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Bradley Manning and SF Gay Pride: I dont always agree with Justin Raimondo but when I do: I post
Imperial America and the End of Progressivism
Bradley Manning, the San Francisco "gay pride" parade, and the future of the American left
by Justin Raimondo, April 29, 2013
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As America hardens into empire, and the assumptions and conceits of imperialism become the social and political norm, the American "left" is morphing into a mutant caricature of itself: we see this in the recent decision by the San Francisco "Gay Pride" parade committee to revoke an earlier decision to honor whistle-blower Bradley Manning.
Manning, for those late to the party, is the 25-year-old Army private who somehow had access to a huge cache of US military and diplomatic "secrets" and supposedly revealed them to the world via Wikileaks. First and most dramatically, he is said to have released a US government video depicting the slaughter of innocent Iraqis by a team of wise-cracking Americans piloting a helicopter gunship. It shocked the world and rocked the US military establishment when Wikileaks posted it online. The warlords of Washington have been out to get Manning and Wikileaks ever since.
What does San Francisco's "gay pride" celebration a week-long street party, part drag-queens-in-boa-feathers and Dykes on Bikes, part political rally by the "San Francisco Democrats," as Jeanne Kirkpatrick contemptuously referred to them have to do with Manning? It seems the Parade Committee's "electoral college" a gathering of all the past "Grand Marshals" voted for Manning (a gay man) to be honored as the 2013 Parade Grand Marshal, a decision quickly overruled by the Grand Poobahs of the "executive board," led by one Lisa L. Williams, a local political hack and sometime political appointee to minor city posts. In a statement that had all the hallmarks of a announcement by the old Soviet Politiboro of the latest political purge, Williams declared:
"Bradley Manning will not be a grand marshal in this year's San Francisco Pride celebration. His nomination was a mistake and should never have been allowed to happen. A staff person at SF Pride, acting under his own initiative, prematurely contacted Bradley Manning based on internal conversations within the SF Pride organization. That was an error and that person has been disciplined. He does not now, nor did he at that time, speak for SF Pride."
"Disciplined"? Sounds very S&M. Did Williams administer the punishment herself? Aside from that, however, there is something very weird about this "should never have been allowed to happen" business. Williams is here speaking the language of outright authoritarianism: deviations from the Party Line, it seems, are not only doubleplusungood but even the possibility of Thoughtcrime must be eliminated. That kind of language is rarely used by ordinary Americans, even in the realm of politics: only in Marxist-Leninist (and certain fundamentalist religious) sects do we hear this sort of dogmatic assertiveness. One wonders: what country is this person living in?
The answer is that San Francisco, in many ways, isn't part of America: like Washington, D.C., and certain other urban blights, it is another country altogether, one where everyone (who's anyone) is a "progressive," and the city is effectively a one-party state that resembles Cuba more than it does the real America. The only difference is that in Cuba, at least, they still remember their old commie roots: in the San Francisco of the new millennium, however, the old anti-imperialism of the progressive community has been replaced by identity politics. With President Barack Obama in the White House, and America conducting even more wars of aggression than under his Republican predecessor, the "progressives" have jumped on the bandwagon of America's post-9/11 imperial expansion. It's their empire now, and they mean to defend it. Williams a former regional coordinator for the Obama campaign, and a local Democratic party hack is quite clear about this:
"Bradley Manning is facing the military justice system of this country. We all await the decision of that system. However, until that time, even the hint of support for actions which placed in harms way the lives of our men and women in uniform and countless others, military and civilian alike will not be tolerated by the leadership of San Francisco Pride. It is, and would be, an insult to every one, gay and straight, who has ever served in the military of this country."
The idea that Manning put anyone in uniform or out in danger is refuted by the Pentagon itself, which admitted Manning's actions physically harmed no one. Other than that, however, Williams's statement is a perfect reiteration of the Obama administration's case against Manning and against the movement that has arisen on the right as well as the left against our interventionist foreign policy. According to Williams, anyone who challenges a foreign policy that gave those helicopter gunships the capacity to cut down Iraqi civilians in their own city is "placing in harms way the lives of our men and women in uniform." Anyone who defies the cult of secrecy surrounding US war crimes around the world is a "traitor," as a leader of one gay veterans' group characterized Manning. Critics of our foreign wars are invariably accused of this, although in the past the charge has mostly emanated from the right side of the political spectrum. What makes this incident significant is that it is now coming from what used to be the left.
Lisa Williams is a small-time political servitor, which means she is a big wheel in the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club. As proprietor of a political consulting firm, One Source Consulting, she was firmly ensconced in the local party machine before moving up the ladder to coordinate Obama's's pro forma campaign in the San Francisco Bay Area. She's no ideologue: she's a careerist, pure and simple. Her motive is pragmatic rather than ideological: she is terrified that her organization the Gay Pride committee already discredited by its gross financial mismanagement of the millions that flow into its coffers will suffer further embarrassment as the purveyor of an inconvenient radicalism offensive to the higher-ups she is lobbying for a promotion.
The putrid icing on this foul-tasting cake is her replacement for Manning as parade Grand Marshal: California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a rising star in the Democratic party firmament, former San Francisco City Attorney not to mention a former One Source Consulting client. So there's a pecuniary interest here, too and isn't that just so typical of the crony-capitalist regime we suffer under today? It's all about politicians enriching themselves at everyone else's expense or, in this case, at the expense of a gay guy who's been tortured, according to the UN, and held in prison without trial for well over a year, because he exposed the lies, the shitty little betrayals, and the murderous arrogance of our rulers as they rampage across the globe.
The de-Marshaling of Bradley Manning might seem like a trivial matter to some, but it is in reality a real cultural turning point. It used to be that what passes for the "left" in American politics was identified with a principled opposition to the American conceit that we are the inheritors of the British empire, and that now that the British lion has turned into a bit of a pussycat it's up to the American eagle to police the world. Opposition to this arrogant nonsense was once central to any American liberal or leftist's self-conception (with the exception of those "cold war liberals" who today would be called neoconservatives). Today, in Obama's America, they have embraced the cause of yesteryear's Anglophiles and taken up what we used to call the White Man's Burden except today it is the Multi-Cultural Multi-Gendered LGBT Man's Person's Burden.
In the place of the old imperialism we see new threads emerging as the dominant colors in this ideological tapestry, first and foremost State-worship. The older sort of left-liberal never identified with the State, because, after all, it wasn't their State it was the hated capitalist state. The old-fashioned Marxists, of course, were hardcore when it came to this question: they made a principle of never cooperating with the cops. Anyone who did was ostracized and denounced as a stool pigeon.
However, that has all changed. Now that they are the cops and by they I don't mean the few remaining old-fashioned Marxists this reflexive resistance to authority on the left has undergone a Bizarro World transformation into its exact opposite: a veritable worship of governmental authority. How else to explain that little advertising clip on MSNBC featuring Rachel Maddow admonishing us for not utilizing the government as a builder of bridges and other cool stuff. "They say the future doesn't belong to us," she declaims, sneering at those craven slovenly conservatives who shrink from National Greatness, "it belongs to China!" The subtext here is we need to be more like China an authoritarian state that sacrifices its teeming hordes of slaves on the altar of the Five Year Plan, while China's crony capitalists the "communist" princelings buy up Manhattan real estate (and fund our debt). Government is good: more government is even better.
The old "New Left" of the 1960s was infatuated with Maoism: "revolutionary" China loomed large in the leftist imagination as a utopian laboratory where their egalitarian nostrums were being administered in large doses. The Great Cultural Revolution enthralled them, and the various far-left groups competed, for a while, for the China franchise. Beijing eventually conferred its semi-official blessing on one of the contestants: the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), or CPML, led by one Mike Klonsky. The CPML soon fell apart, however, as China went in the direction of state-capitalism: Klonsky entered academia and went on to become enmeshed in "progressive" politics via his links to other ex-New Leftists like Bill Ayers, formerly of the Weather Underground. Ayers, you'll recall, teamed up with Obama in Chicago on an "education reform" program sponsored by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which granted Klonsky's "Small Schools Workshop" over a million bucks: another mil was forked over by a foundation on whose board the future President sat. Klonsky then became active in the Obama campaign, where he was deployed as a blogger on the official campaign web site, holding forth on "education politics and teaching for social justice."
That yesterday's Klonskyites are today's Obamaites and that a national icon of "progressivism" is hailing crony-capitalist China as a model to be emulated doesn't tell us all we need to know about the state of the American left today. But it does indeed give us a pretty damned depressing portent of what the future holds.
Under this "progressive" President, government secrecy has been raised to a sacred principle, and presidential supremacism taken to new heights undreamed of by his predecessor. The Obamaites have gone after whistleblowers, like Manning and this poor guy hammer and tongs, and the "progressive" community is silent although Chris Hayes did bring up the jailing of John Kiriakou, the ex-CIA man who revealed that the US was waterboarding "enemy combatants," (albeit without, as far as I can tell, actually denouncing it).
And while Washington's "progressive" policy wonks might debate this amongst themselves, out in the field the troops are insensitive to such arcane subjects. To a political hack like Lisa Williams, and her crew at the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, Bradley Manning is a figure to be shunned. In the 1960s, liberals of her ilk lionized people like Daniel Ellsberg: today, they'd be denouncing him for putting "in harms way the lives of our men and women in uniform" and howling for a long jail sentence.
I have to note that the various "gay veterans" organizations, which pushed so hard to reverse the ban on "open" gays in the military, are cheering Williams on. That Manning is a soldier, and a gay one, too, matters not at all to these losers. I heard one hard-bitten old Lesbian officer even accuse Manning of "treason," echoing the worst of the warmongering neocons. It's scary, really, to see all these leather queens rallying to Williams's defense. Having assimilated the military culture of an imperialist power, they have become its purveyors within the gay community. With gays in the military comes the frightful phenomenon of gay militarism: I wonder how long before these people start pushing for a war against Russia because Putin won't allow Gay Pride Day in Moscow.
Glenn Greenwald, alone among prominent lefty-liberals, has raised his voice against the de-priding of San Francisco's iconic celebration of gay liberation, and he out-does even me in his outrage. However, Glenn left out one key fact regarding this incident: the parade committee gets $58,500 from San Francisco's "arts" budget and, even more important, is granted the all-important permit to put the festival on in the first place. The Democratic party politicians who control San Francisco government from the top down aren't about to let them get away with valorizing someone who's being mercilessly prosecuted by this administration. He who pays the piper and you know the rest.
After a long evolution from a free-spirited and totally non-governmental phenomenon, San Francisco's Gay Pride parade has become a veritable arm of the city's political establishment. I marched in the first Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco, way back in 1972, I believe, as part of the official Libertarian Party contingent. We gathered in a Pacific Heights park, and marched down Polk Street, about 5,000 people much to the consternation of the police, who had the good sense not to try to stop us. We had no permit, no corporate sponsors, and not a single politician showed up to speak.
All of this is rather ancient history, and dates me terribly, but then again there's no use denying I'm old enough to remember when Diane Feinstein opposed San Francisco's domestic partnership ordinance on the grounds it would inevitably lead to gay marriage. It was only when Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon convinced her it wouldn't that she agreed to go along with the program.
Straight politicos have "evolved" since then, or so they tell us, but the point is that the gay movement, as a political phenomenon, has "evolved," too and not in a good way, as the Manning de-Grand Marshaling demonstrates. These people are nothing but liberals shorn of their best impulses and mired in a soggy swamp of identity politics, political correctness-gone-bonkers, and an instinctual authortarianism. They care no more about the preservation of our constitutional rights and protections than, say, the membership of the Chinese Communist Party. Indeed, they regard any talk of the Constitution a document written by straight white men as politically suspect. After all, isn't it those right-wing extremists who are always going on about the Constitution?
They don't care about civil liberties not when they're the cops and they don't even want to talk about foreign policy, except to complain about how long it's taking us to intervene in Syria. (That's you, Carl Levin: why don't you hurry up and retire?) All they care about is getting more Free Stuff from the government, and pushing for "gay marriage."
Well, then, screw them. I'm done with the "progressives," who have sat by and watched people like Bradley Manning, John Kiriakou and Julian Assange get taken down by their politicians, and said nothing or, worse, defended the persecution of those who dare speak truth to power. We'll have to re-build the old civil liberties/anti-interventionist coalition on a new basis, by reaching out to a new generation, one that will regard the Lisa Williamses of this world with the contempt they deserve.
Here is a link to my recent debate at American University with Jonathan Rauch, of the Brookings Institution, on the subject of gay marriage: see also here. The event was sponsored by the Janus Forum, a project of the university's Political Theory Institute, and my thanks go out to them for their gracious hospitality. Thanks also to Jonathan, who was not only a very worthy opponent, but also one who made me think about my own position. This is what the Janus Forum is all about: looking at both sides of a question, no matter how "settled" it may be in the minds of those who take a position one way or the other. Long may such programs prosper.
I'm having great fun on Twitter these days, and I urge you to join me on this wonderfully interactive site: you can do so by going here.

Bradley Manning (and Assange) had a good presence at the recent Sydney G&L Mardis Gras.

However, the Sydney Mardi Gras is a multi million dollar corporate even now and far from its original roots as a political act of resistance against bigotry and hate. The board most years is very conservative and beholden to various political and corporate interests. And it shows.

In the US there seems to be this strange cult of the military. It is really hard for outsiders to understand it and look bizarre when people expressing such beliefs are shown on tv to us. That it must be supported at all costs regarless of its legality or morality. Blind obedience. And military service men and women are regarded as some greater human than other more productive workers like firemen or nurses or street sweepers. They are pushing the same line here with the cult of ANZAC they are busy manufacturing but it is still nowhere like that here.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote: in the San Francisco of the new millennium, however, the old anti-imperialism of the progressive community has been replaced by identity politics.

This has happened nationwide,not just in SF.The Dems have co-opted progressives,and the environmental movement.Think about it,when Obummer apologist John Nichols makes himself out to be the voice of progressives,we have been thrown to the wolves.

There are no progressives left in America,only rebels!!!
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Bit of a backlash it seems...

And Log Cabin Republicans? The mind boggles :what:
Quote:Backlash After Manning Nixed by Pride Board

by James Patterson
Bay Area Reporter
Monday May 6, 2013
[Image: viewimage_story.php?id=144194&maxwidth=242] With an image of Army Private First Class Bradley Manning behind him, famed Pentagon papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg spoke in support of Manning being named a grand marshal of the San Francisco Pride Parade (Source:Rick Gerharter)

The board that oversees the San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade is facing a backlash from community members after it rescinded a community grand marshal honor for Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, the gay man who leaked 700,000 classified government documents to WikiLeaks.
Two days after releasing the list of grand marshals that included Manning, Lisa Williams, president of the board of the San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee, issued a terse statement that said his selection had been a "mistake" and that he would not be a grand marshal.
Manning, 25, who is currently in a military prison awaiting a court-martial, has a wide group of supporters in the LGBT community and beyond. He confessed in open court earlier this year to providing the material to WikiLeaks and is facing at least 20 years in prison.
On Monday, April 29, a hastily arranged protest was held outside of the Pride Committee's Market Street offices, where famed Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg said he would march in June's Pride Parade in support of Manning.
An estimated 200 protesters were at the rally, expressing their frustration at Williams for rescinding the selection of Manning. Their anger was exacerbated by what they called "heavy-handed," "arrogant," "insulting," and "unprofessional" communication from Williams about her decision to withdraw the honor.
Rally organizers, gay peace and social justice activists Lisa Geduldig, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, and Michael Petrelis had two objectives. One, they wanted Manning re-instated as grand marshal. Two, they wanted Williams removed from the Pride board.
"He's an anti-war hero, a whistle-blower who is gay," Geduldig said of Manning. "He was lip-synching to Lady Gaga while downloading classified documents. It doesn't get more gay than that."
In his comments, Ellsberg, who helped bring the Vietnam War to an end by releasing government documents known as the Pentagon papers to the New York Times, said he had hoped to be a substitute for Manning.
"I was scratched," he said. "I will, however, be marching in support of Bradley Manning," he announced to loud audience approval.
Ellsberg reminded the crowd that "both President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew" had called him a "traitor" in the 1970s. He said it was a "mistake" not honoring Manning for what he said were honorable actions.
Manning's selection seems to have divided gay military veterans. Some, including Zoe Dunning and Keith Meinhold, both former parade grand marshals, took to Facebook late last week, denouncing the Pride board for selecting Manning. Dunning said she was "furious" at the selection, and she and Meinhold both pointed out that Manning had taken an oath when he signed up for the military.
"Right or wrong there are consequences for that," Meinhold posted.
Others, such as John Caldera, 49, an honorably discharged U.S. Navy corpsman and openly gay member of the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Commission, support Manning. Caldera announced that Bob Basker Post 315 of the American Legion has voted to call for the resignation of Williams.
Pride board President Lisa Williams(Photo: Rick Gerharter)
In her April 26 statement, Williams attributed Manning's selection to an unnamed Pride staff member.
"A staff person at SF Pride, acting under his own initiative, prematurely contacted Bradley Manning based on internal conversations with the SF Pride organization," Williams said. "That was an error and that person has been disciplined. He does not now, nor did he at the time, speak for SF Pride."
Williams did not return messages from the Bay Area Reporter seeking comment. Pride CEO Earl Plante, who's on bereavement leave, did not respond to messages seeking comment.
Some of those at Monday's rally blamed corporate sponsors for the Pride board's decision.
"SF Pride sponsors include Bank of America and Wells Fargo, who have foreclosed on hundreds of veteran families," Caldera said. He said sponsor Clear Channel broadcasts Rush Limbaugh's anti-LGBT radio program. SF Pride is "corporatized," he charged.
In remarks after his speech, Caldera said Williams was "unqualified" for her job. He said she put corporate needs above those of the LGBT community.
Joey Cain, a former SF Pride board president and past grand marshal, told the crowd "Bradley Manning was a little gay boy like me" who made a "bad decision to join the military." He said the military discriminated against Manning because he was gay.

"Manning is a hero" and helped the "larger humanity with his actions," said Cain, who told the B.A.R. that he nominated Manning for the grand marshal honor.
Queer feminist Rainey Reitman, founder of the Bradley Manning Support Network, told the crowd her group had raised over $1 million to defend Manning.
"Now his family does not have to mortgage their home to defend him," she said. The support group will pay "100 percent of his legal fees," she added.
Stephen Funk, a gay man who was court-martialed for his opposition to the Iraq war, began his remarks by saying "Bradley Manning is so cute." He called Manning a "freedom fighter."
Funk said Williams's statement contained "false statements" and was an "insult to the military." He credited Manning with the world democracy movement, including the Arab Spring that democratized Egypt in 2011.
In her statement, Williams said that Manning is facing the military justice system.
"We all await the decision of that system," she said. "However, until that time, even the hint of support for actions which placed in harm's way the lives of our men and women in uniform - and countless others, military and civilian alike - will not be tolerated by the leadership of San Francisco Pride."
She added that it would be "an insult to everyone, gay and straight, who has ever served in the military of this country."
Former Pride grand marshal Gary Virginia, 53, called on Williams and Plante to explain the process by which grand marshals are selected.
Manning was selected by what Pride refers to as its electoral college, comprised of former grand marshals. Virginia, who said he voted for Manning in that process, said Williams and Plante had "changed the rules by which marshals are selected" after Manning was elected.
In her statement, Williams said that Manning received fewer than 15 votes. She did not say how many votes were cast.
A quick survey by the B.A.R. of former community grand marshals going back to 2006 found that at least 12 did not receive the email from the Pride Committee containing the four electoral college nominees and did not vote.
"Mismanagement has disgraced and diminished our community," Virginia said. He reminded the crowd that he and B.A.R. society columnist Donna Sachet were co-founders of the Pride Brunch, which raises about $30,000 yearly for the Positive Resource Center. He assured supporters this year's event would "honor" Manning.
Virginia and many other LGBT leaders said they had tried to call Williams and Plante, but they were not returning calls.
Sue Englander of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club said the LGBT movement was not monolithic and differences of opinion were expected.
"For anti-war, anti-military industrial complex and non-violence groups, Bradley Manning is a hero to workers and LGBT people in the military," she said.
Englander added that Milk club members will be "marching for Bradley Manning in June" and they were "proud Daniel Ellsberg will be marching also."
Still, not all LGBTs were pleased that Manning had been selected in the first place.
Fred Schein, 72 and president of San Francisco Log Cabin Republicans, said his group does not support Manning being grand marshal. In an email after the event, he said he was not impressed with the speakers. He said the Manning supporters struck him as the "usual suspects" and "leftover Occupy types."

"Log Cabin has learned from this entire experience and is better prepared to respond to such an issue in the future," Schein said. "We will keep an eye on this matter, but believe it is now going to be focused internally in the Pride organization, which I suspect won't be pleasant."
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I continue to be amazed and saddened by how many do not even know who Manning is. When we were in Costa Rica with my husband's brother's family a political discussion ensued. Al is a University prof. and considers himself to be informed. When I mentioned the horrible treatment of a hero, Manning Al asked "who is Bradley Manning?". He was also not familiar with Edmonds. Erick was reading her book "A Classified Woman" on his kindle and I wanted Erick to read to Al her condemnation of Obomba and his worse- than- Bush treatment of whilstle blowers. (Al and his wife are big Obama supportes). So Erick read it, and Al asked him to read it again. There was no comment and I am sure it was quickly forgotten. What passes these days for progressives are Obomber supporters. It's like they are all brain dead.
End of thought process.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:...
It's like they are all brain dead.
End of thought process.


I sense a psyop. The fore mentioned "cult of the military" in the US approved external persona with the trend Dawn noted above.

Point 1 - Elevation of the Military in Society - is a characteristic of FASCISM. Not Patriotism, patriots already know the truth of patriotism.
Note the difference between VietnamVeteransAgainsttheWar and say the Morgan created American Legion organized as union busting thugs wearing the mantle of "patriot". The other originated in the grassroots financed by the Vets (imagine that).

Point 2. The quote above begs the question: Do the Empire idiots expect the people to limit political thinking to ONLY those 2 choices?

As if there is no other process for Americans but Obama or Bu$h?

I forgot the educational controllers stopped teaching "civics" and citizenship a few decades ago. This state of affairs is to be expected, sadly.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:Point 1 - Elevation of the Military in Society - is a characteristic of FASCISM. Not Patriotism, patriots already know the truth of patriotism.
Note the difference between VietnamVeteransAgainsttheWar and say the Morgan created American Legion organized as union busting thugs wearing the mantle of "patriot". The other originated in the grassroots financed by the Vets (imagine that).
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The patriot may ride in on a white horse in uniform carryin' the colors.
It ain't about the patriot, imagine Dougout Doug MacArthur.
It ain't the flag. Gaudy Patriotism of Parades or Campaigns.
No Fuhrer. No Rescue by Custer.
No manufactured hero.

Its the internal moral compass.
Live like Smedley Butler did.
Semper Fidelis.
Live to the oath sworn to the Constitution and self.
When the privates in your command walk, you walk with 'em.
Same chow, same rack, same life. Same chances.
And as a civilian continue the code for its own reasons.
No that is not a "patriot".
But I think Chesty Puller might understand the person too.
Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Jim Hackett II Wrote:The patriot may ride in on a white horse in uniform carryin' the colors.
It ain't about the patriot, imagine Dougout Doug MacArthur.
It ain't the flag. Gaudy Patriotism of Parades or Campaigns.
No Fuhrer. No Rescue by Custer.
No manufactured hero.

Its the internal moral compass.
Live like Smedley Butler did.
Semper Fidelis.
Live to the oath sworn to the Constitution and self.
When the privates in your command walk, you walk with 'em.
Same chow, same rack, same life. Same chances.
And as a civilian continue the code for its own reasons.
No that is not a "patriot".
But I think Chesty Puller might understand the person too.

I'm glad to see you posting again Jim.Your prose always strikes a harmonious chord with me.And,yes Chesty,just like Col.Patton,were at least to me,the last of the "Old School" Generals.Now all we have is what Col.David Hackworth would call, "The Perfumed Prince"(think Petraeus).

Col.Hackworth:He earned a few medals.....Pissed off too many Generals...:lol:

Distinguished Service Cross (2)
Silver Star (10)
Legion of Merit (4)
Distinguished Flying Cross
Bronze Star with "V" Device (8)
Purple Heart (8)
Combat Infantryman Badge (2)
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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