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War on Iran Would Mean WWIII

Contains Video: 7:05 minutes long. Go to website above.

War on Iran Would Mean World War III

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, March 31, 2013

Russia Today

[initially published and broadcast by RT in January 2012]

The situation today is far more serious. We are at a very dangerous crossroads (M.Ch.)

The military build-up and economic sanctions against Iran are designed to unleash a global war from the Mediterranean to China with unpredictable consequences, warns Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization.*Tensions between Iran and the West are close to crisis level. With massive help from the western media, Iran has firmly become embedded as the root of all evil in the minds of many westerners.

The author of the book Towards a World War Three Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War told RT that "The issue of Iran's nuclear weapons is a red herring, but this red herring could lead us to a WWIII scenario." He also recalled all the American military bases with nuclear weapons close to Iran's borders.

Michel Chossudovsky recalled that a couple of weeks ago [January 2012], America's Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta quite categorically stated to CBS that Iran neither possesses, nor is developing nuclear weapons. Panetta did not rule out that there are still diplomatic means to cut Iran's Gordian knot.

But considering the US military preparations around Iran, this statement rather looks like a deceptive maneuver.

Last week, EU nations adopted an unprecedented set of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

These include a complete embargo on oil supplies from Iran, and are expected to come into force in July.

"What we are witnessing here is a build-up towards a military confrontation. These sanctions constitute the staging of a military agenda," feels Michel Chossudovsky. "In turn, we have massive deployment of US military hardware, troops going to Israel to be stationed in Israel, more troops go to Kuwait, [American] naval forces are entering the Persian Gulf."

Michel Chossudovsky believes that "What the United States wants now, including its allies, is some kind of a green light which will give a human face to a war."

On Monday, the UN nuclear inspectors started a three-day mission to examine Iran's atomic activities.

Tehran says the talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the first in more than three years, will prove its nuclear program is purely peaceful.

With the visit of the IAEA inspectors, Iran is playing a diplomatic card, believes Chossudovsky. The IAEA is not politically controlled, so once it confirms Iran's nuclear program has peaceful purposes, this should undermine the aggressive intentions of the West.

The US needs a contrary statement from the IAEA to use this for transition to a new military stage in the Iran drama.

"This war has already started. There are drone attacks, there are special [American] forces inside Iran and there is financial warfare," considers Michel Chossudovsky.

Plans to invade Iran emerged immediately after the invasion of Iraq, Chossudovsky informs, with military preparations begun around 2005, so by now everything should be ready and in place for a full-scale military conflict.

"The WWIII scenario is unthinkable. This war would extend from the Mediterranean to the Chinese border. It could possibly include Russia and China," Michel Chossudovsky concluded. "We could find ourselves at a very critical crossroads."

Adele, does Chossudovsky indicate how a nuclear war could start? Presumably China and/or Russia - since Tehran doesn't have those weapons.

Personally, I have not doubted for some years now that the US plans to gradually remove support from Tehran, and by encircling it, and then crushing it. They have their green eyes on the oil resources.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
[TD][TABLE="width: 548"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 408"]
[TD]Olmert: Iran threat 'exaggerated'

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[TD="class: text12g"] Published:[/TD]
[TD="class: text12g"]04.28.13, 18:20 / Israel News[/TD]

[TD="width: 102, align: left"] [/TD]
Former Israel PM said he disagreed with the view that Iran in its uranium enrichment program has crossed the red line drawn by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that the Iranian nuclear threat has been subject to exaggeration.

Speaking from New York, Olmert added he believed Bashar Assad's regime will be toppled shortly, yet Syria is to remain a sore issue, "as we don't know who will rule it." (Yitzhak Benhorin),7340,...04,00.html
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