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From Manchukuo to this age of redefined war
From Manchukuo to this age of redefined war;

With my morning compliment of Grateful Dead music and coffee this thought occurs to me aside from what a long strange trip it all has been.

I want to state the obvious about recent event so the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] and 21[SUP]st[/SUP] centuries.

War of the now is a largely different thing than it was in say 1930. Except in the case of sneak attack governments declared war by act of state. Economies were re-geared to make weapons and the young men mobilized, trained and prepared to whup some butt. The nation generally stood to that effort the wealthy still skated to a lesser extent than for example than those named Bu$h of late.

Global efforts were expended in World War 2 to enforce the will of the allies. Nations united behind the efforts and sacrifices to stop the militarists and fascists as well as to support the same. War never changes only the methodology to arrive at war. The poor still died in efforts of one group of empowered folks against another group of empowered folks. While the empowered profited.

Then came Korea as a "limited war" of the cold-war hassles. The free world united to stop aggression on a neighbor, the "unfree" world united to reunite a nation. All accomplished with UN approval and war dragged on only to move lines on the map in spite of Doug MacArthur's and John Foster Dulles' best efforts to expand this little war into the "big final one".

When LBJ went into SE Asia not covertly in 1965, a token approval of the people was granted in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. As much of a sham as that crap is, at least a nation's representatives approved the aggression largely after the fact, but …

The hangover from that fiasco lasted less than a decade. The Neocons came rising up out of the Nixon ashes of the last war to provide the puppet RReagan. Watching the Brits go to war on Argentina was too much temptation for the Neocon Chickenhawks.

Soon the Chickenhawks were going war in secret in a Packer End Sweep around the Congress and WeThePeople. They were going to war repeatedly all over the place and again promoting the "big-final-one" with the other nuke club members. All with the Congress and People being played as chumps.

By 2003 we made two simultaneous wars. Two at the same damn time and silence ruled in the House and Senate. The required "approval" was secured by lies and fear. Both oft noted tools of fascist governments.

War is now as in the novel 1984, war is peace, lie is truth, loosing is winning.

The economically challenged are the cannon-fodder for the wealthy again. And nobody is marching in the streets to say "Hell No We Won't Go"! War no longer requires the declaration of war only the approval of the "people".

No draft except the economic draft of poverty.

No voice to say:

"Hey Prez you said you would stop both wars and close Gitmo. You said you would roll back the Patriot Act. I have it on video Mr. Prez. I am waiting. You are another G**damn LIAR"!

The people and the Congress are silent and worried about manufactured crises instead of a root problem in American Governance.

Nuff Said.

Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.

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