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The Splintering Frame

If you could,I would really like to hear more about your thoughts on Madame Blavatsky.She indeed was a mysterious woman who posessed a great "Secret Doctrine" of esoteric thought.And,I wonder what the circumstances of her relations with the German Nazi's really were.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:At the great risk of appearing to have completely gone off the rails to some, here is what I now think to be a distinct possibility:

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky touched something mysterious in her life. Everything about the woman is an endless mystery. I'm not at all sure what she touched can be known, or even if it is important now that it is known. What is important is that she touched an opening in the consciousness of man. And, if mankind was/is ever to awaken to what she discovered, life on earth would be completely different for us all.

The Gatekeepers (think of the "Sponsors" as Charles defines them) are aware of Blavatsky and this opening. Hitler and the group around him very much believed in the reality of what Blavatsky touched. The financial group that sponsored Hitler knew of all this and have a tremendous interest in keeping all of it esoteric, silly, marginalized to the public at large. Why? Because it would be the end of their power in the world. They exist in the current psychological paradigm. When that paradigm is changed (when it splinters, explodes, begins to unravel), they lose everything.

It's important the story (frame) is believed. That the "reality" of it is a certainty and unquestioned. If the human mind was ever to have an awakening to truth, the game is over. A shift in consciousness will take place, and all of this changes.

It's not a matter of "doing" anything. Marching on Washington. Voting. Doing "good" deeds. Or even knowing. All of it is inside the boundaries of the frame.

What is important is the awakening of mind to the totality of being instead of living in the small, fragmentary corner of self, filled with endless strife and conflict. What we are inwardly manifest into relationship and into the world. It is important to the Gatekeepers/Sponsors to keep the division, the confusion alive. Without it, they no longer exist.

The last century, I think, was a lot richer than we realize. A great deal was going on beneath the surface in a struggle to bring light into the world. It is my feeling that the assassination of President Kennedy served many purposes for these Gatekeepers/Sponsors. Perhaps the primary one being to further the confusion and push consciousness back into a controlled parameter. I feel it is a distinct possibility that President Kennedy was chosen for his role before he even entered office.

There is more than than this this-ness. The total being of man is now a possibility. It doesn't have to be like this. The responsibility for awakening does not lie outside the boundary of the frame. The responsibility for the awakening does not happen at a different time. It is all here and now in each of us.

When the total is seen, without reference, what happens to the frame, to being? That question, I now feel, leads to the opening that could change everything.

Charles, David, Tracy and Phil, thank you for contributing value to this thread.

The leading question is, of course, will (or even can) the awakening of mind happen on a Collective scale? It can and does happen on a personal level, but that doesn't exactly translate to the bigger picture.

Another question might be asked, namely: should the awakening of mind happen on a Collective scale? I have my doubts that it should or even can. There is a lock of blindness involved.

The fact seems to be that the great universal truth / universal secret can be spoken quite openly and all but those ready to see it and hear it, simply walk on by, impervious to what they have missed. After all, the great secret was always carved into the lintel over the door of the Greek mystery schools, for all to see, and I don't imagine one in a thousand entered students took the slightest bit of notice of it. Later in their development they will have understood it, assuming they stayed the course that is.

My take is that Blavatsky certainly wasn't the first, or the last, to touch the pulse of consciousness. Speaking personally, and no disrespect is intended when I say this, but I have found her school/system (call it what you will) to be muddled and lacking in clarity. But that's just me, of course. We each are different and as such require different triggers to open the doors. Whatever works, works so to speak.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I found this little jewel by Peter Levenda:

Her teachings were instrumental to the creation of the Nazi Party and it's Darwinian drive to annihalate the "race polluters" and restore the Aryans with their "pure" religion of fire, sword, and swastika to their previous glory.
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born in what is now now Ukrainia. She would be forty-four years old before creating the Society for which she is best remembered, but her most important achievements still lay ahead of her.

In 1877--two years afer starting the Theosophical Society -- she would publish Isis Unveiled, an energetic blend of Eastern religion and mysticism, European mythology and Egyptian occultism, who rambuctious style would pave the way for her even more ambitious The Secret Doctrine in 1888. Some authors have written that the popularity of Blavatsky's writings in the late nineteeth century was evidence of an anti-positivist reaction among the middle classes to the effect that science was having on religous belief. In other words, science was going to far toward "proving" the errors of faith that the average person--suddenly up the existential creek without a paddle or prayer book--embraced the quasi-scientific approach toward religion represented in The Secret Doctrine.

Darwin had published The Origin of Species in 1859 and this was followed by the Descent of Man in 1871; both books offered evolution as the means by which humans were created, as opposed to the Biblical account found in Genesis. The effect of the theory of evolution on religion was as great then as it is now; the controversy over Darwinism caused many people to question the existence of God, the possiblity of redemption, life after death, etc. People were startled to discover that Biblical myths were at odds with scientific theories, and thus began to doubt everything they ever believed. They found themselves spiritually--and, perhaps, morally--adrift.

Blavatsky provided a much-appreciated antidote to Darwin even as she was brazenly appropriating (and reversing) his theory of evolution. As bizarre as here theories appear today, they were actually quite briliant for her time, for they enabled intelligent and educated men and women to maintian deep spirutual beliefs while simultaneously acknowledging the inroads made by scientific research into areas previously considered beyond the domain of mere human knowledge. Blavatsky outline a map of evolution that went far beyond Darwin to include vanished races from time immemorial through the present imperfect race of humans, and continuing on for races far into the future. Based on an idiosyncratic selection of various Asian scripture--including a few she made up herself-- The Secret Doctrine's message would later be picked up by the German occultists, who welcomed the pseudoscientific prose of its author as the answer to a dream. The smug and condescending attitude of scientists and their devotees toward the "unscientific" had proved contagious among many in the newly created middle class, and mystics began to satisfy the requirements of science in what are patently unscientific (we may say "nonscientific") pursuites. Modernism in general was seen as being largely an urban, sophisticated, intellectual (hence "Jewish") phenomenon, and this included science, technology, the Industrial Revolution, and capitalism. The only wholesome lifestyle was that of the peasant on his "land," and the naive beliefs of the people of the land, the paganus or pagans--with their sympathetic magic and worship of ancient gods in the form of such superstitious practices as fertility rites, the lighting of bonfires on particular days sacred to the old calendar, and the whole host of cultural traditions that can be discovered by consulting Fraziers The Golden Bough--were set up in opposition to "science," with its suspect lack of human warmth and its cold indifference to the "gods".

Science in its hubris was treading dangerously close to the territory claimed by religion (the orign of life, the creation of the universe, even the existence of God), and in order to get there it would have to dance a jig all over the occult "sciences." Science still smarted from the religious furors caused by Galileo and Copernicus; so rather than mount an all-out attack on God, it was a lot safer to conduct a rearguard action and go after the ghosts.

But then along came Blavatsky, who took new scientific attitudes as they were popularly understood and gave them a mystical twist. Taking here cur from Darwin, she popularized the notion of a spiritual struggle between various "races", and of the inherent superiority of the "Aryan" race, hypothetically the latest in the line of spiritual evolution. Blavatsky would borrow heavily from carefully chosen scientific authors in fields as diverse as archaeology and astronomy to bolster her arguements for the existance of Atlantis, extraterestrial (or superterrestrial) life-
forms, the creation of animals by humans (as opposed to the Darwinian line of succession), etc.

It should be remembered that Blavatsky's works--notably Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine--appear to be the result of prodigious scholarship and were extremely convincing in their day. The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back--through the writings of Von List, Von Sebettendorff, and Von Liebenfels--to ideas first popularized by Blavatsky. A caste system of races, the superiority of the Aryans (a white race with its origins in the Himalayas), an "initiated" version of astrology and astronomy, the cosmic truths coded within pagan myths ... all of these and more can be found in the ideology of its Dark Creature, the SS. It was, after all, Blavatsky who pointed out the supreme occult significance of the swastika. And it was a follower of Blavatsky who was instrumental in introducing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to a Western European community eager for a scapegoat. [Levenda doesn't say here who the Blavatsky follower that was responsible for introducing the Protocols to the Nazi Party Inner Circle is. It was the Estonia/Russia born Alfred Rosenberg later to be known as the "Philospher" of the Party, author of the mystical Myth of the Twentieth Century which rivaled Mein Kampf in its importance on Nazi Dogma. Rosenberg later was Publisher of the Party's Official Newspaper and Reichminister for the conquored Soviet Eastern Territories, as well as one of the principal defendants at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials].

Unholy Alliance
A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult
Peter Levenda
Avon Books, 1995

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:I found this little jewel by Peter Levenda:

Her teachings were instrumental to the creation of the Nazi Party and it's Darwinian drive to annihalate the "race polluters" and restore the Aryans with their "pure" religion of fire, sword, and swastika to their previous glory.
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born in what is now now Ukrainia. She would be forty-four years old before creating the Society for which she is best remembered, but her most important achievements still lay ahead of her.

In 1877--two years afer starting the Theosophical Society -- she would publish Isis Unveiled, an energetic blend of Eastern religion and mysticism, European mythology and Egyptian occultism, who rambuctious style would pave the way for her even more ambitious The Secret Doctrine in 1888. Some authors have written that the popularity of Blavatsky's writings in the late nineteeth century was evidence of an anti-positivist reaction among the middle classes to the effect that science was having on religous belief. In other words, science was going to far toward "proving" the errors of faith that the average person--suddenly up the existential creek without a paddle or prayer book--embraced the quasi-scientific approach toward religion represented in The Secret Doctrine.

Darwin had published The Origin of Species in 1859 and this was followed by the Descent of Man in 1871; both books offered evolution as the means by which humans were created, as opposed to the Biblical account found in Genesis. The effect of the theory of evolution on religion was as great then as it is now; the controversy over Darwinism caused many people to question the existence of God, the possiblity of redemption, life after death, etc. People were startled to discover that Biblical myths were at odds with scientific theories, and thus began to doubt everything they ever believed. They found themselves spiritually--and, perhaps, morally--adrift.

Blavatsky provided a much-appreciated antidote to Darwin even as she was brazenly appropriating (and reversing) his theory of evolution. As bizarre as here theories appear today, they were actually quite briliant for her time, for they enabled intelligent and educated men and women to maintian deep spirutual beliefs while simultaneously acknowledging the inroads made by scientific research into areas previously considered beyond the domain of mere human knowledge. Blavatsky outline a map of evolution that went far beyond Darwin to include vanished races from time immemorial through the present imperfect race of humans, and continuing on for races far into the future. Based on an idiosyncratic selection of various Asian scripture--including a few she made up herself-- The Secret Doctrine's message would later be picked up by the German occultists, who welcomed the pseudoscientific prose of its author as the answer to a dream. The smug and condescending attitude of scientists and their devotees toward the "unscientific" had proved contagious among many in the newly created middle class, and mystics began to satisfy the requirements of science in what are patently unscientific (we may say "nonscientific") pursuites. Modernism in general was seen as being largely an urban, sophisticated, intellectual (hence "Jewish") phenomenon, and this included science, technology, the Industrial Revolution, and capitalism. The only wholesome lifestyle was that of the peasant on his "land," and the naive beliefs of the people of the land, the paganus or pagans--with their sympathetic magic and worship of ancient gods in the form of such superstitious practices as fertility rites, the lighting of bonfires on particular days sacred to the old calendar, and the whole host of cultural traditions that can be discovered by consulting Fraziers The Golden Bough--were set up in opposition to "science," with its suspect lack of human warmth and its cold indifference to the "gods".

Science in its hubris was treading dangerously close to the territory claimed by religion (the orign of life, the creation of the universe, even the existence of God), and in order to get there it would have to dance a jig all over the occult "sciences." Science still smarted from the religious furors caused by Galileo and Copernicus; so rather than mount an all-out attack on God, it was a lot safer to conduct a rearguard action and go after the ghosts.

But then along came Blavatsky, who took new scientific attitudes as they were popularly understood and gave them a mystical twist. Taking here cur from Darwin, she popularized the notion of a spiritual struggle between various "races", and of the inherent superiority of the "Aryan" race, hypothetically the latest in the line of spiritual evolution. Blavatsky would borrow heavily from carefully chosen scientific authors in fields as diverse as archaeology and astronomy to bolster her arguements for the existance of Atlantis, extraterestrial (or superterrestrial) life-
forms, the creation of animals by humans (as opposed to the Darwinian line of succession), etc.

It should be remembered that Blavatsky's works--notably Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine--appear to be the result of prodigious scholarship and were extremely convincing in their day. The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back--through the writings of Von List, Von Sebettendorff, and Von Liebenfels--to ideas first popularized by Blavatsky. A caste system of races, the superiority of the Aryans (a white race with its origins in the Himalayas), an "initiated" version of astrology and astronomy, the cosmic truths coded within pagan myths ... all of these and more can be found in the ideology of its Dark Creature, the SS. It was, after all, Blavatsky who pointed out the supreme occult significance of the swastika. And it was a follower of Blavatsky who was instrumental in introducing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to a Western European community eager for a scapegoat. [Levenda doesn't say here who the Blavatsky follower that was responsible for introducing the Protocols to the Nazi Party Inner Circle is. It was the Estonia/Russia born Alfred Rosenberg later to be known as the "Philospher" of the Party, author of the mystical Myth of the Twentieth Century which rivaled Mein Kampf in its importance on Nazi Dogma. Rosenberg later was Publisher of the Party's Official Newspaper and Reichminister for the conquored Soviet Eastern Territories, as well as one of the principal defendants at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials].

Unholy Alliance
A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult
Peter Levenda
Avon Books, 1995

I have always thought that Peter Levenda knows of what he speaks when it comes to occult subjects.

It is as well to remember that the great battle between science and religion - the latter effectively being the Roman Church - was originally initiated by the forerunners of British Freemasons that dated back to Elizabethan times. But, of course, all science and no religion is as bad as all religion and no science. Replacing one with the other, as we have done, is simply turning over the same card from back to front. It's still the same card. What is required, but not achieved, is a balance between the two.

Nazi esotericists focused their will and efforts on Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) occultism, not a subject to indulge in unless the practitioner is aimed towards self consciousness. I have yet to find any information that any of them were thus inclined. Therefore their focus was solely on power. In other words the control of others. A programme that is still de rigueur around the world.

I find the Theosophical argument for the struggle of the races to be very ill defined and a little ignorant. At least as Blavatsky overtly presented it. Yet in her day the superiority of the white race was simply accepted as being the status quo and was not at all unusual. But then again, white and black have meanings that are deeper than usually understood, one reason why, I suppose, we have the traditional black and white chess board layout and the trestle boards of Freemasons etc., although the occasional red and white colours of chess boards betray their Rosicrucian imprint, I imagine.

The Protocols of Sion appear, from what I understand anyway, to have been a document of a particular occult order based in France, but with a lodge in the Russian Tsar's chamber. And elsewhere. As Noam Chomsky stated about it (from memory anyway?), there was a "guiding mind" behind it.

When everything is boiled down to its essence, everything has an esoteric/occult core. We just don't usually recognise or know this because our eyes and ears largely remain sealed.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Does anyone know if Hitler was also a part of German esoterism and to what degree?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Does anyone know if Hitler was also a part of German esoterism and to what degree?

Thurn und Taxis


Guido von List

SS Ahnenerbe
The Great Game, the Vril-ya and Theosophy[/URL]
Nazi Black Sun technology & the Will to Power[/URL]
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Does anyone know if Hitler was also a part of German esoterism and to what degree?

Thurn und Taxis


Guido von List

SS Ahnenerbe
The Great Game, the Vril-ya and Theosophy[/URL]
Nazi Black Sun technology & the Will to Power[/URL]

I asked this question because of my conversation with a man who claimed to have incidentally met Adolf Hitler through his connections with Helmut Deejten, a Swedish mystic. Some of the details are in Corbett Report 426 ( This man, Robert DeFord was one of Mae Brussell's researchers. He claims that he presented his story to Mae who he says found it to be credible. I can put serious researchers in contact with him. I say this FWIW. I am not a researcher myself.

Jan, in the Great Game link, there is mention of the ubiquitous presence of pedophilia. Do you suspect that the pedophilia of which you write amongst the elites have connections to Nazi esoterism as described in the Great Game thread (#20)?

Quote:Reichenbach postulated that there was an actual, magnetic, Odic force that humans produced, most strongly when they were young. The old could produce only inadequate amounts of the force, but they were able to soak up the overproduction of the young through contact with them, though only if both parties were compatible (the force did not flow randomly). Hitler did not understand this necessarily to be physical contact, but he did view the flow of these magnetic waves as the very key to the success of any military or para-military unit. The officer and his men ideally formed an Odic community. The same would be true for the Nazi Party as well: Wagener, the mystery of the political organization and the organization of the SA has been solved! It's not racially determined, it's grounded in this problem! The more Hitler thought about it, the more he became convinced that he had felt this Odic force: it's the same when I spend time with young men. I have always said that I draw strength to continue my work from the beaming eyes of my young storm troopers. It's the very same thing.

EDIT: To rephrase: is there a trajectory begun in Operation Paperclip which continues Nazi esoterism, which includes as a part of their religious practices the trafficking and sexual abuse and in some cases sacrifice of children?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Hello Keith,

I am no scholar on Madame Blavatsky. I do know she laid the ground for the World Teacher, and for me personally, I feel with certainty that event did happen in the 20th century. The weight of that event will probably only be known through the filter of history. But, it did happen, and an opening in consciousness was created for all to access.

Blavatsky did touch something mysterious. Later it was ritualized, interpreted and organized and whatever she touched was lost to those in the Theosophical circle and misunderstood. I do agree she is difficult to follow and understand, but the expression does not invalidate the actuality of what she discovered. And, "discovered" is probably completely inaccurate. "Given" may come a lot closer to what took place. Or, "manifested."

Here's an interview of interest with Michael Gomes who has recently written a book on Blavatsky:

I do not believe the Nazis were in touch with anything Blavatsky was able to contact. But, there was a keen interest in what she was doing and a response was cultivated to counter her work in an attempt to maintain control and power of the world stage.

To compare Krishnamurti to Obama is breathtaking. Krishnamurti NEVER denied he was the World Teacher. In fact, later in his life he began to reveal more of his inner life than ever before to those close to him. He acknowledged a mystery and even confirmed it was knowable to those who gave themselves to find an answer.

"The tears of all the world have produced the World Teacher." Said just before he died. I'm not sure he could have been any more clear.

When asked at a public talk to explain his Theosophical background and his current state, Krishnamurti said:

Quote:I don't know how to tackle this. One of the questions is about the Masters, as they are explained not only in Theosophy but in the Hindu tradition and in the Tibetan tradition, which maintain that there is a Bodhisattva; and that he manifests himself rarely and that is called in Sanskrit Avatar, which means manifestation.

This boy was discovered and prepared for that manifestation. And he went through all kinds of things. And one question that may be asked is, must others go through the same process. Christopher Columbus discovered America with sailing boats in dangerous seas and so on, and must we go through all that to go to America? You understand my question? It is much simpler to go by air! That is one question. How that boy was brought up is totally irrelevant; what is relevant is the present teaching and nothing else.

There is a very ancient tradition about the Bodhisattva that there is a state of consciousness, let me put it that way, which is the essence of compassion. And when the world is in chaos that essence of compassion manifests itself. That is the whole idea behind the Avatar and the Bodhisattva. And there are various gradations, initiations, various Masters and so on, and also there is the idea that when he manifests all the others keep quiet.

We see the rise of corporate fascism after WWII and the infiltration of the Nazi empire into the corporate and into the Intell agencies that represent them. All this going on at the same time that the fruition of the Blavatsky prophecy of the World Teacher is taking place.

Krishnamurti confided to those close to him that he was "protected" all of his life. Protected by whom? Protected from what?

The Oxnard call in the Kennedy assassination was placed very near the land purchased by the Theosophical society in the 1920s, close to where Krishnamurti made his home in Ojai, California. There may be nothing to this call at all, but it has certainly drawn my interest. These photos take a long time to come up from the solution. A great deal of patience is required.

Aryel Sanat has written an interesting book on the inner life of Krishnamurti. It is available on Amazon. I also have it in a PDF file. If there is anyone out there with an interest in reading it, PM me and I will get it to you.

Now, what has any of this to do with President Kennedy's assassination? For me now, it appears that a light was given to the world in the last century. This light, if properly understood, would open consciousness (which currently travels in loops within the circumference of self; the controlled frame where we interpret life and being) to a completely new way of existence.

Because the light flickered across the dark earth, there is now a crack where total being can be accessed by anyone, at any time.

And, if enough of us were to have such an awakening it would completely change the landscape of human consciousness. What would that mean to this monstrous thing that now controls so much? Wouldn't it be the end to it? Does the monster not know its own limits? How far would it go to protect itself from destruction? It's my feeling President Kennedy fell with great purpose and intent to protect the being of this monster.

Here are two interesting websites offering the insights of Dr. Ruben Feldman-Gonzalez into total being (or "life without the frame," if you prefer). "The frame" doesn't have to exist if we are willing to give up our ride through the amusement park:

Apologies for the length of this.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Jan, in the Great Game link, there is mention of the ubiquitous presence of pedophilia. Do you suspect that the pedophilia of which you write amongst the elites have connections to Nazi esoterism as described in the Great Game thread (#20)?

Quote:Reichenbach postulated that there was an actual, magnetic, Odic force that humans produced, most strongly when they were young. The old could produce only inadequate amounts of the force, but they were able to soak up the overproduction of the young through contact with them, though only if both parties were compatible (the force did not flow randomly). Hitler did not understand this necessarily to be physical contact, but he did view the flow of these magnetic waves as the very key to the success of any military or para-military unit. The officer and his men ideally formed an Odic community. The same would be true for the Nazi Party as well: Wagener, the mystery of the political organization and the organization of the SA has been solved! It's not racially determined, it's grounded in this problem! The more Hitler thought about it, the more he became convinced that he had felt this Odic force: it's the same when I spend time with young men. I have always said that I draw strength to continue my work from the beaming eyes of my young storm troopers. It's the very same thing.

EDIT: To rephrase: is there a trajectory begun in Operation Paperclip which continues Nazi esoterism, which includes as a part of their religious practices the trafficking and sexual abuse and in some cases sacrifice of children?

My strong sense is that the sexual abuse of children is about Power and Control.

In the occult tradition, it may also be about entirely fraudulent attempts to channel some kind of Life Force which is believed only to exist in "pure form" in the "uncorrupted", ie children.

I note that in the Inka tradition of Capacocha only the "purest", entirely "unblemished" children, usually pre-pubertal, were selected.

Quote:Capacocha was the Inca practice of human sacrifice, mainly using children. The Incas performed child sacrifices during or after important events, such as the death of the Sapa Inca (emperor) or during a famine. Children were selected as sacrificial victims as they were considered to be the purest of beings. These children were also physically perfect and healthy, because they were the best the people could present to their gods. The victims may be as young as 6 and as old as 15.

Months or even years before the sacrifice pilgrimage, the children were fattened up. Their diets were those of the elite, consisting of maize and animal proteins. They were dressed in fine clothing and jewelry and escorted to Cuzco to meet the emperor where a feast was held in their honor. More than 100 precious ornaments were found to be buried with these children in the burial site.

The Incan high priests took the victims to high mountaintops for sacrifice. As the journey was extremely long and arduous, especially so for the younger victims, coca leaves were fed to them to aid them in their breathing so as to allow them to reach the burial site alive. Upon reaching the burial site, the children were given an intoxicating drink to minimize pain, fear, and resistance, then killed them either by strangulation, a blow to their head, or by leaving them to lose consciousness in the extreme cold and die of exposure

What the wiki introduction above leaves out is the full nature of the sacred journey of the child. One of the films I helped make was about the child, ridiculously given the Spanish name "Juanita", who was found on Mount Ampato in the Andes.

This child would have been born in a village on the slopes of Ampato. The Inca priests would have identified her "unblemished perfection", and then walked her in a straight line to the Inca, the Emperor, in the Inca capital of Cuzco. The child was then presented to the Inca in a great ceremony. As the Inca touched the child, one interpretation has it that all his "sins" were absorbed by the child and he was rejuvenated.

The priests would then travel with the child back to her birthplace and the child would be taken to a sacred place and sacrificed. Often that sacred place was a high peak of a mountain.

The straight line journey was meant to represent a ray of the sun stretching out from the Inca Emperor in Cuzco throughout his empire.

Lauren - not a straight answer to your question.

More directly, I think the occult elements around Nazism were tapping into very old traditions. In Hitler, these elements found a mystic, demagogic, charismatic leader.

Thurn und Taxis is the most unresearched part of the Nazi occult experiment.

Attached is an image of perhaps the most poignant of the Inca capacocha children, known simply as Plomo.

Attached Files
.jpg   plomo_1.jpg (Size: 66.4 KB / Downloads: 7)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Dr. Ruben Feldman-Gonzalez seems to have a pressure washer in his hands where a mirror would suffice.

We had Allen Ginsberg at our festival in the spring of 1968. Our dean said to me, "I had the feeling I was with a 'presence'." And that's no mean feat, eliciting such a response to one of our academic representatives of Grace's Crown of Creation.

In 1972 he had us sitting with our breath and a doorknob while Herb Alpert Ram Dass said his smile.

That bell jar of certain three-letter door openers, fast, slow, short, long.

Something which opens people to their black-white old-young man-woman beautiful-ugly kayak ride.

The Scientology hawker with the half-sheet flyer on the street in the Boston night

Erhardt Bladder Training meets George Harrison

The power cabal would have everyone herded into an urban-electronic trap, sans mobility and self-defense, to better slaughter

In the morning my lover comes to me to tell me of her dream

with no attempt to shovel the glimpse into the ditch of what each one means

When the majesty of the celestial symphony is revealed

the cacophony of tyranny is stilled

It isn't TM--our friend in 1970 shouting at us because our conversation interrupted his pursuit of inner peace

Up comes a dog to be petted

I agree with you that widespread enlightenment would dissolve the cabal and with Dr. Feldman-Gonzalez that 99% are in C

Do we accost them in the supermarket

Do we stop them on the street

Do we write it in the clouds

Smile at each one that we meet

Bill Hicks mocked them and their American Gladiators

Would they read Feldman-Gonzalez and Krishnamurti

What if a World Teacher won America's (Britain's) Got Talent

Everyone skipping down the street

singing their body electric

kissing joy as it flies

living in eternity's sunrise

I'm in

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