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The Splintering Frame
Charles Drago Wrote:[quote=David Guyatt]Or in the case of the JFK conspiracy, an "esoteric/occult" core is what ultimately we will discover to be the essence of the Sponsors.

That sums it up perfectly.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:David

The repetition of November 22 from the 1307 order of King Philip of France to the public execution of the American president suggests someone wished an echo from the Knights Templar.

Saint John recurs in the son of one no doubt close to the libretto.

The Hunt of Red November on his deathbed deflected blame from his Company to LBJand to a French gunman on the Grassy Knoll:

Is this a hydra-headed lie?

LBJ didn't order this murder. And perhaps a French gunman figured, but I would now recommend Seamus Coogan's entertaining and enlightening review of JFK: The French Connection by Peter Kross.

Seamus faults Kross for a gumbo of Rivele at the expense of a serious research effort regarding Souetre-Mertz-Roux. In sum, Kross is as unhelpful a fog as Waldron-Hartmann.

And this would suit E. Howard Hunt down to the ground, would it not.

A smoky musket on the Grassy Knoll with a deathbed allusion to a mysterious French criminal killed by Mexican police.

Dulles was at work early on planting the lone-assassin myth with the Robert J. Donovan book, bolstered by the December 14 Saturday Evening Post article by former president Eisenhower claiming

the facts are that four of thirty-six Presidents have been assassinated, and a President in office and a President-elect have been targets of assassination attempts. These acts all had one thing in common: they were the work of crackpots, of people with delusions arising from imagined wrongs or festering hatreds

A dense negative template: using Vidal's jaundiced view of Hunt, and our own weariness of cliché, it wasn't LBJ and it wasn't a Communist, wasn't a French gunman, and wasn't Blakey's mob, or some mixed-media mess of the Hartmann-Waldron cauldron.

Is the frame splintering? Did not the murdered president threaten to splinter CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

But, as we learn, CIA is a statutory creation from a 1947/1949 hoodwinking of Harry Truman. Moreover, it is largely a creation of Allen Dulles as a representative of the guild serving as sword and shield of the cabal.

A cabal above Cold Waror War on Terror, Drugs, Climate Phrenology, et alwhich has fostered Gladio and the strategy of tension, the odd theater or school or workplace mass shooting, a train wreck here, a plane crash there, a ship grounding, a tower falling.

These are the fires they burn to drive the tiger.

Bay of Pigs was a provocation: JFK fired Dulles, who collaborated with Hunt on a play in one act which premiered in Dallas.

As Seamus notes, Craig Roberts evinces the focus necessary to accomplish the temple shot. (We might find a temple shot symbolic and why not.) Hathcock in his paragraph to his friend alludes to this, while his one interview is an urging to focus.

All the elements of the assassination and its "investigations" are marshaled to prevent our focus.

The lesson of Unspeakable, Last Investigation, Breach of Trust, Destiny Betrayed, A Certain Arrogance is to focus.

Dulles faults JFK for thinking "he was a god"again, this is Dulles, always lying, as Angleton always lied, chronic and habitual liars, pathological liars, not even very good at times.

Shall they determine our "frame"no, and, no.

French connection? Well and sure; it's the Dulles/Gladio doctrine, L'etat c'est moi.

Beautiful, Phil.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Does anyone know if Hitler was also a part of German esoterism and to what degree?

Yes, he was. He was a member of the Thule Society and he had ties to the Vril Society as well. The Vril Society believed in special elements in the blood that they called the "force" and only selected special people had this according to them. The catch phrase from Star Wars--the FORCE be with you--is a reflection of this.

Goering was a member of the Edelweiss Society. Both Hess and Himmler were members of Vril. Hitler served in the Army Command District after the war and this was a group assigned assassinations against those who did not honor Germany (i.e. many of the signers of Germany's surrender in 1919) among other things. Their main funding came from the Thule Society.

Hitler was very big into the occult and quite a few British documentaries have looked into this, but they are not as common in the U.S. (the History channel did one show called Hitler & the Occult about 10-12 years ago).
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:[quote=David Guyatt]Or in the case of the JFK conspiracy, an "esoteric/occult" core is what ultimately we will discover to be the essence of the Sponsors.

That sums it up perfectly.

Not only do I agree with David Guyatt; George Michael Evica and I independently reached and shared this conclusion more than a decade ago.
David Guyatt Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:When everything is boiled down to its essence, everything has an esoteric/occult core. We just don't usually recognise or know this because our eyes and ears largely remain sealed.

Or in the case of the JFK conspiracy, an "esoteric/occult" core is what ultimately we will discover to be the essence of the Sponsors.

Aye, I suspect that is true.

It's part of the story about the two great opposing forces in conflict.

PS, Am I right in saying that Lyndon Johnson, like most (or many anyway) US Presidents was a 33rd degree Freemason? Am I also right in thinking that Dallas is on, or close by the 33rd parallel? I'm not sure this means anything of real significance, but just wondered if this is one thread of the occult essence of the JFK killing?

Dealey Plaza is the site of the FIRST Masonic temple in Dallas. Masons involved in this saga were: LBJ, Hoover, Warren, Dulles, Ford and McCloy.

DP is near the Trinity River and there is a Triple Underpass in it and Masons love the number 3.

DP is near the 33rd degree parallel too. DP is shaped like a pyramid minus the capstone.

JFk's memorial at Arlington features an "eternal flame" and if you know about the occult you know this is important.

Kennedy was hit in the throat, back and head a la Hiram Abif. These wounds are depicted and recreated by new initiates every year into the world of Masonry. He was killed by three "unworthy" craftsmen and some relate the "three hobos" to this part of the Abif story in the JFK murder.

I would think the occult was very important in the murder of JFK.
Rob Caprio Wrote:Kennedy was hit in the throat, back and head a la Hiram Abif. These wounds are depicted and recreated by new initiates every year into the world of Masonry. He was killed by three "unworthy" craftsmen and some relate the "three hobos" to this part of the Abif story in the JFK murder.

Sorry - but this is garbage and discredits legitimate research into this area of the assassination.

The Mechanics, the Shooters, were tasked with killing Kennedy.

There is no way the Shooters were tasked with hitting Kennedy in the throat, back and head to demonstrate masonic symbolism.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:Kennedy was hit in the throat, back and head a la Hiram Abif. These wounds are depicted and recreated by new initiates every year into the world of Masonry. He was killed by three "unworthy" craftsmen and some relate the "three hobos" to this part of the Abif story in the JFK murder.

Sorry - but this is garbage and discredits legitimate research into this area of the assassination.

The Mechanics, the Shooters, were tasked with killing Kennedy.

There is no way the Shooters were tasked with hitting Kennedy in the throat, back and head to demonstrate masonic symbolism.

"Garbage" indeed, Jan.

Of the sort that, as you note, is welcomed -- and more often than not designed and made public -- by all who would disparage and ultimately demonize those who conduct legitimate research into the JFK assassination in particular and deep politics in general.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:Kennedy was hit in the throat, back and head a la Hiram Abif. These wounds are depicted and recreated by new initiates every year into the world of Masonry. He was killed by three "unworthy" craftsmen and some relate the "three hobos" to this part of the Abif story in the JFK murder.

Sorry - but this is garbage and discredits legitimate research into this area of the assassination.

The Mechanics, the Shooters, were tasked with killing Kennedy.

There is no way the Shooters were tasked with hitting Kennedy in the throat, back and head to demonstrate masonic symbolism.

I presented an overview of some of the things that have been cited for years in this regard. If you don't believe them that is fine, but to discredit it out of hand is something I am not going to do. The FACT Masons were on the WC and part of the investigation is simply part of the record.

We are talking about professional shooters here who could do anything they were told to do. The fact they did not wound anyone else like Mrs. Kennedy shows how good they were IMO.
I also did not state this as a fact, but rather presented an outline of things that have been researched for years.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:Kennedy was hit in the throat, back and head a la Hiram Abif. These wounds are depicted and recreated by new initiates every year into the world of Masonry. He was killed by three "unworthy" craftsmen and some relate the "three hobos" to this part of the Abif story in the JFK murder.

Sorry - but this is garbage and discredits legitimate research into this area of the assassination.

The Mechanics, the Shooters, were tasked with killing Kennedy.

There is no way the Shooters were tasked with hitting Kennedy in the throat, back and head to demonstrate masonic symbolism.

"Garbage" indeed, Jan.

Of the sort that, as you note, is welcomed -- and more often than not designed and made public -- by all who would disparage and ultimately demonize those who conduct legitimate research into the JFK assassination in particular and deep politics in general.

I simply presented an overview of some researchers' work. I never said it was a fact. To call this garbage when you can't know if this did happen or not is unfair and rude. Since no real investigation has ever been conducted I think an open mind is very important in this case, but some have their own theories and won't accept any information that doesn't fit it.

To me the power that killed JFK was incredible so nothing is out of the realm of possibility to me. If no message was being sent they could have easily poisoned JFK instead of killing him in public.
Sorry Rob but I have to agree with Charles and Jan.

Quote:To call this garbage when you can't know if this did happen or not

I think some of us already have a fair idea as to whether it happened or not.

Is it just me or is there an upsurge of needlessly dumb and contrarian posts on the forum this last week or so? I'll give the contributors the benefit of the doubt, but the timing does make me wonder. Interns working at Cass Sunstein's office will probably be earning their pay over the next few months, that's for sure.

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