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Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople.
Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople.

Who killed the Kennedys when after all it was you and me.
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name.


I am gonna throw the bullshit flag on this idea of shared guilt for a so-called hinge-of-history in this case the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy.

I did not have a damn thing to do with killing the President. Further if you did then it would be impossible for you to ever be part of any "you and me", not as friend, not as tolerated idiot, not as anything more than a onetime acquaintance. At age 10, I had no voice to "choose the massas". My and our parents and Grandparents? They too were deceived. All governance is deception, that however is not the point.

Anyone that knows much about the assassinations and by omission remained silent all these 50 years may share some guilt, but that is not my call, nor the Stones.

Since before the murder of November the people have been deceived about the assassination. Think of the LHO setup as "commie-pinko" before the events. It all has been manipulation of the people globally.

Let me count the proposed pasties for the oversight of the plot. Discounting LHO/HLO as clearly manufactured false sponsor; I find Mob & CIA, CIA alone, Israel, Israel & MI5/6/7/8, :dancingman:

the USSS in part and the SS in total, the DPD, "a few rogue assets of the DOD", a multitude of combinations of the above and on and on all I do see are false sponsors and limited hangouts.

The real chain yankers in the murders of the Kennedys had to be larger than nations, criminals, and spooks. Though stateless and holding no moral compass, the ST is racist, arrogant - holding with both Malthus and Eugenics, as well as holding power on a scale to kill a serving President as a successful Coup.

If one dares to lift the curtain of manipulation and further if one peers further than John Kennedy's inauguration or Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell warning, the roots of the ST wind through history more than a half century.

Fascism is much older than the 20th Century. Fraudulent banks and the total control of information also. However, for the scope of this post, that being what can be deduced about the Secret Team and the Kennedy brothers' assassinations I limit the concept of fascism as it rose of the pre-WW1 "gilded age".

More to follow.
Not near Nuff Said Yet.
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Preliminary Sources:

A Certain Arrogance, by George Evica.
Conjuring Hitler, by Guido Giacomo Preparata.
IBM and the Halocaust, by Edwin Black.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William L. Shirer
Adolph Hitler, by John Toland
No Man's Land, by John Toland
The Last 100 Days, by John Toland
Dulles, by Leonard Mosley
The Order of the Death's Head, by Heinz Hohne
The General Was a Spy, by Heinz Hohne
The Halocaust, by Nora Levin
The American Axis, by Max Wallace
Who Financed Hitler, by James Pool
July 20, by Constantine FitzGibbon
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By the account of William L. Shirer in his 1960 work The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Adolph Hitler first operated as an asset of "military intelligence" was in Nov. 1918 on return from "the war". As his reserve duty he came to be useful giving information to "the commission of inquiry" investigating the short lived soviet take over of Munich. An investigation set up by the 2nd Infantry Regiment. Freikorps were growing out of the grassroots or so the story goes.

Hitler began as a street snitch, or so the story goes.

In John Toland's biography of Hitler a few details missing from Shirer's account are added.

Toland reports Hitler was offended by the Socialists taking some portion of power after the fall of the royal monarchs and their supporting Prussians. Junker, Krupp, Daimler and the like. The soon to be President of the Weimar Republic Hindenburg had been the top dog in the war, only subordinate to the Kaiser. Hindenburg's number two was Ludendorff.

Ludendorff was quoted as early as 1918 in British newspapers as saying the German army was never defeated in battle but stabbed in the back by the traitors at home. One huge lie made possible by the issue of the German armed forces marching back to Germany still armed and not an "occupied" force under escort of victors.

The labels for these traitors Ludendorff blamed for his battlefield defeat can by now be guessed the Jews and the Socialists they supported.

Goebbels didn't invent the concept of the big lie but he refined it, deployed it, and would have given his right arm for television's abilities to lie even better' as a nephew put it long ago.

The Judensau from middle age Germany and other factions of Europe too show the dark hate of Hitler's Reich was not new. Its not a sudden and temporary aberration of the liberal and freedom valuing culture of the Germans of the thirty years 1915 1945.

High School history once tried to teach that Germany was temporarily driven insane with conqueror's blood lust under the control of a few Nazis and the people were helpless once the Reich was empowered after the Reichstag fire. This lie gets the BS (bad/science or bullshit by context) flag.

There is much more to the truth than that junk I was spoon fed but rejected by facts not presented in the manufactured history of supposed "education".

It was not an Italian and German aberration of cultural values alone. It was not limited to 1920 1945, nor was the shadow of fascism and the nurturing of same limited to the future enemies of the Allies Italy Germany and Japan.

Hitler and the Prussians did NOT accomplish all the rebirth of European Fascism all by their lonesome.
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From Wall Street and the Rise of Adolf Hitler, by Antony C Sutton:

"Further, the evidence presented below suggests that not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Nazism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible (and profitable) with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States. (italics in original)As we shall see, the pleas of innocence do not accord with the facts.

1924: The Dawes Plan

The Treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed a heavy reparations burden on defeated Germany. This financial burden a real cause of the German discontent that led to acceptance of Hitlerism was utilized by the international bankers for their own benefit. The opportunity to float profitable loans for German cartels in the United States was presented by the Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan. Both plans were engineered by these central bankers, who manned the committees for their own pecuniary advantages, and although technically the committees were not appointed by the U.S. Government, the plans were in fact approved and sponsored by the Government.

Post-war haggling by financiers and politicians fixed German reparations at an annual fee of 132 billion gold marks. This was about one quarter of Germany's total 1921 exports. When Germany was unable to make these crushing payments, France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr to take by force what could not be obtained voluntarily. In 1924 the Allies appointed a committee of bankers (headed by American banker Charles G. Dawes) to develop a program of reparations payments. The resulting Dawes Plan was, according to Georgetown University Professor of International Relations Carroll Quigley, "largely a J.P. Morgan production."[SUP]5[/SUP] The Dawes Plan arranged a series of foreign loans totaling $800 million with their proceeds flowing to Germany. These loans are important for our story because the proceeds, raised for the greater part in the United States from dollar investors, were utilized in the mid-1920s to create and consolidate the gigantic chemical and steel combinations of I. G. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, respectively. These cartels not only helped Hitler to power in 1933; they also produced the bulk of key German war materials used in World War II."

Note 5: Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966.

[Ch.1 online doc]

Not that Allan Dulles was any more fascist or elitist than those of his class. Northeast Yankee Old Money made from shipping, railroads, slavery, and banking legally. Illegally in opium and unethically in being proud slum lords and western land fraud. Those kinds of people or part of them privately and publicly support fascism even if by other names. This group of Americans often uses both conspiracy and corruption of the governance to advance their political concept of "what America needs". As Henry Luce as Time/Life Empire builder did.

Even in 1917 18, Allen Dulles deserves attention because he enters the fascist arena in a number of ways and at convenient times beginning when he was a state department employee working in Switzerland. Supposedly, I should add in line of this quote from Mr. George M. Evica's excellent study A Certain Arrogance .

(Kindle Locations 2124-2132)

"According to biographer Mosley, instead of arriving at a deserted Bern Legation office in early April, the spy-in-training joined the US Legation in Bern at the end of March 1917, when the legation was "a humming hive of activity."

Could both dates be correct? Could Dulles have been working in Bern as of March 23, 1917, but not officially posted until April 23rd? If so, what did the conflicting dates mean to hide?

Dulles' official title was political officer,' but with the Legation in near-total chaos, the harassed first secretary Hugh Wilson told Dulles: "I guess the best thing for you to do is take charge of intelligence."

How did Dulles perform last-minute duties in Vienna when he was already in Bern? Was Dulles, in fact, train-hopping between Vienna and Bern to accomplish an important clandestine mission? The evidence says yes."
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Jim Hackett II Wrote:Let me count the proposed pasties for the oversight of the plot. Discounting LHO/HLO as clearly manufactured false sponsor; I find Mob & CIA, CIA alone, Israel, Israel & MI5/6/7/8, :dancingman:

the USSS in part and the SS in total, the DPD, "a few rogue assets of the DOD", a multitude of combinations of the above and on and on all I do see are false sponsors and limited hangouts.

Something is on Jim's mind. Israel may indeed have been a false sponsor and Piper probably didn't understand Israel's place in the scheme of things. I was making this clear in my posts about Piper. However of all the false sponsors none receives the vicious reaction from CTer's than Israel at its mention. Also, of all the false sponsors none has benefited as much as Israel post-assassination. Piper is dead correct on this. The CIA associated cabal has a center of gravity that is currently in the new US/Israel national defense paradigm along with its military funding and politics. There's no argument against this because it's factual and true and exists right out there in front of you. If Israel was a false sponsor it was one of the deepest and took an excellent book like 'Final Judgment' to reveal it.
Piper will be covered.
Refuted and exposed as a Fascist knowing not the truth only agenda.
All in due time.

Supporter of the KKK and David Dukes?
Admittedly Anti-semetic and a holocaust denier.
Lots of truth and reality to be found in those fountains of shit.

Yeah I'd have lots of trust in that shithead. NOT!
Seed spouts not far from the root.

The book Conjuring Hitler and the 1900 time frame of the manufactured rise of fascism is my focus of research at the moment.

"You'll have to wait,
its a game of give and take."

No you'll just have to wait,
you can't hurry research.

As a peek ahead though:

Without English and American promotion and finance of it there would never have been the incarnation of Evil in the 3rd Reich Fascism and probably not even the 2nd Reich.

It was all an Elite game to pit Lenin's USSR against Germany as a buffer war and to subjugate Germany after a disastrous war of the Brits and the Yanks and the USSR against the Fascists.
Geopolitics is like that.

If it is OK and most assuredly even if it is NOT,
I'm back to the nurturers of evil. Like Dulles and Beaverbrook and others engaged in manipulation of events to bring to term the idiot-bastard child called Nazism.

It is not Piper's turn yet.
Still most of a century to go before Piper's exposure.

It will come, "Albert".

The consensus opinion of knowlegable researchers agree that Piper is full of shit.
And has been dismissed LONG AGO AS BULLSHIT by most all.
I stand in better company I suppose.

Only "Albert" can't get it. Just "Albert", how odd.
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Posts have been moderated to keep the subject on track and not diverted into a Piper thread. Albert if you want to start a Piper thread please do so seperately. Jim is using this for some thing else. Try and keep things on the subject and not personal guys.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Back to the thread theme, after the Memorial Day Holiday.

I appreciate this effort to keep the topic inside the walls of civility and away from derision and divisiveness and ad hom attacks of trolltown.

MCPiper has absolutely NOTHING to do with this theme, not in the 1910 timeframe current to the thread posts of late.
This research is much more important than MCPiper in his wildest delusions of grandeur and fascist glory.
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I have always believed in a kind of shared culpability in the sense that Dr. Schotz expresses it, particularly the emboldened: `"It is so important to understand that one of the primary means of immobilizing the American people politically today is to hold them in a state of confusion in which anything can be believed but nothing can be known, nothing of significance that is.
"And the American people are more than willing to be held in this state because to KNOW the truth -- as opposed to only BELIEVE the truth -- is to face an awful terror and to be no longer able to evade responsibility. It is precisely in moving from belief to knowledge that the citizen moves from irresponsibility to responsibility, from helplessness and hopelessness to action, with the ultimate aim of being empowered and confident in one's rational powers."
Psychiatrist Dr. Martin Schotz

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