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Former White House attache to talk about JFK assassination

Former White House attache to talk about JFK assassination |

There are fewer than a dozen Secret Service agents and associates alive from the day of the assassination, he said. He began giving talks about his experiences in 2010, after reporters asked him to tell his story and he checked with the FBI in Boston.
They told him to go ahead but to be careful what he shared since some information was still classified..."There's always certain things," Katz said......WHAT certain things...:Fencing:
Bernice Moore Wrote:

Former White House attache to talk about JFK assassination |

There are fewer than a dozen Secret Service agents and associates alive from the day of the assassination, he said. He began giving talks about his experiences in 2010, after reporters asked him to tell his story and he checked with the FBI in Boston.
They told him to go ahead but to be careful what he shared since some information was still classified..."There's always certain things," Katz said......WHAT certain things...:Fencing:

I think the most telling quote from the article is

"I was supposed to go to Dallas that day," Katz said Friday by phone from his home in Sharon.
But the Secret Service was expecting Dallas to be tense, if not dangerous. Because Katz had special training in security that would ensure the continuity of the U.S. government, he was told to stay in Washington.
Hmmmm.....That is a very strange and interesting story. I've not heard of this Katz before. Anyone know more about him?! All kinds of things scuttling out from under the 'rug' before the 50th! On Vince Palamara's site there is even stranger and conflicting information about Katz!

Palamara states, "Norman was in Dallas in the Presidential Secret Service detail on the day of the assassination. He was not part of the caravan detail, but was at the Dallas headquarters inthe backup detail."

Well, which was Dallas or the White House, and can this man be believed at all?! I'm very suspicious of what he has to tell, even though he might well have been SS or some other kind of spook connected to the White House. I've just done a search and he's doing the speaking circut to packed audiences....but things like the following give one pause...
"Norman Katz, BA '61, has been granted permission by the federal government to tell his story....."

Since when has the 'federal government' ever pushed someone forward or given permission for someone to tell the truth?~ I can't remember the last time.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
And of course why the classified secrets for some lone nut who just decided to take his gun to work that day?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
National security, Magda, national security.

I've never heard of him. Funny he waited 50 years to start talking, and there is this conflict over where he was at the time of the assassination.

Here he is a year ago talking about his role in the Cuban Missile Crisis:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:National security, Magda, national security.

I've never heard of him. Funny he waited 50 years to start talking, and there is this conflict over where he was at the time of the assassination.

Here he is a year ago talking about his role in the Cuban Missile Crisis:

Well, many others have kept their silences for many decades and then either decided to talk or been outed by some researcher* or document/others' revelations [A]. Then there are also disinformation agents that are being ramped up for the 50th . I do NOT claim to know which this person fits in. I'm more interested in how he was two places half a country apart at the same time on that infamous day. Can we at least pin down if he was SS and if he was in D.C. or in Dallas?! He bears watching whether in A or B! - He could even be a hybrid....I smell a rat. I thought Bush Sr. and Nixon took the 'cake' not remembering where they were when JFK was killed [or so they said]; but this guy does them one better and remembers being at two places, and at each having an important SS position, which he details at different times - never reconciling the two - he couldn't have been at both, and was at one or the other - or neither! :Ninja:

*An example of someone previous unknown outside of the intell community is Joe Shimon - who was mentioned prominently in Janney's Mary's Mosaic as a 'White House' 'security and sometimes hitman'.

[B]The best I can figure from what is on the internet, in 2010 when he first started to speak out he said he was in the White House. Now he lectures and says he was in the Dallas Detail....go figure.

[TABLE="class: eventcontenttop"]
[TD="class: imagebox"][/TD]
[TD="class: midcolumn"]Date:[/TD]
[TD="class: rightcolumn, align: left"]Aug 04, 2010[/TD]
[TD="class: midcolumn"]Speaker:[/TD]
[TD="class: rightcolumn, align: left"]Mr. Norman Katz[/TD]
[TD="class: midcolumn"]Topic:[/TD]
[TD="class: rightcolumn, align: left"]Kennedy & Johnson White House[/TD]

Comments: Norman Katz Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated? Norm Katz was in the White House, attached to the Secret Service... He was an eyewitness to the urgent incoming teletype messages about the assassination and the reactions of White House insiders. He was a part of the scrambling to make sure the United States government went on uninterrupted. He personally interacted with President Lyndon B. Johnson on numerous occasions. He has original photographs and memorabilia from the assassination and LBJ's swearing in. He knows the "back story" behind the early years of LBJ's presidency. He has intimate, firsthand knowledge of the secret procedures in place to protect the President, as well as other clandestine operations. In March, 2010, the US Government (for the very first time) gave Norm Katz clearance to tell his stories and relate his experiences. Not just history in the making, but secret history - accounts and reports that have never been heard before! For almost 40 minutes you could have heard a pin drop as he captivated us with his account of the John F. Kennedy assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and the Cuban Missile Crisis in July 1962, with a first-hand, "I was there" report of long classified information on those historic events. Mr. Katz, a retired Secret Service Agent who served in the JFK and LBJ White house eras, is a Sharon, MA resident, active in town government, business, and community service, has a remarkable background as an actual participant in these important national and international events, and presents them in what can only be described as an honest, educational, and colorful way. Mr. Katz guided us through a look at the complex system of government back-up, assuring unbroken presidential leadership in the event of a national disaster, and behind the scenes accounts and graphic photos of the tragic death of President JFK and subsequent elevation of Lyndon B. Johnson. His report on the Cuban Missile Crisis - noting that that event "was the closest that the world has ever come to all-out nuclear war" was memorable, indeed.


Eyewitness Turns Back Clock a Half Century to JFK's Assassination

Foundation for Belmont Education-sponsored event brings history to students with a visit from Secret Service agent Norman Katz.
Posted by Lisa Gibalerio , May 28, 2013 at 10:22 PM
[Image: ATCollapse.gif]

[Image: bf34a864436e635be166ed488bd1986]

[B][B]Thanks to grant funding provided by the Foundation for Belmont Education, tenth graders at the Belmont High School were given the opportunity to hear from Norman Katz, one of the Secret Service agents on duty in Dallas when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.[/B][/B]
[B][B]"Assassinations have happened before," he told the audience of sophomores, "and they will happen again."[/B][/B]
[B][B]Katz outlined how far security measures have come in the 50 years since Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. [/B][/B]
[B][B]"In the early 1960s, we weren't even thinking about assassination; we were just there to offer general protection."[/B][/B]
[B][B]He added that 50 years ago, there were 312 Secret Service agents employed by the US Government; there are more than 7,000 today. President Obama, he stated, receives more than 400 death threats a year and wears a bullet-proof suit and underwear. [/B][/B]
[B][B]Technology back then, he said, consisted of hand signals and walkie-talkies when they worked, he added.[/B][/B]
[B][B]The students seemed especially rapt when he described the moments that JFK was shot and killed. The limousine, he said, should have sped off when the first shot was fired, but the driver slowed down thinking the limo had backfired. The second shot hit Kennedy in the neck. [/B][/B]
[B][B]"He would have survived that neck shot," Katz said, "it was the third shot that shattered his brain."[/B][/B]
[B][B]The students saw photos of that were taken during the shootings as well as photos of JFK's autopsy.[/B][/B]
[B][B]For a group of students born 35 years after these events occurred, they certainly left this presentation with a clear idea of what happened on that fateful November day in Dallas in 1963. And from the perspective of a man who was standing just a few feet away when it happened.[/B][/B]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
A "continuity of government" expert you say?

Has anyone other than Peter Dale Scott written much about this aspect of the case?
R.K. Locke Wrote:A "continuity of government" expert you say?

Has anyone other than Peter Dale Scott written much about this aspect of the case?

I shot P.D.S. this information a few hours ago....thought he might be interested. Bill Kelly too - who replied he's 'on the case'. The term itself Continuity Of Government was IMHO first heard about the time North mentioned it about REX-84. The first we KNOW it was implemented was 9-11-01, but perhaps it was on 11-22-63. Wouldn't surprise me, as that was a Coup d' was 9-11. :Hitler: PDS has written much of the connections from and between 11-22-63 to 9-11-01, but to my knowledge has never written about 'continuity of government' being implemented in the sense he uses the term [though, of course, it was in the generic sense]. This Katz who was two places at the same time may turn out to be more interesting that at first blush....but I don't think any Truth will come from him directly.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
[TD][Image: topnav_1g.jpg][/TD]
[TD][Image: kennedy%20podium1b.jpg]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go back into time and talk with someone who not only witnessed history, but was also a part of the events that literally changed the course of the world? Someone who can give you the details behind the stuff of history books. Someone who can relate background and long-held secrets never before revealed?
Well, now you can do just that.
I offer organizations the chance to revisit the events surrounding the tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas 50 years ago, and the historic transition of government to Lyndon Johnson in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.
And I am your eyewitness and history guide.
I was there, at the White House, assigned (as a military attaché) to the Secret Service, when that horrible dispatch came in advising us of the President's shooting and death.
  • I was privy to details and secrets that, until very recently, I was not allowed to reveal.
  • I personally interacted with President Lyndon B. Johnson on many occasions.
  • I have (and will bring) original photographs and memorabilia from the assassination and LBJ's swearing in.
  • I have intimate, firsthand knowledge of the secret procedures in place to protect the President, as well as other clandestine operations.

See Special Flyer for Norm's thrilling JFK +50 Presentation!
~ ~ ~
[TABLE="width: 658, align: center"]
[TD][Image: kennedy%20center%20collage%201b.jpg]
Norm was invited to the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis
event at the The Kennedy Library in Boston, MA.

Upper Left: Jack Schlossberg (Caroline Kennedy's son and JFK's grandson) on left,
a Veteran from the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier based off the coast of Cuba
during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Lower Left: Dr. Sergai Kruschev, son of Nikita Kruschev, Premier of Russia at
the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.[/TD]

~ ~ ~
[TABLE="width: 812, align: left"]
[TD]Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated? Norm Katz was in the White House, attached to the Secret Service...

He was an eyewitness to the urgent incoming teletype messages about the assassination and the reactions of White House insiders.

He was a part of the scrambling to make sure the United States government went on uninterrupted.

He personally interacted with President Lyndon B. Johnson on numerous occasions.

He has original photographs and memorabilia from the assassination and LBJ's swearing in.

He knows the "back story" behind the early years of LBJ's presidency.
He has intimate, firsthand knowledge of the secret procedures in place to protect the President, as well as other clandestine operations.

In March, 2010, the US Government (for the very first time) gave Norm Katz clearance to tell his stories and relate his experiences. Not just history in the making, but secret history - accounts and reports that have never been heard before!
>> Email Norm today to book a speaking engagement...[/TD]
[TD]At Last…the Inside Story Can be Told!

The Federal Government Finally Allows Details of Secret Service Operations During the JFK Administration to be made public!
[TABLE="width: 295, align: center"]
[TD]"I have been attending Rotary meetings for about 20 years...Norm was the best and most dynamic speaker we have ever had. His program and presentation was informative, interesting and outstanding! Before we left, we asked him to speak at another Rotary Club meeting and they are very excited."- G.F., Norwood MA[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 3"][Image: nk_speaker1.jpg]
A dynamic, polished public speaker
Norm Katz is a captivating, electrifying speaker whose ability to excite audiences make them feel as if they were there too! After one recent presentation (including a half-hour Q+A session), the organization's event manager noted, "You could hear a pin drop." He added, "he mesmerized the whole audience!"

[Image: nk_speaker2.jpg]He has a PowerPoint presentation that includes rare photographs, many never published because of the veil of secrecy surrounding the assassination and Secret Service operations. His training includes Cryptography and Clandestine Operations. He has Top Secret Clearance and has held classified positions with NATO, Crypto, Q, Cosmic, The White House, among others.
He can speak as an insider on the Cuban Missile Crisis, which he witnessed while with the Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. He is a dynamic, polished orator on various topics of interest to business and professional groups, universities, men's and women's groups, virtually any group desiring an interesting, experienced speaker.
A fascinating and eclectic background

Norm has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (Mediation and Arbitration) and Master of Science (Marriage and Family Therapy). Norm also serves on many business and corporate Boards and has held numerous positions in government service, both local and national. He is also a respected Justice of the Peace.

[TABLE="width: 743, align: center"]
[TD]"Norm had everyone in our group absolutely spellbound! His personal, first-hand accounts of the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy's assassination, the transition of power to President Johnson, and our nation's secret facilities brought history to life for me in a way I've never experienced before. I felt as if I was almost there myself.
When Norman was finished, no one wanted to leave. We requested that he extend his time with us so he could continue to speak. An absolutely unique, gripping, and outstanding presentation of one of the most significant times in our nation's history."

Ron Melbourne
Assistant Governor, Rotary District 7950 & Business Owner, Boston, MA

From his flyer [.pdf, below]: "When the bulletin announcingthat "President John F. Kennedy
...was shot to death" arrived at the White House, Norm Katz was there.
Assigned to the Secret Service. He was an integral part of the scramble to
continue the US Government without interruption or panic...he knows about the secret procedures in place to protect the President... he was an eyewitness to the Cuban Missile crisis and other historic events...and he now has permission to
tell it all."

I ask: Permission FROM WHOM?! I grow very suspicious of Katz....

Attached Files
.pdf   NK Kennedy 50 Lecture Flier (2).pdf (Size: 1.74 MB / Downloads: 1)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Site Profile and Search Rank

Website Title:
None given.

Meta Description:
Norman Katz Associates provides mediation arbitration services for legally intensive disputes for families, businesses and unions. Also Justice of the Peace and Public Speaker

Description Relevancy:
72% relevant.

Meta Keywords:
norman katz associates, arbitration, mediation, depositions, professional mediation, ethics consulting, arbitration, conflict resolution, negotiation, family issues, municipal arbitration, settlement agreements, union negotiations, family, issues, attorney, lawyer, legal, court, dispute, justice of the peace, jp, business, personal, marriage, married, divorce, nuptials, wedding, wedding planner, wedding ceremony, traditional, non traditional, glad, pflag, gay, lesbian, professional mediation, ethics consulting, arbitration, conflict resolution, negotiation, family issues, municipal arbitration, settlement agreements, resolutions, mediator, arbitration, arbitrator, alternative dispute resolution, arguments, legal, lawyer, estate probate, probate court, justice of the peace, jp, wedding, wedding ceremony, marriage counseling, prenuptial, prenup, public speaker, motivational speaker, kennedy, president kennedy, white house, jfk, kennedy assassination, continuity of government, lbj, secret service

Keyword Relevancy:
40% relevant

[Image: aboutus.png] Wiki article on



Norman Katz @ Titcomb's Bookshop

When: Sun Nov 25th
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Titcomb's Bookshop | 432 Route 6A | Sandwich

Speaker Norman Katz Comes to Titcomb's Bookshop

(SandwichNovember 2012) Norman Katz, military attaché to the secret service during the Kennedy and Johnson years, will be at Titcomb's Bookshop on Sunday, November 25th from 3-4pm.

Norman Katz will discuss the relationship between Clint Hill (Mrs. Kennedy's secret service agent) and Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. Hill's new book, Mrs. Kennedy and Me, is an an intimate and fascinating memoir recounting the four years as First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy's Secret Service agent. Norman Katz had a front row seat to the events that changed America forever, including Kennedy's assassination and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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