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$5,000 fee for official drilling protests

US House approves $5,000 fee for official drilling protests, less federal authority over fracking

Published time: November 21, 2013 22:41Get short URL

HR 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act, imposes a $5,000 fee for anyone wishing to file for an official protest of a proposed drilling project. An amendment to the bill offered by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) that would have clarified the fee to make sure it was not in violation of First Amendment rights was defeated. The US House passed Wednesday two bills that would demand a $5,000 filing fee for any individual that wanted to hold an official protest of a drilling project, and that would give the feds less authority nationwide over hydraulic fracking rules.

In addition, the bill would allow for automatic approval of onshore drilling permits should the US Department of Interior (DOI) take over 60 days to act on an application. DOI would also be required to begin commercial leasing for development of oil shale - not to be confused with "shale oil" - which is rock that must be heated to about 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit to yield crude oil.
The controversial practice has been largely nonexistent in the US since the days of President Herbert Hoover, who prohibited leasing federal lands for oil shale, "the dirtiest fuel on the planet," according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. The oil shale process "takes a large amount of energy and money, as well as 3-5 barrels of water per barrel of oil produced, a dangerous issue in the parched West,"according to Jessica Goad of the Center for American Progress' Public Lands Project.
Large tracts of land - especially in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming - hold deposits of oil shale. The bill would require the federal government to open up 10 leases of its land in 2014 for research and demonstration projects, with further developments by 2016.
The House passed the measure, sponsored by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), by a vote of 228 to 192, with seven Democrats supporting it and only one Republican in opposition.
The other bill - HR 2728, the Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act - would put more authority of hydraulic fracking in the hands of states that already have rules on the practice. Unless a state has yet to set guidelines on fracking, DOI would have no authority over whether companies disclose what chemicals they use in fracking fluid, whether water from fracked wells is polluted or whether anyone can request public hearings regarding fracking permit applications.
The bill passed the House by a vote of 235 to 187, as 12 Democrats supported it and only two Republicans did not.
Hydraulic fracking is the highly-controversial process of injecting water, sand and various chemicals into layers of rock in hopes of releasing oil and gas deep underground. The practice is opposed worldwide, as shown by global protests against fracking in October, for its damning environmental impacts.
Supporters say it brings jobs and opportunities for energy independence, though detractors have pointed to exaggerated employment claims. Multiple reports have found any jobs created by fracking usually go to established, already-employed oil industry workers from places like Texas rather than local citizens.
Meanwhile, more money is being thrown at the US political class to support fracking, representing the rising popularity of it among energy companies. Calculations released Wednesday by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics Washington show fracking industry contributions to congressional campaigns went up 231 percent from 2004 to 2012 in districts and states where fracking has occurred.
The two bills have little chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate. Even if it did, President Obama has stated he would veto the legislation should it get that far.
House Democrats opposed to the bills decried voting on such measures that have no chance of becoming law. "The galleries are empty, the floor is empty, because we're not doing anything," Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said Wednesday on the House floor. "And it's not because we don't have a lot of things to do."
"I won't apologize for any action that's been taken by the majority of this house to try to reign in the excesses of this administration," Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) said in response.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
It looks to me like democracy these days means you have to pay to protest - whereas prior to this it has always held to be a free democratic right to do so.

As we sink further into this dictatorship of business wealth above citizens rights, we'll do well to remember what democracy once meant.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Even our freedoms and rights are now taxed and have been 'privatized'. Democracy in America is in its final death throws now. Pay to protest, they get beat up by the Police, pay to be bailed out after arrested, pay to defend yourself against wrongful arrest and maybe pay a fine or serve time for expressing your political beliefs.......America this is not.....A Fourth Reich, perhaps.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Speakers and Guests for the 2013 Conference

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TR="class: style72"]
[TD="width: 65"]Morley[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Brown[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Holland[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Ernest[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Zavada[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Thomas[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Law[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Wexler[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Griggs[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Simpich[/TD]
[TD="width: 65"]Tatro[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 12"]
[TR="class: style72"]
[TD="colspan: 12"]
[TR="class: style72"]
[TD="width: 65"]McCarthy[/TD]

[Image: JeffMorley_Bio.jpg] Jefferson Morley
Keynote Speakerfor Awards Banquet
JFK Lancer is pleased to announce Jefferson Morley as the keynote speaker for the November in Dallas annual conference Mary Ferrell - JFK Lancer Banquet. Morley has written about the JFK story for national publications and was awarded the 2009 PEN/Oakland Censorship Award for his JFK reporting. He is author of Our Man in Mexico; Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA (University Press of Kansas, 2008).

Morley is a veteran Washington journalist. He started his career as an editor at the New Republic. He also served as Washington correspondent for The Nation and Spin magazine. From 1992 to 2007, he worked at the Washington Post as an editor in the "Sunday Outlook" section, a reporter in the Metro section, and as author of the "World Opinion Roundup" column for

Morley has been published in The Washington Post, New York Review of Books, The Nation, The New Republic, Slate, American Prospect, Spin, Rolling Stone, The Los Angeles Times, Foreign Service Journal, and the New York Observer. Morley's lastest work, Snow-Storm in August was published by Nan Talese/Doubleday in July 2012.

[Image: Brown.jpg]
Pamela Brown
Midnight Blue to Black: the Vanishing Act of the
Presidential Limousine SS100X In Broad Daylight
Pamela Brown is generally acknowledged to be the foremost authority on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X. JFK Lancer is pleased to announce she will presenting new research at the November in Dallas 2013 Conference.

Brownhas given several presentations on the famous limousine, written journal articlesin the US and abroad, and has been in numerous television programs.

In 2004, the SPEED Channel aired an exciting hour-long documentary devoted entirely to the JFK Presidential Limousine. Her essay SS-100-X" from CAR CRASH CULTURE (Palgrave/2002) was used as the basis for the assassination section. She was hired by Discovery as a consultant for the 2008 Discovery Channel program Inside the Target Car special. Her research was used in the program, and her expertise as the limo researcher was acknowledged in the show's credits. Visit her site.

[Image: BHolland.jpg]
Brent Holland
The Man Who Saved The World...Really
Brent Holland has two broadcast shows focused on students of all ages. Both are volunteer shows and put on by a staff of one with no funding or budget. The Brent Holland Show presents interviews with international and national legends such as Nobel Peace Prize recipients and Heads of State. Included in that list of notables is Ted Sorensen who wrote JFK's Nuclear Test Ban Treaty speech.
A holocaust was far too real in Oct 1962 when it was discovered the Soviets had placed offensive nuclear weapons in Cuba. There were missiles that would only take five minutes to reach Washington. JFK handed Ted the future of the human race that night when he told him to draft a letter to Soviet premier Khrushchev in a last ditch attempt to resolve the crisis. Sorensen reveals to Holland many intimate details concerning this historic time, among others. Holland brings to the JFK Lancer November in Dallas Conference a unique opportunity for us gain insight into one of the great men of our nation.

[Image: Ernest.jpg] Barry Ernest
The Search for Victoria Adams
Barry Ernest will be speaking on his highly acclaimed book, The Girl on the Stairs: The Search for a Missing Witness to the JFK Assassination. With a degree in journalism and communications, Ernest honed his skills as an investigative reporter and feature writer at newspapers in New York and Pennsylvania. It was a tip from a friend in 1967 that started Mr. Ernest looking for answers to the John Kennedy assassination.

Ernest's book has been updated, a forward by David Lifton added, and has new cover. The release of this much anticipated book is scheduled for early March. It required 35 years of painstakingly diligent searching to uncover Victoria Adams, a key witness to the JFK assassination, and her story. Adams was on the staircase of the Texas School Book Depository at the precise moment that Lee Harvey Oswald, according to the Warren Commission, was making his escape-yet she saw no one. Badgered by the Commission and fearing for her life, Adams vanished into obscurity. At long last, her story has been brought to light and forces us to reconsider one of the most controversial assassinations of the 20th century.

[Image: Zavada.jpg] Rollie Zavada
The Zapruder Film:
Understanding the Tools Available for Authentication
Rollie Zavada retired as a Standards Director for Imaging Technologies from Eastman Kodak in March 1990. His background included product engineer development responsibilities to introduce KODACHROME II films, Chairman of the Society of Motion Picture and television Engineers (SMPTE) 16&8 Standards Committee during the transition from 16 to 18 fps velocity for silent movie films and four terms as SMPTE Engineering Vice President. A Fellow of four technical societies, Mr. Zavada received many awards for his technical achievements including being elected as a Life member of the Foundation of Motion Picture Pioneers Inc. Author of the Kodak report to the ARRB.

[Image: Thomas.jpg] Donald Thomas, Ph. D
Cross-Talk: the Acoustical Record of Gunfire
in the JFK Assassination
Don Thomas is a scientist with the U.S. federal government. He received his doctorate from the School of Agriculture at the University of Missouri and has held post-doctoral appointments at the University of Arizona and the University of Nebraska. He is currently President of the Coleopterists Society and a subject editor for the Annals of the Entomological Society of America. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 scientific publications, including books and book chapters in the field of entomology. Dr. Thomas garnered international attention in 2001 for an article published in the British forensic journal Science & Justice entitled, "Acoustical Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Revisited." In his book, Hear No Evil, Thomas explains the acoustics evidence in detail, placing it in the context of an analysis of all the scientific evidence in the Kennedy assassination. Revering no sacred cows, he demolishes myths promulgated by both Warren Commission adherents and conspiracy advocates, and presents a novel and compelling re-interpretation of the "single bullet theory."More than a scientific tome, Hear No Evil is a searing indictment of the government's hand-picked experts, who failed the public trust to be fair and impartial arbiters of the evidence.

[Image: Law.jpg] William Law
ITEOH & RFK Case Update (On Video)
William Law is the author of the book, "In the Eye of History," (new edition, November 2010) that explores the medical evidence through new witness interviews. He is also currently working new projects, one with Mark Sobel to produce a documentary on the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Law's interest in the Kennedy assassination began in 1975 with the showing of Abraham Zapruder's 26-second home movie of the event on Geraldo Rivera's Goodnight America program. Later, after reading David Lifton's book Best Evidence, Law began researching Kennedy's murder. Results of that research have appeared in the books November Patriots by Constance Kritzberg and Larry Hancock, JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference by Vincent Palamara, Murder In Dealey Plaza edited by James Fetzer, and Paris Flammonde's forthcoming opus An Encyclopedic Narrative and Historical and Personal Perspective on The Kennedy Coup d'État. Law has written for the research periodicals the Kennedy Assassination Chronicles and the Dealey Plaza Echo, is producer of the forthcoming DVD The Gathering, and currently serves as a consultant to film director Brian McKenna for his upcoming documentary Killing Kennedy.

[Image: Wexler.jpg] Stuart Wexler
Chemical analysis
Wexler is a teacher of World History, AP Government at Hightstown High School, Hightstown, NJ. He has been a JFK assassination researcher for about fifteen years where he has focused on the issues connected to the chemical analysis of the ballistics material since 2000. Wexler has spoken on the subject at JFK Lancer's NID twice, at the Wecht conference in 2003, and at the AARC conference in 2004, three of those times opposite Dr. Kenneth Rahn, NAA advocate, from the University of Rhode Island. Wexler has collaborated with chemist Tom Pinkston since approximately 2000 on the same subject matter. Wexler's other Kennedy interests focus on Oswald, his background and associates leading up to November 22nd. His book, The Awful Grace of God, co-authored with Larry Hancock, on the MLK assassination will be in print in spring, 2011.

[Image: Griggs.jpg] Ian Griggs
Jack Ruby and the DPD
Griggs's interest in the Kennedy assassination goes back to the day it happened and he has been studying it seriously for the past 37 years. He is a frequent visitor to Dallas and has presented research papers and moderated panels regularly at the Assassination Symposium on President Kennedy (ASK), the Coalition of Political Assassinations (COPA), and JFK Lancer's November In Dallas Conference since 1994. Griggs has published work in "The Fourth Decade" and "Assassination Chronicles" research publications. He is very proud to be a founder member and recently elected Life Member of the UK research group Dealey Plaza UK, which celebrates its 16th anniversary this year. Griggs' research articles have been widely published on both sides of the Big Pond. He is the proud recipient of a JFK Lancer Editor"s Award (1995) and a JFK Lancer Frontier Award (1998). His first assassination book, "No Case To Answer" was published by JFK Lancer in 2005 and is soon to be issued in an updated edition. He is also at work on a definitive work describing the Dallas Police Department.

[Image: Simpich.jpg] Bill Simpich
Spy Games in Mexico City
Simpich is a civil rights attorney and an antiwar activist in the San Francisco Bay Area. The main areas of his law practice are government misconduct and toxic tort violations. He also writes for publications such as Truthout, Counterpunch and OpedNews.He considers the assassination cases to be a poorly understood area of civil rights violations. To preserve cold cases, he is preparing a proposed JFK Preservation of Evidence Act that would be applicable in both of these areas of the law and administered by a citizen panel similar to the ARRB. His study of the JFK case focuses on the documentary evidence, rather than firearms, acoustics, and other forensic evidence. His current focus is on Mexico City and the counterintelligence aspects of the JFK case.

[Image: Tatro.jpg]Ed Tatro
Intriguing Suspects
Taught college and adult education courses for thirty years specializing in the JFK assassination. Author of over thirty mystery and horror short stories, literary essays, and poems published in many magazines across the country. Author of many research articles pertaining to the JFK assassination conspiracy published in Jerry Rose's The Third Decade, Penn Jones's The Continuing Inquiry, and Ireland's The JFK Assassination Forum. Acknowledged/footnoted in many JFK assassination books including Crossfire by Jim Marrs; Reasonable Doubt by Henry Hurt; Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover by Anthony Summers; Destiny Betrayed by Jim DiEugenio; The Assassinations (Probe Magazine) by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease; The Kennedys: Dynasty and Disaster by John H. Davis; Killing Kennedy by Harrison Livingstone; JFK; The Book of the Film by Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar; Doug Weldon's essay in Murder in Dealey Plaza; and JFK and the Unspeakable by Jim Douglass. Original editor of Texas in the Morning, the memoirs of LBJ's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. Editor of the Bugliosi chapter in Biting the Elephant by Doctor Rodger Remington. Contributed research to Senator Sam Ervin's Watergate investigative committee, the House Select Committee on Assassinations and the National Academy of Sciences (JFK acoustical analysis project). Testified before the Assassination Records Review Board, March, 1995, in Boston, Massachusetts. Responsible, via the ARRB, of the release of the unidentified print found on a box in the alleged sniper's nest in the Texas School Book Depository (CE 1301). Responsible, via the LBJ Library, of the release of the rough drafts of NSAM #273. Consultant to Nigel Turner's "The Truth Shall Set You Free," part VI of The Men Who Killed Kennedy series. Consultant to Nigel Turner's "The Smoking Guns," part VII of The Men Who Killed Kennedy series. Primary recruiter and participant in Nigel Turner's "The Guilty Men," Part IX of The Men Who Killed Kennedy series.

Ben Rogers
What's new in the Poage Library Archives
Ben Rogers is Director of W. R. Poage Legislative Library, a research facility that houses congressional records and personal papers related to political history. The Library's current exhibit is John F. Kennedy: His Life His Presidency His Legacy. The library began its JFK Assassination Research Collection in 2004 with the papers of Penn Jones, Jr. The W. R. Poage Legislative Library now hosts papers from not only Penn Jones, but also Mary Ferrell, Jack White, John Armstrong, Gary Shaw, John Kelin, Roy Schaeffer, Paul Hoch, Dick Russell, Gus Russo and others. The library is currently processing the JFK collections of Mary Ferrell, R B Cutler, Gus Russo, Dick, Russell, Theresa Seay and John Nichols. The Library's collection includes extensive magazines, newspapers and newsletters related to research since 1963. Most materials are listed online and are open to researchers.

[Image: Marrs.jpg] Jim Marrs
Overview of a Half-century of JFK Research
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Marrs has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos. In 2007, Marrs retired from the University of Texas at Arlington where he had taught a course on the Kennedy assassination since 1976. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published to critical acclaim and reached The New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992. Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, became the basis for the Oliver Stone film, JFK, where Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film's screenplay and production. An award-winning journalist, Marrs is listed both in Who's Who in the World and Who's Who in America. Marrs has won several writing and photography awards including the Aviation Aerospace Writer's Association's National Writing Award and Newsmaker of the Year Award from the Fort Worth Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In 1993, Marrs received Freedom Magazine's Human Rights Leadership Award. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montel Williams, Today, Tech TV and The Larry King, George Noory and Art Bell radio programs along with numerous national and regional radio and TV shows. He is a former president of the Press Club of Fort Worth and a current member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, and the Investigative Reporters and Editors. Visit his website.

[Image: Backes.jpg] Joe Backes
The Texas Trip Research
Joe Backes, the JFK assassination researcher who brought you the latest news from the JFK Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), now hopes to bring you the latest JFK, MLK, and RFK news as the research continues. Many of the JFK Act document releases were published in JFK Lancer's Kennedy Assassination Chronicles magazines. Backes runs a blog "Justice For Kennedy: A Blog About The JFK Assassination And Other Political Crimes."

[Image: Fiester.jpg] Sherry Fiester
Ballistic and Medical Evidence
In 199 Fiester, a Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and Court recognized expert, begin to apply her professional expertise to the Kennedy assassination. By using the same Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Trajectory Analysis techniques she's used in court for over 20 years, Fiester answers basic questions concerning the Kennedy assassination. The result of her research has been several NID presentations with new information concerning the fatal headshot, while including blood spatter and trajectory analysis from previous presentations. Fiester has testified as an expert in crime scene reconstruction and bloodstain pattern analysis in over 30 judicial districts in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Her publications include "Bloodstain Pattern Identification and Documentation: a Workbook for Analyst," 1990, "Blood Evidence; What Does the Blood Tell Us?" JFK Lancer Publications, 1997; and "Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and the Kennedy Assassination" The Echo, England, 2002. Her new book titled, "Enemy of the Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination" will be available in November of this year. In 2003, Fiester was presented with the "Mary Ferrell - JFK Lancer New Frontier Award" in appreciation for her contributions of new evidence and furthering the study of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Visit her website.

[Image: DiEugenio.jpg] Jim DiEugenio
The HSCA: How Blakey Buried the Case
DiEugenio has piloted CTKA (Citizens for Truth in the Kennedy Assassination) and its website since was it was organized as a result of the April 1993 Chicago Midwest Symposium on Assassination. Along with articles and reviews, DiEugenio has written two books on the Kennedy assassinations. "Destiny Betrayed" (1992) was the first positive reconsideration of the Jim Garrison investigation in a generation. "The Assassinations" (2003, co-edited with Lisa Pease) analyzed the murders of RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X, but devoted most its pages to the newly released ARRB documents in the JFK case. He and Pease also edited the journal "Probe" (1993-2000) which focused on the releases of the ARRB and new developments in the King and RFK cases. DiEugenio has an MA in Contemporary American History from California State University Northridge. He was asked by Oliver Stone to do a commentary track on the expanded DVD version of his film "JFK".

[Image: Edwards.jpg] Brian Edwards
The 26 Volumes: Making Sense of the Nonsense
Edwards has been studying the JFK assassination since 1969 and has read over 300 books on the subject. From 1978-1997, he worked as a police officer in Kansas. He was assigned to the patrol division and served eight years on the police department's tactical response team. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Criminal Justice from Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. From 1996 to 2005, served as an adjunct instructor for the Criminal Justice department, with Washburn University, and taught a variety of law enforcement-related courses. Edwards has lectured on the JFK assassination throughout the Midwest, including the University of Kansas Law School, Washburn University School of Law, Johnson County Community College, and the Alf Landon Lecture Series at Kansas State University. He has served as an adjunct instructor at Friend's University in Wichita, Kansas; Ottawa University in Overland Park, Kansas, and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Edwards is co-director of Project JFK/CSI Dallas, a student-oriented historical experience. For the past 20 years, Edwards and Casey Quinlan have sponsored student trips to Dallas to study the assassination. Edwards is the co-Author of the book, "Beyond The Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy. Visit his website.

[Image: Hancock.jpg] Larry Hancock
48 Hours / What it Tells Us
Hancock is a leading historian-researcher in the JFK assassination. In 2000, Hancock received the prestigious "Mary Ferrell New Frontier Award" for the contribution of new evidence in the Kennedy assassination case. In 2001, he was also awarded the "Mary Ferrell Legacy Award. He co-authored, with Connie Kritzberg, "November Patriots" and is author of the acclaimed "Someone Would Have Talked", now in its third, 2010 edition. Larry has a new book "NEXUS: Political Assassinations and the CIA" that includes new information and analysis on "The CIA and Extreme Deniability", "The Culture of the Agency", and "Spy Games in Mexico City". Hancock describes his book saying in essence that this work deals with "what happened" rather than "how could something like that happen?" How can you take a position that CIA officers were involved and yet maintain that it was not an act of the Agency as a whole? The only way to respond to that question is to engage in a historical study of how political assassination evolved within the Central Intelligence Agency. Hancock has also published a study of the RFK assassination, "Incomplete Justice" and along with Stuart Wexler, co-authored the publication of their new work on the MLK assassination "The Awful Grace of God" in the spring of 2011. Visit Larry's Blog.

[Image: Quinlan.jpg] Casey Quinlan
JFK Conspiracy
Quinlan was born and raised in the greater Kansas City area and has been a high school American History and Government teacher for the past 36 years. He served in the United States Army with the 9th Infantry as a Medical Corpsman during the Vietnam War and has a Bachelor of Science in Social Studies and a Master's Degree in American History from Emporia State University, located in Emporia, Kansas. He is the director of "Project JFK", a student-oriented educational experience designed for high school, college and adults exploring the murder of President Kennedy. Casey has been the featured lecturer at many universities throughout the Midwest, including; the Alf Landon Lecture Series at Kansas State University; The William Allen White School of Journalism at the University of Kansas; The Student Lecture Series at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas, Student Activities at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, and a Historical Lecturer, on a number of occasions, for the Kansas State Historical Society in Topeka, Kansas. He was named "Outstand Educator" in 1994 and in 2008 by JFK Lancer. From 1995 to 2006, Quinlan was an adjunct instructor at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas; Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas; Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Quinlan continues his teaching profession as a middle level and high school instructor in the Wellsville school district just south of the Greater Kansas City area. He has been studying the assassination of President Kennedy for over 45 years and has read over 1000 books. In 1991, Quinlan was a Guest Historian for the A&E Network and the History Channel for Oliver Stone's blockbuster movie, "JFK". In 2007, Quinlan presented "Beyond the Fence Line: The Ed Hoffman Story" (published by JFK Lancer) and this publication continues to be a best seller. He has been a featured lecturer at the JFK Lancer Conference since 2007. He and Brian Edwards received the JFK Lancer 2011 "New Frontier Award" for their continued efforts to write and inform students of the truth behind the murder of JFK. Visit his website.

[Image: Baker.jpg] Russ Baker
JFK Conspiracy
Russ Baker's career has been about one thing: finding out what really happened (or the truth of what is currently unfolding) and presenting it to the public in a compelling, entertaining, thoughtful manner. In his reporting and writing he brings the best of mainstream methods (balance and rigor) to the alternative media, and the best of the alternative media (passion for the truth and the larger story) to the mainstream. He focuses on getting past the rhetoric to expose the hidden levers and machinations that shape our world. Baker's investigative reporting, analysis pieces, features, and essays on politics, power, and perceptions have appeared in many of the world's finest publications. His accomplishments include: Receiving Society of Professional Journalists, Mencken and Common Cause awards; Serving as a panelist for the national conference of Investigative Reporters & Editors; Being a member of the adjunct faculty at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism; Co-founder of the journalism company, MediaBistro; Author of FAMILY OF SECRETS: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years; Starting a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization called

[Image: Rex.jpg]Rex Bradford
The 14-Minute Gap: The Early Days of the Cover-up
Rex Bradford is an expert on the assassination of JFK and is well-known for his prolific work as electronic archivist of JFK assassination records. Bradford runs the History Matters website and is the President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, the largest searchable electronic collection of materials related to the JFK assassination. Within the research community, Bradford is also well known as an expert on Oswald and Mexico City.

Bradford will present riveting information that proves President Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, and possibly other high-level officials knew the truth: the Oswald-Soviet/Cuban connection based on the Mexico City tapes was in fact false. In 2002, Bradford discovered a Presidential tape erasure of a phone conversation between President Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Johnson's daily diary, available at the LBJ Library web site, notes the Hoover call which occurred at 10:01 AM on the morning of November 23, 1963, less than 24 hours after the assassination. Oswald was still alive in a jail cell in Dallas. President Kennedy's body was in the Rotunda. The erasure is about 14 minutes in length. The erased Johnson and Hoover taped conversation is very different from the Nixon erasure in one spectacular way - a transcript of the conversation survived the erasure. Bradford obtained that transcribed conversation and will provide the details in his NID 2013 presentation.

[Image: Kaiser.jpg] Scott Kaiser
Cuban-Exile Connections to the JFK Assassination
Scott Kaiser will speak on the contents of his new book, available April 18, 2014. It is truly a labor of love, telling the riveting story of his father, Edwin Kaiser, and his encounters with Cuba, Watergate and the JFK assassination. Edwin Benjamin Kaiser was a thrill-seeking patriot who became enmeshed with many of America's biggest conspiracies. Through handwritten letters and contact book entries left by Edwin Kaiser, and a bevy of discovered government documents, an exciting puzzle forms around the life of a man who was at once a patriot, an arms smuggler, a revolutionary leader, an assassin, and a husband and father. In the 1970s Edwin was the military head of an anti-Castro movement called Cubanos Unidos, and during his life he was frequently in contact with Frank Sturgisduring which time Edwin confessed to the author an assassination plot against President Nixon and confirmed Sturgis' role in the death of JFK. This thrilling mix of paramilitary bravado, government conspiracy, family history, and firsthand anecdote shows how Edwin Kaiser was willing to lay it all on the line to accomplish what he thought was right.
Presented at the conference will be taped conversations with certain individuals in Miami, some never before scene documents from the FBI, CIA and Howard S. Libengood papers, photos, and the full, original little black book in its present condition, including all the contact entries of his father's associates, (which tells a story in itself). This will be the first time ever that the phone book will be shown, in it's original condition, at any public event. Visit his website.

[Image: Kent.jpg] Russell Kent
Classical Mistakes in the Medicolegal Autopsy of JFK
Russell Kent has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology from the University of London. After graduating in 1983, Russell did two years medical research at St. Thomas' Hospital, London in the Department of Applied Physiology sponsored by the Department of Anaesthetics and the British Heart Foundation. He is a founder member of Dealey Plaza UK and has published papers in The Assassination Chronicles and The Dealey Plaza Echo. He last presented at JFK Lancer in 1998 and is the author of three chapters in "JFK Echoes from Elm Street".

Read one of his articles here.

[Image: Litman.jpg]Brian Litman
Tourist Non Grata: The Soviet Experience of Oswald
(and Who the KGB Chairman Really Thought Did It)
Specialist Brian Litman was invited to the Soviet Union to assist major Soviet media firms in their "perestroika" towards commercial self-support in November 1990. Litman's cross-media pedigree included CBS, Hearst/ABC/NBC Networks, Time, Inc. and Disney. By 1991, Litman had "penetrated" the power elite of Soviet media - Pravda, Soviet Central TV and Moskovski Novosti. In 1992, Litman made a bold overture to the KGB that he develop books, television and lecture series based on the archives and principals of the Cold War to benefit the Veterans.

Within a month of meeting five KGB Generals at "Moscow Centre", Litman executed an unprecedented agreement to represent 500 KGB veterans. Given that it was one year before the 30th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, Litman asked to meet the KGB officers of the Soviet Embassy who dealt with Lee Harvey Oswald during the latter's mysterious Mexico City trip in September 1963. They included the enigmatic Valery Kostikov Oswald's "Comrade Kostin" per the "Warren Report". Semichastny told Litman privately who KGB identified as Kennedy's assassin to Soviet Premier Khrushchev. For 20 years, Litman never disclosed the contents of these meetings nor other extraordinary details of the Soviet experience of Oswald. Given the event's 50th Anniversary, Litman has decided to "finally exorcise myself of these demons and let the research community do what it may". Litman is the Principal of General Alchemy investments and CEO of digital audio firm PlayMedia. He is writing a memoir entitled "The Spies Who Loved Me (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the KGB)".

[Image: Mantik.jpg]David W. Mantik
JFK Medical Studies
Mantik earned a PhD in physics (1967), did a postdoctoral fellowship in biophysics at Stanford, and then joined the physics faculty at Michigan. He graduated from the UM Medical School (1976). After medical school, he continued his post-graduate education at USC. After board certification he joined the medical faculty at Loma Linda and supervised the residency training program. In 1983 he moved to Eisenhower Medical Center, where he served for 15 years, eventually as medical director of radiation oncology (at the original Peter Lake Center). For the next 8 years he returned to Loma Linda, often using the proton beam for cancers of the head and neck and the prostate. After the second Peter Lake Center opened (2005), he was delighted to resume practicing in the desert, where he has lived since 1983.

During nine visits to the National Archives, he has viewed (and performed many measurements on) the JFK autopsy X-rays, the autopsy photographs, JFK's clothing and the ballistic evidence. This data has been published in four books.

[Image: Mellen.jpg]Joan Mellen
On The Nature of Evidence In The Kennedy Assassination
Mellen's book, The Great Game in Cuba, uses the backdrop of the Cuban Revolution to examine the CIA's inner workings during the fifties and sixties. Detailing the agency's lies and deceits, Mellen paints a vivid behind-the-scenes picture of the CIA in Cuba after the Castro revolution: what it wanted and the lengths it was willing to go to paralyze the opposition to Fidel Castro. The game begins with Robert J. Kleberg, Jr., proprietor of the legendary King Ranch. Kleberg's messianic ambitions bring him to Cuba, where he establishes a satellite ranch managed by his right-hand man, the James Bond-type character Michael J. P. Malone, who secretly reported to both the FBI and to at least five CIA handlers. An array of Cubans share never-before-revealed information regarding the agency's activities in Cuba and its attempts to unseat Castro and install a CIA-friendly figurehead in his place. The mysterious disappearance of Camilo Cienfuegos, a major figure in Castro's government, is told here for the first time. The agency's shady dealings with a major U.S. publication are uncovered.

In 1972, Mellen was awarded a prize by the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper organization in Japan. In 2004, she was awarded one of Temple University's coveted Great Teacher awards for outstanding achievement, in particular in the graduate program in creative writing. Her most recent book is the reissue and update of "A Farewell To Justice" from Skyhorse Publishing.

[Image: Russell.jpg]Dick Russell
Richard Case Nagell
Dick Russell has published several books including The Man Who knew Too Much (Carroll & Graf, 1992). It was hailed by Publisher's Weekly as "a masterpiece of historical reconstruction" focusing on the Kennedy assassination. In 2008, "On the Trail of the JFK Assassins," Russell released a second book examining the conspiracy behind what happened to President Kennedy. For most of the past 20 years, the primary focus of Dick Russell's magazine writing and personal activism has been the environment. He has published two other widely-acclaimed books. Black Genius: And the American Experience(Carroll & Graf, 1998) is a path-breaking study of African-American artists, writers, musicians, educators, and scientists, past and present, including a new chapter about Barack Obama. In earlier "incarnations," Russell was a staff writer in the Hollywood Bureau of TV Guide Magazine (1977-79), and a staff reporter for Sports Illustrated (1969-70) in New York. His freelance articles have appeared in numerous publications, from Family Health to theVillage Voice. He has been a guest on many national TV and radio programs, including the Joan Rivers Show and NBC Nightly News, and has been a guest lecturer at universities including Harvard and the University of California, at the National Arts Club, and elsewhere.

[Image: Shaw.jpg]Mark Shaw
Connecting Jack Ruby and Melvin Belli to Joseph Kennedy:
A Fresh Perspective of the JFK Assassination
Mark Shaw, former network TV personality and legal analyst for USA Today, ESPN and other networks, authored more than 20 books. His latest, The Poison Patriarch: How the Betrayals of Joseph P. Kennedy Caused the Assassination of JFK, is to be released later this year. The only authorized biographer of Jack Ruby's attorney Melvin Belli, Shaw's books include biographies of Jonathan Pollard, Thomas Merton, Mike Tyson and former Hitler Youth Leader Ursula Martens. The Poison Patriarch (available for preorder) connects those who caused the JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald assassinations to occur, as well identifies those who participated in the cover-up. The explanation for how and why they were assassinated is revealed by focusing on the actions of Melvin Belli, Jack Ruby's attorney. The book presents more than 40 eyewitnesses to history never before presented in any investigation or publication, as well as multiple previously ignored FBI files. Based on seven years of research, Shaw, the only authorized biographer of Melvin Belli (Melvin Belli: King of the Courtroom, 2007) focuses on Belli's actions during the few years prior to the assassinations. He also answers questions regarding how Belli became Ruby's attorney and why Belli utilized the illogical psychomotor epilepsy insanity defense at trial dooming Oswald's assassin to a death sentence.

[Image: Speer.jpg]Patrick Speer
The JFK Back Wound: Anatomy of a Lie
In 2003, Patrick Speer began studying the assassination of President John F. Kennedy full-time. He continues studying and writing about the case, part-time. In 2004, and then again in 2005, Speer presented his findings on the medical evidence at the November in Dallas Conference. In 2007, The Mysterious Death of Number 35, a 4-part video series written by and featuring Speer, debuted on Youtube. In part 1 of this series, Speer demonstrated that Dr. Michael Baden, the spokesman for the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel (the last government panel to study the Kennedy assassination medical evidence), was confused by the evidence and testified with a key autopsy photo upside down. It is Speer's contention that Baden was confused because the medical evidence, as interpreted by his panel, made little sense, and was at odds with articles and textbooks written by the very members of his panel. On his website,, Speer discusses a number of aspects beyond the medical evidence. Among the topics of discussion are the eyewitness evidence, the paraffin cast of Oswald's cheek, and the paper bag purportedly used by Oswald to transport his rifle into the building. Speer made an appearance at the 2009 COPA Conference in Dallas, and was the recipient of the JFK Lancer--Mary Ferrell New Frontier Award in 2012.

[Image: Tarby.jpg]Russ Tarby
Tammi True Remembers Jack Ruby
An award-winning newspaperman from Upstate New York, Russ Tarby began researching Jack Ruby after conducting a 1996 interview with Peter Dale Scott titled "Sex, Drugs and JFK: Tracing underworld connections to the 1963 assassination." Now a columnist for Eagle Newspapers in Syracuse, N.Y., Tarby's articles have been published over the years by the Dallas Observer, Buffalo Beat, Albany Metroland, the Ithaca Times and The Post-Standard in Syracuse. Several of his essays on the JFK murder appeared on John Kelin's Fair Play website.

Tarby has interviewed several Ruby associates, including:Tony Zoppi, Jewel Brown, Ronnie Dugger, Madeleine Duncan Brown, and more recently Nancy "Tammi True" Myers.

Tarby will be interviewing former Carousel Club dancer Tammi True, now known as Nancy Myers, about her work as a dancer at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club from 1961-1963.Tammi shares her observations about Jack's character and personality and her opinion about his murder of Lee Oswald. Presentation will include photographs of Tammi with Jack, other Carousel entertainers, Tammi onstage in the 1960s and a video clip from her new film, True Tales.

[Image: Thompson2.jpg]Josiah Thompson
The End of All Our Exploring
Josiah "Tink" Thompson received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1964. For the next twelve years he taught philosophy at Yale and Haverford College. In 1976, he resigned his full professorship at Haverford and took up work as a private investigator in San Francisco. In 1979, he opened his own agency specializing in criminal defense. In a 35-year career, Thompson has investigated numerous high-profile murder cases, including work for the Symbionese Liberation Army defendants in a bank robbery/murder in Carmichael, California and for Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing. He has written two books on the Danish thinker, Soren Kierkegaard, and a memoir of his jump from professor to detective, Gumshoe (1988). Thompson is best known for his enormously influential 1967 book Six Seconds in Dallas: A Micro-Study of the Kennedy Assassination. Thompson's book is a classic reference work and was used by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Out of print and much coveted by researchers and collectors, Six Seconds in Dallas offered plausible alternatives to the Warren Commission scenario for early researchers. A blueprint for a comprehensive investigation and scientific analysis of a murder, it focuses on the six seconds between the first and last shots that murdered President Kennedy.

Special Guests

Bob Cochran
Banquet and Dealey Plaza Invocations
Cochran is based in Washington State and has been an avid JFK enthusiast all of his life. An unusual turn of events put Bob in New Orleans, Louisiana during the JFK assassination and witnessed firsthand the hate for JFK prevalent in that City. Bob also lived in New Orleans in the 1970's where he attended Warren Eastin Senior High School that was the same school Lee Harvey Oswald attended. He is now a collector of JFK and conspiracy oriented items, especially first-hand items of JFK, Jack Ruby, and Lee Harvey Oswald.

[Image: McCarthy.jpg]Kathleen (Kerry) McCarthy
John F. Kennedy's Cousin
Kathleen Mary McCarthy, named for mother Marylou's beloved cousin Kathleen (Kick) Kennedy Harrington, is an acknowledged historian of the Kennedy Family lineage. She is the owner and curator of the Loretta Kennedy Connelly Collection. She has been a source for most major published biographies on the Kennedy family. She has appeared in a myriad of documentaries produced and aired both in America and Europe. Her research has been used for over 4 decades by the JFK Presidential Library. She is a published author with articles on Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, and has done research for The New England Genealogical Society.Kerry is a governmental affairs and public relations consultant. For over thirty years she has also been a radio and television host and reporter in Florida.
Kerry has attended and spoken at many JFK Lancer Conferences and joins us again after some years of absence for the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of her cousin John F. Kennedy's death.

[Image: Kevin%20McCarthy.jpg]Kevin M. McCarthy
John F. Kennedy's Cousin
Kevin M. McCarthy is the grandson of George and Loretta Kennedy Connelly, son of Matthew and Marylou Connelly McCarthy, Grand- nephew of Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.He follows in the footsteps of generations of Kennedy men in his choice of public service. A career member of America's National Park Service, for over 27 years he has served the NPS within the Department of the Interior. He has served as a federal law enforcement officer, museum curator, fire fighter, researcher, and historical interpreter.Kevin joins the JFK Lancer Conference for the 1stPresident John F. Kennedy. time this year in remembrance of his cousin

[Image: Douglass.jpg]James Douglass
Author of JFK And The Unspeakable
JFK Lancer is proud to host Author James Douglass for a special Book Signing of his book "JFK And The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters."The signing will be at the Adolphus Hotel on Thursday, Nov 21 from 10:00am 12:00pm at our "November In Dallas" Conference. We will have limited copies of the book for sale to benefit "The Last Hurrah Book Store". You are welcome to bring your personal copy for the signing.
At the height of the Cold War, JFK risked committing the greatest crime in human history: starting a nuclear war. Horrified by the specter of nuclear annihilation, Kennedy gradually turned away from his long-held Cold Warrior beliefs and toward a policy of lasting peace. But to the military and intelligence agencies in the United States, who were committed to winning the Cold War at any cost, Kennedy's change of heart was a direct threat to their power and influence. Once these dark "Unspeakable" forces recognized that Kennedy's interests were in direct opposition to their own, they tagged him as a dangerous traitor, plotted his assassination, and orchestrated the subsequent cover-up. Douglass takes readers into the Oval Office during the tense days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, along on the strange journey of Lee Harvey Oswald and his shadowy handlers, and to the winding road in Dallas where an ambush awaited the President's motorcade. As Douglass convincingly documents, at every step along the way these forces of the Unspeakable were present, moving people like pawns on a chessboard to promote a dangerous and deadly agenda.

[Image: Beverly.jpg]Beverly Oliver
Singer & Entertainer
We are delighted to have Beverly perform at this year's conference. She is a wonderful performer. Beverly is a professional singer, professional ventriloquist, public speaker and lecturer, published author, and former movie actress (Nightmare on Elm Street). Beverly was one of the closest eye witnesses to the assassination of President Kennedy and was dubbed the "Babushka Lady" by Richard Sprague because of the triangular head scarf she was wearing at the time. Beverly was portrayed by actress Lolita Davidovich and was technical advisor on Oliver Stone's movie, "JFK". Beverly worked as a singer at the Colony Club, a nightclub next door to Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. She became close friends with Jack Ruby and is one of the witnesses that puts Ruby and Lee Oswald together before the murder of the President. She is married to Charles Massagee and has two daughters.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Aha, I see Lancer is selling EACH speakers video on DVD for $10 - making an entire conference the matter of a few hundred bucks! [the entire conference is a mere $150 plus shipping!] ****!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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