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A HARVEY and LEE epiphany - stop thinking FORWARD in time, think BACKWARD
I've been asked a number of time how whoever planned this "look-alike" program would know that these two boys would look alike later in life
when it DAWNed on me... (shout out to a new friend)

They didn't.

They[B] choose H&L much later in the equation (around the time they entered the marines - whatever the "plan" was) since they looked alike. H&L would be used for some "operation", and then what they did was to go back to recreate his history with his caretaker providing the images of the younger HARVEY, which are virtually all blurry and/or hard to make out... [/B]
as opposed to trying to find children that looked alike.

The same holds true for Margeurite - History was created to support the present.

There are woefully few photos of HARVEY betweenthe ages of 13 and 17... by 18 they did indeed look alike.. Yet how often would their two images be side-by-side from 1956 thru 1963? Never.

The chronology of the book is what kept me in the linear mindset... and I think it is the opposite of how we have to think about it.

By revisiting my timeline spreadsheet I find that over and over HARVEY's history is very vague yet pops up in conflict to the actual places LEE was starting in NYC.

What we, I need to do is remember that it is the CREATION of this fraudulent history that comprises the evidence..
It could have been created and merged as needed... like the Youth House records not matching the school records... that was HARVEY's past, not LEE.

Fixing the evidence of History to conform to what it needs to be is vastly easier than hoping two children wind up looking the similar...

I am very excited about this... and those here who specialize in understanding the operations of the CIA, ONI and the Cold War may be more willing to take a stand on the subject
when we approach from the present looking BACKWARD...


Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
As I have recently had thoughts similiar to what David Josephs' post says, I have wonder, has he been reading my mail? Although, I am sure he has much more understanding of the scenario than my limits allow, the possibilty of it occurring that way is to me a very likely scenario indeed. It just makes fantastic sense, and resolves a vast amount of questions of "how can that be true" issues. Going backwards eliminates a real life double being needed over a lengthy period of time, as printed records and photographs replace that need. I really think this needs to be very seriously considered.


Don't worry. This will all get cleared up. Things will all get back to normal.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
David, I've had similar thoughts. My thinking is that several likely pairs were made, and ONLY those that 'turned out' well [looking alike / could be reasonably be used to double the other] were used operationally. Intelligence projects have long used doubles - look-alikes, similar named [even if falsely named], doubled identities of various kinds. This was just a step further. Those that didn't cook up well were simply not used and no one was the wiser. I find it unlikely if done once, it was not tried several times. We just don't know about the others [both failures and successes].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
David Josephs Wrote:I've been asked a number of time how whoever planned this "look-alike" program would know that these two boys would look alike later in life
when it DAWNed on me... (shout out to a new friend)

They didn't.

They[B] choose H&L much later in the equation (around the time they entered the marines - whatever the "plan" was) since they looked alike. H&L would be used for some "operation", and then what they did was to go back to recreate his history with his caretaker providing the images of the younger HARVEY, which are virtually all blurry and/or hard to make out... [/B]
as opposed to trying to find children that looked alike.

The same holds true for Margeurite - History was created to support the present.

There are woefully few photos of HARVEY betweenthe ages of 13 and 17... by 18 they did indeed look alike.. Yet how often would their two images be side-by-side from 1956 thru 1963? Never.

The chronology of the book is what kept me in the linear mindset... and I think it is the opposite of how we have to think about it.

By revisiting my timeline spreadsheet I find that over and over HARVEY's history is very vague yet pops up in conflict to the actual places LEE was starting in NYC.

What we, I need to do is remember that it is the CREATION of this fraudulent history that comprises the evidence..
It could have been created and merged as needed... like the Youth House records not matching the school records... that was HARVEY's past, not LEE.

Fixing the evidence of History to conform to what it needs to be is vastly easier than hoping two children wind up looking the similar...

I am very excited about this... and those here who specialize in understanding the operations of the CIA, ONI and the Cold War may be more willing to take a stand on the subject
when we approach from the present looking BACKWARD...


The entire Youth House episode is very powerful. Just this evidence alone should convince anyone that two different LHOs are part of this scenario.
Thanks David. New friend.
And actually I don't think they do look much alike. I mean look at Lee. Tall, stocky, like a damn football player while Harvey is this skinny little guy with a totally different face.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:I've been asked a number of time how whoever planned this "look-alike" program would know that these two boys would look alike later in life
when it DAWNed on me... (shout out to a new friend)

They didn't.

They[B] choose H&L much later in the equation (around the time they entered the marines - whatever the "plan" was) since they looked alike. H&L would be used for some "operation", and then what they did was to go back to recreate his history with his caretaker providing the images of the younger HARVEY, which are virtually all blurry and/or hard to make out... [/B]
as opposed to trying to find children that looked alike.

The same holds true for Margeurite - History was created to support the present.

There are woefully few photos of HARVEY betweenthe ages of 13 and 17... by 18 they did indeed look alike.. Yet how often would their two images be side-by-side from 1956 thru 1963? Never.

The chronology of the book is what kept me in the linear mindset... and I think it is the opposite of how we have to think about it.

By revisiting my timeline spreadsheet I find that over and over HARVEY's history is very vague yet pops up in conflict to the actual places LEE was starting in NYC.

What we, I need to do is remember that it is the CREATION of this fraudulent history that comprises the evidence..
It could have been created and merged as needed... like the Youth House records not matching the school records... that was HARVEY's past, not LEE.

Fixing the evidence of History to conform to what it needs to be is vastly easier than hoping two children wind up looking the similar...

I am very excited about this... and those here who specialize in understanding the operations of the CIA, ONI and the Cold War may be more willing to take a stand on the subject
when we approach from the present looking BACKWARD...


The entire Youth House episode is very powerful. Just this evidence alone should convince anyone that two different LHOs are part of this scenario.
Thanks David. New friend.
And actually I don't think they do look much alike. I mean look at Lee. Tall, stocky, like a damn football player while Harvey is this skinny little guy with a totally different face.


From our vantage point - yes, we see that... but as the train is rolling along - they would have rarely if every been seen side-by-side... so it was not so much of a comparison as the ongoing charade...

Suppose one wanted to look at this in 1965... the evidence was STILL in the WCR, but the idea of it... the time needed to even begin to confirm a suspicion of this type took John years to piece together...

SIX SECONDS had to be done without the actual frames to publish... the overlaying of one image over another to see the movement of his head, etc...

From our vantage point it appears knda goofy... yet while HARVEY was in Russia doing whatever it was he was to do (everything from info on the Minsk factory to solely getting Marina to the US)
imagine the havoc LEE could be causing wherever he was...

Bottom line is that we no longer have to examine why they were chosen at 12... but how the histories were created from two pasts in order to create one person after the fact...
ZR-RIFLE for example, teaches us that ficticious history is one of the cornerstones of intelligence work... and once something works for the CIA, they would repeat ad nauseum.


This appears to be LEE's 6th grade class photo done in late 1951...

Mr. JENNER - When next did you see your mother or Lee or Robert?
Mr. PIC - August 1952, sir.

Mr. JENNER - I hand you John Pic Exhibits Nos. 57 and 58. I don't know which depicts this young man at the younger age. Take the younger one.
Mr. PIC - Exhibit No. 57, sir, I believe was taken either in late 1951 or early 1952, and it shows a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald approximately how he looked when he came to New York to stay with my wife and I in August of 1952
http://www.aarclibra...Vol21_0073b.htm (the photo is a very small piece of the exhibit)


Mr. OSWALD. This was July or August of 1953. I had my orders to go to Miami, Fla. I took a 10-day leave and left Millington, Tenn., by car and came to New York City and spent 10 days in New York with Lee, mother, John, and his family.
Mr. JENNER. Referring to the 10-day leave in New York City, did you spend time with your brother Lee?
Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir

(Jenner) Do you remember any of the places at which you took snapshots of Lee during this 10-day leave?
Mr. OSWALD. The Bronx Zoo I believe was about the only time I can recall taking any pictures of him

These are not the same boy...


Attached Files
.jpg   BronxZooHARVEYandLEEin6thgrade-close-up_zpse9ba2b46.jpg (Size: 188.14 KB / Downloads: 42)
.jpg   LEEOswald1952perJohnPic_zps56b0a0ad.jpg (Size: 112.24 KB / Downloads: 41)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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