cannot say whether the US justice system has ever served justice better than it has served the ambition of prosecutors. Already in the 1930s and 1940s US Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland and US Attorney General Robert Jackson were warning against prosecutors who sacrifice "fair dealing to build up statistics of success." Certainly it is difficult to find in the ranks of federal prosecutors today Jackson's "prosecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks truth and not victims, who serves the law and not factional purposes, and who approaches his task with humility."

Just consider the wrongful conviction of Alabama's Democratic governor, Don Siegelman by what apparently was a Karl Rove plot to rid the South of Democratic governors. The "Democratic" Obama regime has not investigated this false prosecution or given clemency to its innocent own. Remember how quickly Bush removed the prison sentence of Cheney's operative who revealed the name of a CIA undercover agent? The Democrats are a cowed and cowardly political party, fearful of justice, and as much a part of the corrupt police state as the Republicans.

Today the purpose of a prosecution is to serve the prosecutor's career and that of the party that appoints him or her. A prosecutor's career is served by high conviction rates, which require plea bargains in which the evidence against a defendant is never tested in court or before a jury, and by high profile cases, which can launch a prosecutor into a political career, as Rudy Giuliana achieved with his frame-up of Michael Milken.

Glenn Greenwald explained how Internet freedom advocate Aaron Swartz was driven to his death by the ambition of two federal prosecutors, US Attorney Carmen Ortiz and Assistant US Attorney Stephen Heymann, who had no aversion to destroying an innocent person with ridiculous and trumped-up charges in order to advance their careers.

It is rare for a prosecutor to suffer any consequence for bringing false charges, for consciously using and even paying for false evidence, and for lying to judge and jury. As prosecutors are rarely held accountable, they employ illegal and unethical methods and routinely abuse their power. As judges are mainly concerned with clearing their court dockets, justice is rarely served in America, which explains why the US has not only a larger percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country on earth, but also the largest absolute number of prisoners. The US actually has more of its citizens in prison than "authoritarian" China which has a population four times larger than the US. The US, possibly the greatest human rights abuser in history, is constantly bringing human rights charges against China. Where are the human rights charges against Washington?

In America the collapse of law has gone beyond corrupt prosecutors and their concocted false prosecutions. Unless it needs or desires a show trial, a police state does not need prosecutors and courts. By producing legal memos that the president can both throw people into prison without a trial and execute them without a trial simply by stating that some official in the executive branch thinks the person has a possible or potential connection to terrorism, tyranny's friends in the Justice (sic) Department have dispensed with the need for courts, prosecutors and trials.The Bush/Obama regime has made the executive branch judge, juror, and executioner. All that is needed is an unproven assertion by some executive branch official. Here we have the epitome of evil.

Evidence is no longer required for the president of the US to imprison people for life or to deprive them of their life. A secret Justice Department memo has been leaked to NBC News that reveals the tyrannical reasoning that authorizes the executive branch to execute American citizens on the basis of belief alone without the requirement of evidence that they are terrorists or associated with terrorists.

In "freedom and democracy" America, innocent until proven guilty is no longer the operative legal principle. If the government says you are guilty, you are. Period. No evidence required for your termination. Even Stalin pretended to have evidence.

The United States government is working its way step by step toward the determination that any and every critic of the government is guilty of providing "aid and comfort" to Washington's "terrorist enemies," which includes the elected Hamas government in Gaza. The only critics exempted from this rule-in-the-making are the neoconservatives who criticize the US government for being too slow to throttle both its critics and "anti-semites," such as former US President Jimmy Carter, who criticize the Israeli government's illegal appropriation of Palestinian lands. Most of Palestine has been stolen by Israel with Washington acquiesce and aid. Therefore, nothing is left for a "two-state solution."

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Israeli government's theft of Palestine is illegal; yet, Washington, on which Israel is totally dependent, does nothing about law. Law, we don't need no stinking law." Washington has might. Might is right. Get used to it.

Not only for Palestinians has law ceased to exist, but also for Americans, and for Washington's NATO puppets in the UK and Europe, pitiful remnants of once great nations now complicit in Washington's crimes against humanity. The Open Society Justice Initiative, a NGO based in New York, has issued a report that documents that 54 governments are involved in Washington's rendition and torture program. Twenty-five of the governments that help Washington to kidnap, disappear, and torture people are European.

The opening decade of the 21st century has seen the destruction of all the law that was devised to protect the innocent and the vulnerable since the rise of the now defunct moral conscience of the West. The West's moral conscience never applied outside of itself. What happened to people in Europe's colonies and to native inhabitants of the US and Australia is a very different story.

Nevertheless, despite its lack of coverage to the powerless, the principle of the rule of law was a promising principle. Now America under Bush and Obama, two peas of the same pod, has abandoned the principle itself.

The Obama police state will be worse than the Bush/Cheney police state. Unlike conservatives who in times past were suspicious of government power, Obamabots believe that government power is a force for good if it is in the right hands. As Obama's supporters see him as a member of an oppressed minority, they are confident that Obama will not misuse his power. This belief is akin to the belief that, as Jews suffered so much at the hands of Hitler, Israel would be fair to the Palestinians.

Glenn Greenwald writes that "the most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice."

This is the power of a dictator. That Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were said to have this power was part of their demonization as "brutal dictators," a justification for overthrowing their governments and murdering the dictators and their supporters.

Ironic, isn't it, that the president of the United States now murders his political opponents just as Saddam Hussein murdered his. How long before critics move from the no-fly list to the extermination list?

Additional reading: The legal analysis in the URL below written by seasoned attorneys shows that Obama is a tyrant. The point made by the attorneys is too clear to be debatable.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.

Adele Edisen Wrote:It Has Happened Here
The police state is real
By Paul Craig Roberts

Ironic, isn't it, that the president of the United States now murders his political
opponents just as Saddam Hussein murdered his. How long before critics move from
the no-fly list to the extermination list? []

For most Americans, it is the boil frog phenomenon. They have missed the OBVIOUS clues and cues of the creeping [at alarming speed] of fascism/police state/totalitarianism - call it what you will. I had my own personal 'wake up call' long ago...when while camping with my dog in a tent in a public campground I was [upon coming out of my tent in the morning to urinate] told to 'FREEZE-HANDS UP!' with four [4] guns pointed right at my head. I was then handcuffed, CHAINED handcuffs to ankles and bundled off to a FEDERAL prison to await seeing a Judge - no information as to why I was arrested offered until I saw the Judge 3.5 days later [arrest was timed to leave a weekend and holiday for maximum 'effect'. I shared a prison cell with a man who had been arrested and convicted on 'three strikes' for a grass deal he didn't do...he was set up, and the other two offenses were so minor as to be a joke...except he was now facing 50 years for something he did not do, and spent most of the time asking me [when he found out I'd studied toxicology] if X or Y would be good to commit suicide with...the effects and timeline to death, etc. Very sad. I was lucky with the Judge I got...SHE was fair and liberal. The arresting officer cited an obscure part of the unPatriot Act....stating that it was illegal for an American to camp on Federal Lands without a domicile more than a few days. [A visiting foreigner could...but not an American]. I knew my past work with Plumlee and others; my research on JFK/state crimes etc. was the real reason and my car's license plates had triggered something for the officers involved - thought they later claimed not to know anything about my past - only that there was some mention of me in the computer system. The Judge heard about my education and family - past work as a Governor's aide [Governor of THAT state i was arrested in!] and dismissed the whole thing....but I was subjected to a three day hell in the Federal prison, iris scanned and roughed up/mistreated and more. When I got back to my tent [8 hours away and the prison doesn't give you your money - it gives you a check and it was then past banking hours!] my tent had been driven over by a large power mower. It took me months to sue the government of the USA. I won and waited for money for a new never came and it never will. The check was issued and the USG paid it to itself - It took more months to learn the Feds had a financial lien on me I didn't even know about. There is more...but enough for a public forum. It is a police state now. That was long ago...and before that I had death threats nightly and then all my money seized and all my property on trumped up charges. Lawyers quit before trial....every horror one can imagine. I went from San Diego seaside condo to living in my car; then after a bench warrant that was outrageous - fleeing the state entirely until things were resolved - but not in my favor. The fix was in. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone and does, regularly - much worse - death. Sorry to wax personal...but for me the police state is not theoretical. It touched me more than I ever expected and it could again.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

That was a terrible thing to have happen to you. I should have made that plural, since it was one thing after another and then another.
Thank you for sharing that with us.

I don't know how many people here can remember how the Japanese-Americans (full US citizens) on the West Coast were herded into
concentration camps and had their property confiscated (stolen) and were deprived of their rights as citizens during World War II.
Many had built successful businesses and owned large, profitable farms which they never recoverered because these were then owned
by new, non-Japanese owners. Their children were not able to go to public schools, and schools were not provided for them, as far as I know.
This happened in the United States, and we still have not learned anything from our past.

This evening I watched Michael Moore's movie, FAHRENHEIT 911 on TV. All the trickery to which we were subjected to make us go
to war over oil was displayed and exposed. Did you know that only ONE family out of 535 families of Congressional representatives
and senators sent their son or daughter to war in Iraq or Afghanistan? Those great patriots just don't fight our 'enemies'.

And now the same nonsense because our Wall Street corporations want access to more oil and other valuable resources from
countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere. Terrorism is the same name of the game as it was in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And Terrorism is the so-called reason we our losing our rights as citizens - of "life, Liberty, and property."

You might never know that all of the US citizens now can be imprisoned and can now be processed easily? And that must be the reason why we must required to terminate the liberty and also the life of all the american citizens by his own government. Its also an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive branch.
Mon, May 6, 2013 6:06:23 AMPaul Craig Roberts: You Are The Hope
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

You Are The Hope
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, May 02, 2013
Url of this article:

If there is hope, dear readers, you are it.

You are motivated to find truth.

You can think outside the box. You can see through propaganda.

You are the remnant with the common sense that once was a common American virtue. You come to this site, because you get explanations that are not agenda-driven, that are not BS, that are not right-wing or left-wing, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. You get explanations based on my lifetime of unique education and experience. Some of you are young enough to be equipped with the energy and courage to organize whatever resistance there may be to the Gestapo State that is descending on the United States of America.

Until the George W. Bush Regime, I never thought that it could happen here. I could not imagine law professors and Department of Justice (sic) officials writing legal memos justifying, in the name of a hyped "war on terror," the termination of civil rights for United States Citizens. We were the land of the free. The Constitution was our bedrock. Yet, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were easily taken away from the inattentive American people.

The Constitution did not protect native inhabitants and slaves who were not considered part of the American population, but the universal suppression in the US of non-whites' rights produced in the end the civil rights movement that brought moral awareness of the wrongs and successfully hitched its cause to the founding documents of the country.

Where today is moral awareness as Washington bombs civilian populations around the globe? Where is the moral conscience of the the civil rights movement as the First Black President, the first member of the oppressed class to sit in the Oval Office, validates the Bush Regime's assertion of the right of the unaccountable executive to ignore habeas corpus and due process? Not satisfied with this crime, Obama asserted the right of the executive branch to murder any citizen suspected, without proof being offered to a court, of undefined "support of terrorism." Today all Americans have fewer rights than blacks had prior to the Civil Rights Act.

Anything, including a column critical of war and the police state, can be declared to be "in support of terrorism." As the tyrant Bush put it: "You are with us, or you are against us."

The print and TV media and many Internet sites got the message: Serve Washington's agenda, and will you will prosper. Advertisers and the CIA will pump money into your coffers. Challenge us and you will be demonized and could face a military tribunal, indefinite detention, or assassination. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are being persecuted for telling the truth.

So far, Washington has convinced the public that Washington's terror is mainly limited to Muslims, who are obligingly demonized by print, TV, and much of the Internet media. However, if Muslim American citizens lack civil liberty, so do all other American citizens. Those who are safe are those who ally with the tyrant and remain subservient.

To ally with the tyrant, a United States citizen must have no moral conscience, no sense of justice, no compassion for the innocent and dispossessed. These are the worst kind of Americans; yet, they are the only ones who can succeed in the present environment.

Every time I write a column that is the truth or the truth as I am able to discover it, instead of hawking the propaganda line, I move up on the list of those who are persona non grata in the Empire.

A writer can find himself demonized and declared a kook simply by reporting findings from distinguished scientists, high-rise architects, structural engineers, first responders, and an international collection of high government officials. Not too long ago a writer or reporter for the Huffington Post discovered to his surprise that Pat Buchanan and I disagreed with all the wars that had been launched to protect us from terrorism. He asked me for an interview, and I agreed.

An hour or so after the interview was posted on the Huffington Post, I received an emergency call or email. He had been criticized for interviewing me, "for giving you a forum when you are a 9/11 sceptic." He was unsure that it was possible for a Reagan presidential appointee to be a 9/11 sceptic and asked if I was.

I replied that I had reported the findings of scientists, architects, engineers, and the public testimony of first responders, because I thought these were qualified people whose opinions at least ranked equally with the politicians on the 9/11 Commission and the talking heads on Fox "News" and CNN, none of whom could pass a high school test in the laws of physics, much less high-rise architecture and structural engineering.

The Huffington Post writer panicked. Instead of taking down the interview, he felt impelled to assure readers and his boss that he had been deceived. He wrote at the beginning and ending of the interview that he did not know he was interviewing someone about the Iraq War who had given ink to those conspiracy theorists who raised questions about the truthfulness of the US government. He wrote that my views on the wars should be disregarded, because I wrote that scientists, architects, engineers, and first responders provided evidence contrary to the government's claims.

And there you have it.

The Huffington Post has far more readers than I do, and far more money. There is no limit on the ability of the Huffington Post to tell and sell the lies of the Agenda.

I can remember when I was a Wall Street Journal editor and columnist, a Business Week columnist, a Scripps Howard News Service columnist and appeared regularly in the major mainstream print media and even from time to time on TV talking head programs. Today, the editor or producer who gave me a forum would be fired instantly, and they all know it.

It is discouraging that after so many transparent lies and orchestrationsweapons of mass destruction, al-Qaeda connections, Iranian nukesthe majority of Americans still believe the government. Americans are even buying into the line that Syria is ruled by a brutal dictator whose overthrow justifies Washington's alliance with its 9/11 enemy, al-Qaeda, in order to overthrow a secular ruler who constrains al-Qaeda.

Washington has come full circle. Its enemy is now its ally. Washington wasted trillions of dollars and countless lives in eleven years of war and constructed a domestic police state all in order to combat al Qaeda with whom Washington is now allied against the Syrian government.

The public's response to the Boston Marathon Bombing is even more discouraging. Not even King George and his Redcoats could achieve what Homeland Security just pulled offlocking down 100 square miles of Boston and its suburbs with heavily armed troops tramping through citizens' homes barking harsh orders, all justified by a hunt for one 19-year old suspect. It was the Third Reich's Gestapo in operation right here in "freedom and democracy" America. Ron Paul is correct that the suspension of civil liberty is a greater threat than the bombing. Note the government's euphemism for martial law"shelter-in-place."

Two brothers have been convicted in the media and by the Obama Regime, including the president's own words, of a bombing without the public ever being presented with any evidence except anonymous unattributed reports and a film of the alleged brothers walking with backpacks, which were ubiquitous.

I am old enough to remember when it was impermissible for government and media to convict a person prior to the jury's verdict. Americans once lived in a free country governed by the rule of law in which a person was innocent until proven guilty.

What was the reason or evidence for naming the brothers suspects? Was any reason given, or was the film of the two walking with backpacks simply shown over and over, hour after hour, day after day, with the media reporting that these are the suspects. In other words, was it beat into your brain that they were suspects because there they are in the film? If not, why was the same film shown repeatedly? Fox "News" was still showing the film on April 26, eleven days after the bombing and might still be showing it. Did you experience: "Here are the suspects. See them. They have backpacks. See. We know that they are suspects, because, see, there they are."

When is the last time the media investigated anything? A good candidate for investigation is the post-bombing rampage the brothers allegedly went on, robbing a 7/11 store (later contradicted by local police), killing a campus policeman, shooting a transit cop, high-jacking a SUV and releasing the owner.

Why would terrorists seeking to escape in order to strike again call attention to themselves in such outlandish ways and release a car-jacked owner to alert the police of the tag number? If the brothers were willing to kill police with gunfire and innocents with bombs, why release the guy whose vehicle they stole so he could inform the police of the license plate and make the brothers' capture easier? What is the evidence, other than "reports from authorities," that these events occurred or had any more connection to the brothers than the falsely reported 7/11 robbery that local police disavowed? Why does the US media simply accept whatever government authorities say?

Where is the evidence of a first shoot-out and a second shoot-out? The second shoot- out consisted of the authorities bombarding a motionless youth bleeding from wounds in a boat with multiple volleys of stun grenades and then multiple gunshots. The unconscious 19 year old was unarmed and unable to respond to the boat owner who discovered him. As he lies there, he is shot many times, including through the throat, and is on life support. But the very next day, according to the presstitute media, he is providing hand-written confessions.

Was the purpose of the reports of a murderous rampage to create fear among the population so that they would accept martial law and home invasions by armed troops ordering American citizens out of their homes with hands over their heads on the pretext that they might be harboring the Boston Marathon Bomber?

The videos of the street celebration in which Bostonians thank the police and of the two Boston families, if not scripted by actors, shows Americans who far from opposing the police state welcome it. A father says that he with his daughter in his arms was forced out of his home by troops pointing automatic rifles at their heads, but that he was thankful for the safety the police provided him by violating every civil right that the Constitution gave him. A woman says it was scary but that "the police are just doing their jobs." Are Americans now so brainwashed that they attribute their safety to the presence of a Gestapo Police State?

Why have detention facilities been built? Why did Homeland Security purchase a billion or more rounds of ammunition? Why does Homeland Security have 2,700 tanks and a para-military force? Why aren't these questions being investigated?

The US Constitution is the product of 900 years of human efforts to restrain brutal government and to make government subject to law. It only took Bush and Obama eleven years to get rid of it.

Copyright © 2013 Global Research

Like a lone scream in the wilderness....Roberts and a few others still try to speak Truth to Corrupt Power. One of his lines really struck me in a very good piece: " Today all Americans have fewer rights than blacks had prior to the Civil Rights Act"[size=12] [size=12]Let that sink in! It was JFK who started the ball rolling on the Civil Rights Act, even if his usurper LBJ was the one who signed it. That was only one of the many reasons he was murdered - to enable endless wars and to reverse all progressive legislation under him and is all but is our Constitutional Democracy! It is also why JFK and MLK were murdered - and so many others! [and none of these state crimes investigated properly]; why the 60's movements, black panthers, progressive groups, and OWS [to mention but a few] were spied on, infiltrated and [/SIZE]eviscerated. Add to this the constant drumbeat of war and internal fear of the false enemy of 'terror'. The terror is run by those who try to control us and the World!] Time to fight back or all become slaves, IMHO[/SIZE]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Not too long ago a writer or reporter for the Huffington Post discovered to his surprise that Pat Buchanan and I disagreed with all the wars that had been launched to protect us from terrorism. He asked me for an interview, and I agreed.

An hour or so after the interview was posted on the Huffington Post, I received an emergency call or email. He had been criticized for interviewing me, "for giving you a forum when you are a 9/11 sceptic." He was unsure that it was possible for a Reagan presidential appointee to be a 9/11 sceptic and asked if I was.

I replied that I had reported the findings of scientists, architects, engineers, and the public testimony of first responders, because I thought these were qualified people whose opinions at least ranked equally with the politicians on the 9/11 Commission and the talking heads on Fox "News" and CNN, none of whom could pass a high school test in the laws of physics, much less high-rise architecture and structural engineering.

The Huffington Post writer panicked. Instead of taking down the interview, he felt impelled to assure readers and his boss that he had been deceived. He wrote at the beginning and ending of the interview that he did not know he was interviewing someone about the Iraq War who had given ink to those conspiracy theorists who raised questions about the truthfulness of the US government. He wrote that my views on the wars should be disregarded, because I wrote that scientists, architects, engineers, and first responders provided evidence contrary to the government's claims.

And there you have it.

The Huffington Post has far more readers than I do, and far more money. There is no limit on the ability of the Huffington Post to tell and sell the lies of the Agenda.

I can remember when I was a Wall Street Journal editor and columnist, a Business Week columnist, a Scripps Howard News Service columnist and appeared regularly in the major mainstream print media and even from time to time on TV talking head programs. Today, the editor or producer who gave me a forum would be fired instantly, and they all know it.

This is where Chomsky is correct.

This is where those who believe the lies of DCIAs that every reporter of note is a CIA asset have been played with a "conspiracy theory" made in Langley.

Operation Mockingbird exists. Many journalists are intelligence agency assets.

However, just as insidious and powerful is the peer pressure.

Every MSM journalist knows that there are certain things they are not allowed to give credence to because they are termed "conspiracy theories".

Intelligence agencies do not need to recruit the vast swathe of journalists. They simply need control at senior editorial level, and for the knowledge to pass down the chain of command that "certain stories are verboten - off limits".
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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