23-06-2013, 03:42 AM
Mossad's secret base in Algeria
By Wayne MadsenPosted on June21, 2013 by WayneMadsen
(WMR)ZimexAviation, Ltd., a firm based in Glattbrugg, Switzerland, just northof Zurich, was outed as a Mossad-owned front in a 1982 article byMurray Waas in The Nation.
The company, in business since 1969, sold Libyan leader MuammarQaddafi a Grumman Gulfstream II executive jet. The crew and pilotsprovided by Zimex were Mossad agents. The Israeli intelligenceservice also placed eavesdropping devices throughout the aircraftthat were used to covertly record Qaddafi's conversations withother Arab leaders and members of his government.
In 1999, Zimex was sold to a private Swiss investor group.
Zimex is still in business today and its main operational base isat Oued IraraKrim Belkacem Airport in eastern Algeria. Zimexmaintains the following fleet:
- 14 Viking DHC-6300
- 2 Beech 1900D
- 2 Beech Super King Air B200
- Caravan 208
- 6 PC-6 Pilatus Porter
![[Image: page30s.jpg]](http://www.intrepidreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/page30s.jpg)
Page Airways once flew between Rochester, NY, and Washington, DC. It is no longer in business.
Zimex Aviation was connected to a CIA proprietary airline, PageAirways of Rochester, New York, which was implicated in the EdwinWilson-Frank Terpil operation to sell weapons to Libya's Qaddafi.Although the CIA denied it, evidence shows that the Libyan weaponssale operation was approved by the CIA and that Wilson and Terpilwere hung out to dry by Langley. Wilson was convicted and imprisonedbut released after 22 years in prison after a federal judge ruledthat there was prosecutorial misconduct in the case. Wilson died in2012.
In 1988, Zimex was shuttling UN peacekeepers between Iraq and Iranon a British Aerospace Jetstream 31, giving Mossad a presence in bothBaghdad and Tehran, where the UN Iran-Iraq Military Observation Group(UNIIMOG) maintained offices.
Zimex's chief in the 1980s was Hans Ziegler, a veteran Mossadofficer. Ziegler was the interlocutor between Amin and Vice Presidentof Page Airways Charles Hanner. On April 8, 1980, the Securities andExchange Commission quietly dropped a lawsuit against Page Airwaysfor paying $2.5 million in bribes to foreign government officials inreturn for aircraft sales. Names in the suit were Page'sprincipals: James Wilmot (Chairman); Gerald Wilmot (President);Douglas Juston (Executive Vice President); Ross Chapin (VicePresident); James Lawler (Vice President) and Richard Olney (VicePresident).
Page was charged by the SEC with paying bribes to the followingindividuals and entities:
(i) "Albert Bongo, President of the Republic of Gabon;"(ii) "Gaya House Sendirian Berhad" and entity controlled by"Datuk Harris bin Mohammad Salleh" who, during the relevant timeperiod, was "State Minister of Industrial Development" for the"State Government of Sabah, Malaysia;" (iii) "the WashingtonD.C. bank account of Societe Ivoirienne de Development et deFinancement" in which "Timothee Ahoua, the Ambassador to theUnited States of the Republic of the Ivory Coast" was secretary andsignatory on the bank account; (iv) "foreign entities as conduitsfor the payment of funds to third parties in order to disguise thetrue recipients and amounts" in connection with sales of aircraftto Saudi International Airlines and Morocco; (v) the "Chief ofState" of Uganda (who received a Cadillac Eldorado convertible).
In dropping the lawsuit, the SEC said concerns had been raised by"another agency of the United States government." That agency wasthe CIA.
On May 12, 1976, Zimex sold a Boeing 707 (tail number N766PA), theformer Pan Am Clipper Jupiter, after buying it from ATASCO Leasing ofTwo Union Square, 601 Union St #4700, Seattle, Washington. The sameday ATASCO sold the plane to Zimex, which turned around and sold itthe same day with a new tail number, 5X-UAL, Uganda Airlines for useas Ugandan dictator Idi Amin's executive airplane.
An airline maintaining a fleet in eastern Algeria, not far fromthe borders with Libya and Tunisia, should raise red flags aboutMossad's operations in destabilizing the Arab states of NorthAfrica. Zimex also has old ties to the CIA. TheMossad-Zimex-Page-CIA-Saudi-UN links provide yet additional insightinto the joint U.S.-Israeli subterfuge targeting countries likeSyria, Sudan, Libya, Iran, and Iraq.
- See more at:http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/9...rWbAc.dpuf
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.