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Hugo Chavez Was A Miracle
Hugo Chávez, Venezuela and the Corporate Media
By Tim Anderson

From Hugo-Chavez-2009-
Hugo-Chavez-2009- by Wikipedia

These days the big powers, along with their embedded corporate media, like to undermine independent states by branding them as either "dictatorships' or "populist' regimes. The first label suggests generalised repression, though of greatest concern is the repression of corporate privilege; the second suggests some form of deceptive demagoguery.

Venezuela's late President Hugo Chávez, in life and death, was branded both a "dictator' and a "populist'. In fact, he was neither. What he did, as Luis Bilbao and William Robinson note, was lead Latin America's break with neoliberalism and "put socialism back on the public agenda'. The impact of this is still being felt

Chávez was also the main driver behind south-focussed regional integration in the Americas, initiating both the eight-nation ALBA group and the 34 member CELAC, a clear counter-weight to the Washington-controlled Organization of American States (OAS). He therefore leaves a powerful regional legacy.

In Venezuela Chávez won successive election victories, gaining between 55% and 63% of the vote, in an electoral system described by former US President Jimmy Carter as "a model for other democracies'. You might not appreciate this, from the corporate media. In one of the many half-truths and outright lies peddled daily about Chávez, Alejandro Chafuen in Forbes magazine claims Chávez was "one of the most unpopular' Latin American leaders. He cites polls by Latinobarometro in other parts of Latin America, where the man was demonised by the corporate media. However within his own country (which is what matters in any democracy) Chávez had great popularity. Indeed Latinobarometro shows that Venezuelans rated satisfaction with their own democracy very highly (7 out of 10, in 2010), an achievement reinforced by the near doubling in participation rates at Presidential elections, to more than 80% in 2012.

Populism means over-blown rhetoric, hand-outs and empty promises; but Chávez, with the style of a populist, went well beyond this. In the best traditions of social democracy he fomented broad participation, widening rights through a new constitution, mass education and health services and giving ordinary people a real say in their own communities. The central government used oil money to directly fund a wide range of social programs, cooperatives, local communal councils and communities. Former Chávez adviser Marta Harnecker pointed out that Chávez, as a charismatic leader, communicated with the style of a populist, but he helped people organise: "that is not populism; it is revolutionary leadership'.

An important test of the resilience of the Chávez legacy will come on 14 April, when his successor Nicolás Maduro stands against right wing candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski. Maduro is a former transport union leader who worked with Chávez for two decades. Capriles became famous for his personal involvement in an attack on the Cuban Embassy during the 2002 US-backed coup. He was soundly defeated by Chávez in elections last October and few expect him to win in 2013. Polls put Maduro well in front. Majority support appears firm for the socialist transition program initiated by Chávez back in 2005.

None of this is good news for the international investor groups who still control most media channels, in Venezuela as elsewhere. Indeed, the anti-Chávez rhetoric has hardly abated with the man's death. Both Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper and US President Barack Obama claimed the death of President Chávez "brings hope' to Venezuela. Business magazine headlines read: "Why Chávez was bad for Venezuela', "Hugo Chávez leaves Venezuela in an economic muddle' and "Chávez leaves legacy of economic disarray'. All this suggests a burning desire to tarnish the man's image, in attempts to rein in the Chávez bandwagon.

Why was Chávez so influential and so popular? It had much to do with the powerful social programs, in education, health, housing, food, social security, local infrastructure and land reform. Poverty fell dramatically. In 1999, when Chávez first came to office, household income poverty was 42% and extreme poverty 18.9%; in 2011 these figures had fallen by 35% (to 27.4%) and 71% (to 7.3%) (INE 2011). Inequality also fell from 48 to 39 on the Gini scale, by far the greatest improvement in Latin America. A key Chávez slogan was: "the only way to reduce poverty is to empower the poor'. Beyond income measures, Venezuela's Human Development Index rank rose strongly, from the expansion in health services and education.

Chávez recognised and returned land to indigenous communities and invested much of the country's oil wealth in people and communities that had been ignored and marginalised for decades, if not centuries. This helps explain the extraordinary reverence given to Chávez in the more humble parts of the country. For example, the January 23 community in Caracas, without waiting for Vatican approval, have opened their own shrine to "Saint Hugo Chávez '. To them, he had performed real miracles.

It is perhaps not surprising that corporate media analyses tend to ignore or trivialise these achievements, and look for weak spots. The Economist (5/3/13), representing private financial groups, launched a broadside against Chávez on the day of his death. He had been "as reckless with his health as with his country's economy and its democracy', said the finance magazine. Accusing him "narcissistic' rule, the magazine did admit that a quick election would favour Maduro over what it called the "moderate centrist', Capriles.

The Economist claimed Chávez had "squandered' his country's oil wealth, but had been lucky with high oil prices, clever advice from Fidel Castro on social programs and an unpopular nemesis in the form of George W. Bush. However the Bolivarian Revolution was "a corrupt, mismanaged affair' which failed to invest and relied on handouts. Venezuela under Chávez, it continued, came "towards the bottom of just about every league table for good governance or economic competitiveness'. It is hardly a coincidence that the relentless demonization of the man comes from those investment groups most affronted by his re-nationalisation of Venezuela's huge oil industry.

One important source to counter such assertions has been the Washington-based Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). A recent article by Mark Weisbrot and Jake Johnston (CEPR, September 2012) observes that IMF forecasts "repeatedly underestimated GDP growth' in Venezuela. Recovery from its two recessions (from the coup and oil conflict of 2002-2003, then the US financial crisis of 2008-09) had been much stronger than expected. Despite the dependence on oil income, there had been substantial investment across a range of sectors. Yet the Chávez "bias' towards public and social sectors was not received well by predatory investor groups.

Precisely because of this corporate media onslaught, it can be difficult to read Venezuela. But, with a little patience, we can find independent sources and identify the distortions. For example, Roy Carroll of the British Guardian claimed "a third of the country' revered Chávez, while "millions detested him as a thug and a charlatan'. None of this explains the successive election victories, nor the fact that polls, two weeks after his death, showed that 79% of Venezuelans retained a positive image of their late president (USA Today 2013).

In another example, The Economist, seizing on a partial truth, claimed Venezuela had become "even more dependent' on imported food, as "State takeovers of farms cut agricultural output'. In fact, while Venezuela's spending on food imports rose from 2.0 to 2.2 of GDP, between 2000 and 2009, local food production also increased. The FAO (2012: Table 19) shows that the country's caloric self-sufficiency rose from 58% to 62% in that same period. More importantly, the FAO also shows that the proportion of under-nourished Venezuelans more than halved in just a few years under Chávez (FAO 2011, 2012). The country's nutritional problems have changed. By 2009 the rate of underweight children was down to 4% but that of overweight and obese adults was up to 30% (FAO 2012: Table 18). By way of comparison, the rate of food insecurity in the USA had worsened, from 10% of families in 2000 to 15% in 2011 (ERS 2012). "Mismanaged' Venezuela was overcoming hunger while the much wealthier USA was going backwards.

The Economist also suggested that mass education in Venezuela had been a mistake, as the "millions who enrolled in "universities' that mainly impart propaganda [a reference to the promotion of Bolivarian values of solidarity and egalitarianism, as opposed to neoliberal individualism and commodification] have raised expectations that are almost bound to be dashed'. Chávez , according to the finance magazine, had failed "to provide the best education and health services money can buy'. Nevertheless, the UNDP recognised the massive rise in Venezuela's educational enrolments, a major factor in its above-average performance in the Human Development Index (PNUD 2013).

eyond the attacks over "autocracy' and "populism' have come some more specific criticisms over inflation, violent crime and an independent judiciary. Venezuela does have 20% inflation, but it has been controlled and is much lower than pre-Chávez levels. Nevertheless, further depreciation of the currency seems likely, to counter a growing black market.

Violent crime in Venezuela remains very high, but highest in the state of Miranda, where drug gangs persist and Opposition Presidential candidate Capriles has been Governor for some years. In part due to his shared responsibility for security and crime, Governor Capriles has often focussed on similar themes to those of the national government: education, improved infrastructure and reformed policing. However he refuses to cooperate with the newly formed Bolivarian National Police.

Complaints about judicial independence (and the arrest of one judge for criminality) must be read in the context of a new constitution which has privileged citizen's rights over unlimited property rights. There is a significant shift in values going within a legal system which used to be focussed almost exclusively on property, and a military which had been tutored by the US armed forces. Reorientation towards national and social goals, through Bolivarian values, has certainly caused some friction, and charges of "politicisation'.

But to single out any one or two of such accusations as a basis for judging the Chávez legacy is to miss the bigger picture. We see the result of such distortions in a vicious obituary from the BBC, describing Chávez as "an autocrat, ruthless and divisive'. This compares badly with the BBC's eulogies for the late Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin-Abdul-Aziz and the late US President Ronald Reagan -- the former a non-elected despot, the latter an emperor who, through his interventions in Central America, unleashed what has been termed "one of the most intensive campaigns of mass murder in recent history' (Nairn 2004). The list goes on.

However Chávez was a true champion of human rights, not a violator. As David Edwards of Media Lens points out, "Chávez did not invade nations, overthrow governments, commit mass murder, mass torture or mass starvation through sanctions'. Nor did he build his reputation on empty promises. He earned the love of his people through real achievements. That includes his leadership of the 1992 attempted coup. The government of Carlos Andres Perez, backed by Washington, had slaughtered more than 3,000 people in the 1989 Caracas street riots ("the Caracazo') after IMF-directed austerity measures. Remembering the curse of Bolivar on the soldier who raised arms against his own people, Chávez swore to dedicate his life to defence of those same marginalised people, mown down in 1989.

It is rare to see a political leader prepared to confront the great powers, making gains on behalf of ordinary people and re-building a social sphere in face of a savage capitalism which demands relentless commodification. To advocates of the neoliberal world, empowering the poor, making great advances in health, education, housing, social security and human solidarity - all these mean nothing, if they do not generate new sources of private accumulation. That is why Chávez -- and not mass murderer George W. Bush -- was a devil to them. Most ordinary people, and those with a social conscience, will think differently.

Some sources:

Bilbao, Luis (2013) "Luis Bilbao: Hugo Chavez, internationalism and revolution', Links, 19 March, online:

Chafuen, Alejandro (2013) "5 Ways To Invest In Venezuelan Freedom', Forbes, 13 March, online:

Chávez , Hugo (2012) ALBA, Part One: Cuba and Venezuela, or when Chávez met Fidel, online:

Economist, The (2013) "Venezuela after Chávez: Now for the reckoning', 5 March, online:

Edwards, David (2013) "Death Of A Bogeyman - The Corporate Media Bury Hugo Chávez', Media Lens, 13 March, online:

ERS (2012) "Household Food Security in the United States in 2011', September, Economic research Service, US Department of Agriculture, online:

FAO (2011) "El estado de la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo', ORGANIZACI-"N DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS PARA LA ALIMENTACI-"N Y LA AGRICULTURA, Rome, online:

FAO (2012) "Part 2: Hunger Dimensions', FAO Statistical Yearbook 2012, online:

Harnecker, Marta (2012) "Marta Harnecker: activist, writer, teacher', interview with Elenora de Lucena, Lo de Alla, online:

Harper, Stephen (2013) "Chávez 's death brings hope of a better future for Venezuela: PM Harper', Globe and Mail, 5 March, online:ávez s-death-brings-hope-of-a-better-future-for-venezuela-pm-harper/article9321008/

INE (2011) SÃ*ntesis EstadÃ*stica de Pobreza e Indicadores de Desigualdad, Instituto Nacional de EstadÃ*stica, online:

Latinobarómetro (2010) "La Imagen de Venezuela: Cuan Democratico es Venezuela?', online:

Martinez, Eugenio (2012) "The U.S. Should Learn From Venezuela How to Hold Elections', Forbes, 6 November, online:

Nairn, Allan (2004) "Journalist Allan Nairn: Reagan Was Behind "One Of The Most Intensive Campaigns Of Mass Murder In Recent History"', 8 June, Democracy Now, online:

PNUD (2013) "Venezuela se ubica en puesto 71 de 187 paÃ*ses según su IDH', Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, 14 March, online:

Robinson, William (2013) ""Humanity Has Lost a Titan": Interview with William I. Robinson on the Legacy of Hugo Chavez', Upside Down World, 21 March, online:

USA Today (2013) "Short campaign to replace Chavez gets nasty', 30 March, online:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
By William Blum Published April 8th, 2013

Would you believe that the United States tried to do something that was not nice against Hugo Chávez?

Wikileaks has done it again. I guess the US will really have to get tough now with Julian Assange and Bradley Manning.

In a secret US cable to the State Department, dated November 9, 2006, and recently published online by WikiLeaks, former US ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, outlines a comprehensive plan to destabilize the government of the late President Hugo Chávez. The cable begins with a Summary:

During his 8 years in power, President Chavez has systematically dismantled the institutions of democracy and governance. The USAID/OTI program objectives in Venezuela focus on strengthening democratic institutions and spaces through non-partisan cooperation with many sectors of Venezuelan society.

USAID/OTI = United States Agency for International Development/Office of Transition Initiatives. The latter is one of the many euphemisms that American diplomats use with each other and the world They say it means a transition to "democracy". What it actually means is a transition from the target country adamantly refusing to cooperate with American imperialist grand designs to a country gladly willing (or acceding under pressure) to cooperate with American imperialist grand designs.

OTI supports the Freedom House (FH) "Right to Defend Human Rights" program with $1.1 million. Simultaneously through Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), OTI has also provided 22 grants to human rights organizations.

Freedom House is one of the oldest US government conduits for transitioning to "democracy"; to a significant extent it equates "democracy" and "human rights" with free enterprise. Development Alternatives Inc. is the organization that sent Alan Gross to Cuba on a mission to help implement the US government's operation of regime change.

OTI speaks of working to improve "the deteriorating human rights situation in" Venezuela. Does anyone know of a foreign government with several millions of dollars to throw around who would like to improve the seriously deteriorating human rights situation in the United States? They can start with the round-the-clock surveillance and the unconscionable entrapment of numerous young "terrorists" guilty of thought crimes.

"OTI partners are training NGOs [non-governmental organizations] to be activists and become more involved in advocacy."

Now how's that for a self-given license to fund and get involved in any social, economic or political activity that can sabotage any program of the Chávez government and/or make it look bad? The US ambassador's cable points out that:

OTI has directly reached approximately 238,000 adults through over 3000 forums, workshops and training sessions delivering alternative values and providing opportunities for opposition activists to interact with hard-core Chavistas, with the desired effect of pulling them slowly away from Chavismo. We have supported this initiative with 50 grants totaling over $1.1 million.

"Another key Chavez strategy," the cable continues, "is his attempt to divide and polarize Venezuelan society using rhetoric of hate and violence. OTI supports local NGOs who work in Chavista strongholds and with Chavista leaders, using those spaces to counter this rhetoric and promote alliances through working together on issues of importance to the entire community."

This is the classical neo-liberal argument against any attempt to transform a capitalist society The revolutionaries are creating class conflict. But of course, the class conflict was already there, and nowhere more embedded and distasteful than in Latin America.

OTI funded 54 social projects all over the country, at over $1.2 million, allowing [the] Ambassador to visit poor areas of Venezuela and demonstrate US concern for the Venezuelan people. This program fosters confusion within the Bolivarian ranks, and pushes back at the attempt of Chavez to use the United States as a unifying enemy.'

One has to wonder if the good ambassador (now an Assistant Secretary of State) placed any weight or value at all on the election and re-election by decisive margins of Chávez and the huge masses of people who repeatedly filled the large open squares to passionately cheer him. When did such things last happen in the ambassador's own country? Where was his country's "concern for the Venezuelan people" during the decades of highly corrupt and dictatorial regimes? His country'a embassy in Venezuela in that period was not plotting anything remotely like what is outlined in this cable.

The cable summarizes the focus of the embassy's strategy's as: "1) Strengthening Democratic Institutions, 2) Penetrating Chavez' Political Base, 3) Dividing Chavismo, 4) Protecting Vital US business, and 5) Isolating Chavez internationally." 1

The stated mission for the Office of Transition Initiatives is: "To support U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy in priority countries in crisis." 2

Notice the key word "crisis". For whom was Hugo Chávez's Venezuela a "crisis"? For the people of Venezuela or the people who own and operate United States, Inc.?

Imagine a foreign country's embassy, agencies and NGOs in the United States behaving as the American embassy, OTI, and NGOs did in Venezuela. President Putin of Russia recently tightened government controls over foreign NGOs out of such concern. As a result, he of course has been branded by the American government and media as a throwback to the Soviet Union.

Under pressure from the Venezuelan government, the OTI's office in Venezuela was closed in 2010.

For our concluding words of wisdom, class, here's Charles Shapiro, US ambassador to Venezuela from 2002 to 2004, speaking recently of the Venezuelan leaders: "I think they really believe it, that we are out there at some level to do them ill." 3

1 - Full memo
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:The cable summarizes the focus of the embassy's strategy's as: "1) Strengthening Democratic Institutions, 2) Penetrating Chavez' Political Base, 3) Dividing Chavismo, 4) Protecting Vital US business, and 5) Isolating Chavez internationally." 1

Let me change the below quote to reflect reality.

Quote:The cable summarizes the focus of the embassy's strategy's as: "1) Protecting Vital US business, 2) Penetrating Chavez' Political Base to protect vital US business interests, 3) Dividing Chavismo to enhance and protect vital US business interests, 4) Protecting Vital US business, and 5) Protecting Vital US business."

That's better.

Is it just me or is it strange how world leaders who oppose vital US business interests find themselves prematurely dead from ill health?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Is it just me or is it strange how world leaders who oppose vital US business interests find themselves prematurely dead from ill health?
No, it's not just you David. That guy in N. Korea looks like he about to come down with Armageddon.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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