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RFK Must Die by O'Sullivan the film
Milestone: RFK Shooting Photographer Dies
October 5, 2013 |
[Image: bill_eppridge_328-215x300.jpg] [SUP][1][/SUP]
Paying tribute to Bill Eppridge [SUP][2][/SUP], who captured the RFK shooting on film. Eppridge died the other day.

Click images to enlarge.
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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Another anniversary. I have not seen The Second Gun. Will watch it later today after work is done.
No justice continues.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Another anniversary. I have not seen The Second Gun. Will watch it later today after work is done.
No justice continues.


Another very sad anniversary! While many of us on this Forum know what happened; the average John or Joan Q. Public do not - or are confused by the knowingly/intentionally false story told by their own government [elements of it complicit in the assassination, and even more so - and more completely - in the cover-up!].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Second Gun is still the best documentary about the RFK assassination. There's just one review of it on Amazon (mine).

America has proven that when the pigs corrupt justice and democracy they will do nothing. The French Revolution would have answered those liars at the press conference with their heads.
The Conspiracy Museum supported Ted Charach for many years. In addition, we worked with Rose Mangrum and Adele Sirhan in an attempt to test the evidence in Sacramento. I have the raw film footage on the search for the second gun. During that time, we had the Ceasar gun in our possession and attempted to finance the testing of the gun and the evidence with a documentary. We had a contract with Canal+ in 2010 but it was derailed by a new Director. I am in possession of most of Charach's archives and Mangrum's research. I am still actively looking for a network partner. We have had the Caesar gun documented and tested by reputable criminologists. We were on track of H18602, which we believe is still in its original evidence bag. Unfortunately, Sirhan has had too many amateur advisors over the years. Mistakes have been made in both public relations and legal filings. I applaud Dr. Pepper's work but he also takes complete control and limits other investigative approaches.
Do you know why the new Canal director did that Tom? It would be great to get this happening again.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Tom Bowden Wrote:The Conspiracy Museum supported Ted Charach for many years. In addition, we worked with Rose Mangrum and Adele Sirhan in an attempt to test the evidence in Sacramento. I have the raw film footage on the search for the second gun. During that time, we had the Ceasar gun in our possession and attempted to finance the testing of the gun and the evidence with a documentary. We had a contract with Canal+ in 2010 but it was derailed by a new Director. I am in possession of most of Charach's archives and Mangrum's research. I am still actively looking for a network partner. We have had the Caesar gun documented and tested by reputable criminologists. We were on track of H18602, which we believe is still in its original evidence bag. Unfortunately, Sirhan has had too many amateur advisors over the years. Mistakes have been made in both public relations and legal filings. I applaud Dr. Pepper's work but he also takes complete control and limits other investigative approaches.

What did the tests show? Given that Cesar was immediately behind RFK and in the mid 70's admitted to Dan Moldea that he had a gun drawn, ( but "did not fire it), he is the most likely shooter. Although he too may have been MC.

If you watch from 56:00 on you'll see there's evidence for a mistrial without any further testing or obtaining of evidence. The prosecution itself entered evidence of the wrong gun being tested that is proof on its own of a faulty verdict.

When Sirhan tried to protest this the tyrannical judge threatened to muzzle him with a mask. His incompetent lawyer Cooper yielded on all points without protest.

Caesar might have been MK'ed. He talks too freely about his dislike of RFK's politics for someone who consciously shot him. His discussion about his anti-Kennedy politics with Charach sounds like a creepy bleeding through of his hate programming he isn't aware of. A good analogy would be Mark David Chapman's original southern christian protest over Lennon's "Bigger than Christ" statement being parlayed by programming into his assassination of Lennon. In this case it could be Caesar's existing dislike for the Kennedys' politics was parlayed by programming into shooting RFK unknowingly. The two missed shots to the shoulder would be indicative of the trance-like lack of accuracy of such MKULTRA shooting just like Sirhan.

Another thing that stands out like a sore thumb is the LA Police reading straight from the script of the CIA anti-conspiracy document in their accusations of conspiracy theorists and their need to question the verdict and cash in. Watch the officers and officials when they say it. It is like they were reciting a script.

The theft of the gun from Yoder sounds like a CIA job.

Younger and Busch are obviously deflecting genuine questions of evidence like they are avoiding something. The angle of the bullets in the ceiling tile is prima facie evidence of a second gun they had no right to ignore. They did not adequately answer the lack of confidence in their investigation.

The Director hired by Canal+ decided to pursue the MKUltra approach as opposed to testing the hard evidence. In the end, Canal+ dropped the project. Our proposal was first to test the evidence in Sacramento to verify it authenticity. Rose Mangum presented a 300+ page document which detailed her examination of the evidence and summarized her beliefs. For those who do not know the name, she was a neighbor to the Sirhans. She and Adele Sirhan were the official contacts for Sirhan up until Adele died. Her document was written in layman terms and against our advice and others, she refused to have it written correctly. We believe the document has some very valid points. Part is that the bullets in Sacramento were not fired from Sirhan's gun.

Our testing of the Caesar gun could only go so far. We did verify that twist and lands were compatible with the evidence. We did not have the evidence bullets to do a comparison for match. As I mentioned before, the testing was by a reputable laboratory and they are still in possession of the evidence. We had them fire 25 bullets to sell to provide additional funding and I have those in my possession. I also have duplicates of all testing procedures, results and video documentation of the tests.

Whether MKULTRA techniques were used on Sirhan and Caesar are really moot points to us. We believe the hard evidence will support the fatal shots came from Caesar's gun or the third gun in the room. I have personally researched the financial record of Caesar and understand the money transactions, which occurred over the years. Some of which are detailed in the county clerk's land records.

With regards to H18602, LAPD records show it was destroyed. However, at that time, many weapons were being listed as destroyed and instead were taken home as memorabilia or sold on the black market. We negotiated with an individual to purchase H18602. I saw the evidence bag and its contents. I was not allowed to examine it under a microscope but the serial number had a unique flaw and it was evident on the gun which I saw. I gave a $5000 down payment with the balance to come from the documentary. I was unable to complete the transaction.

As to where things stand today. O'Sullivan contacted me last year and wanted to share information. I declined as I believe the hard evidence should be tested. I have been approached by another funding source, which may result in movement later on this year. Access to the archives will have to once again be approved.

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