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Chomsky from the Irwin Knoll, Moyer's Truthout with the SS badge: Ground Zero of Left-Gatekeeping.
Hello, Bill Moyers plays a key role on the foundation-funding apparatus of the """"Alternative""""" site Truthout. (See IndyMedia Portland Moyers Truthout)

Today Truthout not only chooses to publish a Chomsky article chock full of his famous JFK "research" read 1/2 dimensional, but also chooses to quote from Sabato like its the holy scripture.

Please respond. Go to Truthout's own site and their Facebook page. It does matter. For too long this left-gateeekping was left unchallenged but this is the ONLY thing from the so called"left" not really left IMO that is allowed to flow back into the wider, full spectrum aquifer, so much so that even Bill O'Reilly referenced Noam, his only reference, practically.

Go there and leave links. Build bridges, because the liars pray that arguments never happen. Because they know they can't win.

It is not SPECULATION that the CIA has a history of using left sources to implant rightist CIA propaganda. It is history. See Frances Saunders THE CULTURAL COLD WAR: THE CIA AND THE WORLD OF ARTS AND LETTERS. See HOW THE CIA PLAYED AMERICA BY HUGH WILFORD. Both of these books examine Encounter Magazine, a CIA magazine aimed at trans-atlantic left liberal academic types for controlling dissent. They understood this crowd wouldn't swellow ANY type of propaganda so they made a type JUST FOR THEM> after this you might wonder afresh why The New York Times chooses to name their "nemesis" the most important living innerlechual and why the New York Times News Service distributes The Noam. Some Dissidents is the name of my 3rd album released in 1971

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