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Lo-Grade JFK Assassination Porn (Sabato Edition)
Arguably the most pernicious of all JFK Assassination related rabbit holes -- the so-called police dictabelt "acoustic evidence" -- is now getting big-time attention in the Major Media.

But the strongest official confirmation for conspiracy buffs came in 1979 when the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that President Kennedy was "probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy." A key piece of evidence was an audio recording that the committee believed captured the sound of four gunshots being fired.

Looks like "conspiracy buffs" got hoodwinked.

The strongest evidence of conspiracy is JFK's T3 back wound, the existence of which is confirmed by the bullet holes in the clothing, the verified death certificate, the verified autopsy face sheet, the FBI report on the autopsy, and the consensus statements of at least 15 eye witnesses.

But the HSCA found this to be politically radiocative, imho. It meant that the autopsy photo showing the posterior wound was inauthentic.

House investigator Gaeton Fonzi promoted the clothing holes as definitive evidence of conspiracy, not the dictabelt.

But the HSCA wasn't going to open that sore, so the dictabelt was a way to conclude 95% with the fact of conspiracy while keeping the real evidence on the down-low.

The JFK Assassination Critical Research Community fell for this scam, big-time, and thus the JFK Assassination Porn industry was born.

Rather than point to the 100% certainty that the wound in JFK's back was too low to have been associated with the throat wound, the Critical Community runs riot with pet theories based on nothing that go no where -- except to the annual Assassination Porn Conventions, of course.

Garbage like Larry Sabato's faux debunking of faux evidence occurs because ":the Critics" can't rally around the prima facie case, as that would threaten all those precious pet theories and might dynamite rabbit holes like the "acoustics evidence".

Can't have that, can we?

I always believed that the accoustics evidence was a limited hangout and that's why i have critisized Don Thomas
in past threads.
My question to Sabato is what kind of drugs is he on. What is he taking and he does not share it with us so to alter our minds and agree with him. I would have dismissed him as a plain idiot, but i can't since he is a speaker at the Wecht symposium. I wonder why they have not invited Bugliosi, O'Reilly, Posner et al as well.
The HSCA's conclusions weren't just based on the Dictabelt evidence (which I have never found credible). They actually did a pretty good job documenting Ruby's ties to organized crime, and arguing that Ruby had inside help when he murdered Oswald. I think the HSCA was prepared to blame organized crime even without the Dictabelt recording.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Cliff

I always believed that the accoustics evidence was a limited hangout and that's why i have critisized Don Thomas
in past threads.
My question to Sabato is what kind of drugs is he on. What is he taking and he does not share it with us so to alter our minds and agree with him. I would have dismissed him as a plain idiot, but i can't since he is a speaker at the Wecht symposium. I wonder why they have not invited Bugliosi, O'Reilly, Posner et al as well.

I'll donate a dollar to a local charity for every time during the Wecht Conference the following question is asked:

"What happened to the bullets that created JFK's back and throat wounds?"

It's the only question regarding the killing of JFK worth asking. (There are lots of questions worth asking about the cover-ups, however.)

I'll start saving my pennies now...
Tracy Riddle Wrote:The HSCA's conclusions weren't just based on the Dictabelt evidence (which I have never found credible). They actually did a pretty good job documenting Ruby's ties to organized crime, and arguing that Ruby had inside help when he murdered Oswald. I think the HSCA was prepared to blame organized crime even without the Dictabelt recording.

Upon reflection I see the merit of your view, Tracy.

Dr. Baden came right out and admitted that the bullet holes in the clothes match the location of the back wound -- a location too low to be associated with the throat wound.

But they couldn't promote that, and probably would have gone with The Mob Did It as the headline until the "acoustics evidence" presented them with a better PR handle on the conspiracy angle.

The Mob Did It was the back-up conspiracy argument.
To be fair, some very good researchers will be presenting some very interesting stuff at the Wecht symposium.
Still can't figure out why Sabato was invited.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:To be fair, some very good researchers will be presenting some very interesting stuff at the Wecht symposium.
Still can't figure out why Sabato was invited.

I divide the case into separate crimes.

There was the killing.

There are the cover-ups.

I find studying the competing cover-ups to be fascinating, a real journey into a jungle of mirrors.

But I regard the killing of JFK as something that is much more straight forward. I'm jaded about the plethora of pet theories that attend discussions of the killing of JFK.

When it comes to a study of the killing of JFK there is only one question worth addressing:

What happened to the bullets that caused JFK's back and throat wounds?

Every time that question is asked at Wecht I'll donate $1 to a local charity...probably Tami the Street Sheet lady who usually works my corner on Haight St.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Still can't figure out why Sabato was invited.

So that he and Don Thomas can have a big fake debate about the acoustics.

It wouldn't be a Wecht Conference unless there was a big fake debate.

10 years ago it was Stu Wexler and Ken Rahn bloviating about the NAA.

What's up, Doc?
VV, I don't understand it either.

And its not about a fake debate, because Sabato was invited a long time ago before he even talked about the acoustics evidence.

But looking at what I can see of his book from online sources, this is a real cover up special of the MSM. Produced especially for this occasion.

Sabato was offering a much publicized online class, the book had the backing of the U of V, and it was also backed by PBS, one of the worst networks there is today on the JFK case. I mean John McAdams, and then Sabato.

He actually writes that JFK was a strong anti communist and that his policies had consistency or vision to them. Hi sonly saving grace was that he turned peacenik in 1963.

What a bunch of horse crap! I will show why he is precisely wrong except I don't think he will be there while I am there. Which is a shame, since I would love to see the look on his face when I show what a lousy historian and MSM sell out he is.

BTW, Geraldo Rivera was also invited. THey wanted to get some big names I think.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:VV, I don't understand it either.

And its not about a fake debate, because Sabato was invited a long time ago before he even talked about the acoustics evidence.

I stand corrected!

It's a matter of pure happenstance only that there will be a big fake debate between Sabato and Thomas.

I mean, Sabato could have picked a fake debate with a lot of people...

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